Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-09-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1319: A Whirlwind of Colour and Culture 🩰🇮🇹

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, back from another magical trip around Italy, and this time it was Milan – the city that stole my heart with its beautiful architecture, bustling streets, and of course, a hint of fabulousness! It’s been quite the journey, so let’s jump straight into it.

This week I’m all about bringing you some Milanese magic. From ballet in the stunning Teatro alla Scala, to tram rides along the cobblestone streets, I’m about to share my whirlwind adventure with you! Oh, and don’t forget to peek at all my gorgeous new outfits! 🛍️ Who could resist Milanese fashion, honestly?

Travel like a Ballerina

Landing in Milan was like stepping onto a film set - all glamour and elegance! But first things first, where was my nearest tutus? The shops were amazing! Every boutique was full of exquisite fabrics, daring cuts, and fabulous embellishments – heaven for a ballerina!

Now, you all know I'm a massive fan of trains, especially in Italy. The whole journey was an absolute dream, the scenic countryside whizzing past as I tucked into my usual travel fare - a panini, some strawberries, and of course, a little something pink to accessorise. This week was all about my trusty pale pink cardigan and my new feather boa from a little antique shop I stumbled upon!

Teatro alla Scala: Where the Magic Happens

Okay, so imagine this – you're standing on a magnificent, marble stage, the air electric with anticipation. The lights go down, the music swells, and the curtain rises… This is my life. As a dancer, my life revolves around moments like this. And here in Milan, I had the privilege of dancing in the Teatro alla Scala – the most famous opera house in the whole of Italy!

Now, if you’ve never been, just imagine a stunning historical theatre with intricate detailing, breathtaking chandeliers, and the acoustics – divine! My fellow dancers and I were mesmerised as we performed to an absolutely enchanted audience. It was truly special, a moment that will stay with me forever.

Milanese Ballet Style

Speaking of Milan, let's talk about the style, shall we? Now, the Milanese love fashion, that much is clear. Every day on the streets, there's a new fashion statement waiting to be unveiled. And when it comes to ballet, you’d be amazed by the style on show!

In Milan, a lot of the ballet dancers embraced a much bolder approach – a sort of urban, fashion-forward style, but with a subtle ballerina vibe. think sharp tailoring, bold colours, a touch of glamour, and oh yes – plenty of tutus! I love seeing my fellow dancers embrace their personal style!

Discovering Milan's Hidden Gems

One of the most fun parts of my trip was exploring Milan’s little corners and alleyways. It was amazing! I just followed my intuition and got lost in the vibrant atmosphere – and found some real hidden gems! There's nothing quite like the thrill of discovery.

And then there are the trams. Now, I adore trams, particularly those in Italy. It was the perfect way to get a feel for the city, and to get a close-up look at some truly stunning architecture. It reminded me of my own beautiful city of Derby, but just with a hint more extravaganza, wouldn’t you agree?

Fashion in the City of Fashion

Milan, you say? That’s right. I indulged in some serious shopping during my visit! From designer boutiques, vintage finds, to quirky markets brimming with treasures – Milan is an absolute shopaholic’s paradise!

One thing I loved about Milan is that the fashion here is not only about trends. It's about quality, artistry, and that subtle flair. So naturally, I added some fantastic new pieces to my collection - a striking scarlet top for my dance wardrobe and a shimmering silver skirt to wear for an evening out.

The Sweetest Treat in Milan

Who can resist a little treat when on a city break? You can find some real gems if you know where to look! 🍦 I had to try one of those exquisite Italian gelatos while I was in Milan. Oh, darling, it was truly a taste of heaven. A delicate raspberry flavour with chunks of pistachio…pure decadence!

Of course, I wouldn’t dream of travelling anywhere without a touch of pink, especially in a place like Milan. There was a tiny patisserie near the cathedral, which sold the cutest pink cupcakes – perfect for a quick photo opportunity! It was actually so pink, it felt almost fluorescent!

Life in a Pink Tutu

Milan really did ignite something in me, I must admit. As I twirled through the squares and down the bustling streets, I felt such a sense of happiness. My pink tutu swished and flowed in the wind, and for that moment, I felt like I could conquer the world.

So there you have it! This week's pink tutu blog. From dazzling dance performances to the most breathtaking architecture, Milan truly has stolen my heart. I'm off to find more ballet performances, more hidden gems, and maybe even a pinker outfit, because the adventures aren't stopping! 🩰

Love and sparkle,

Emma xoxo

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Follow me on my Instagram: @EmmaPinkTutu and Twitter @Emma_PinkTutu

P.S. Do you love wearing pink tutus? Share your story with me in the comments! Let's spread the pink tutu magic! 💕

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-09-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia