Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-09-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Week in the City of Fashion - Blog Post #1320

Ciao bella!

It’s me, Emma, your pink tutu-clad ballerina extraordinaire, back from a whirlwind week in Milan, the city of fashion, glamour, and…you guessed it, ballet! I’ve just disembarked from a wonderfully crowded tram (my favourite form of transport - so much people-watching!) after a magical performance of Giselle at La Scala, and I’m positively bursting with stories to tell!

This is my first time in Milan, and I must say, it’s everything I imagined and more! It’s chic, sophisticated, and there’s a buzz in the air like you wouldn't believe. Everywhere you look, there's something captivating, be it a vintage Vespa buzzing past, a stunning Duomo bathed in the golden hour, or a street artist bringing a touch of magic to the city’s brick walls.

Let’s take a step back in time, though. This whole Milan adventure started with a very Derbyshire-themed morning - cuppa in hand, watching the sunrise over the rolling green hills, reflecting on the journey that’s about to unfold. I was particularly excited this time because it wasn't just about ballet, although, let's be honest, ballet is always top of my agenda. It was also a chance to explore Milan’s fashion scene, a world I've been eager to step into since, well, forever!

After a quick pit-stop at the train station (always a whirlwind of commuters and excited tourists) and a perfectly pink panini lunch (pink is, after all, my favourite colour), I was whizzing through the countryside towards the iconic Milanese skyline. It's hard not to get swept up in the atmosphere, especially when you see the Duomo in all its magnificent glory as you approach.

Shopping Paradise: Finding the Perfect Pink Tutu in Milan

As soon as I stepped off the train, my inner shopaholic took over. My eyes were immediately drawn to the charming boutiques and the dazzling window displays. And trust me, when I say dazzling, I mean dazzling! There were racks and racks of shoes and handbags, outfits galore, all the colours of the rainbow… and of course, my eye was caught by a particularly glamorous pink handbag with an elegant ballet shoe charm. My inner child shrieked with delight - that was going straight on my shopping list!

While Milan might be renowned for its high-fashion labels, it’s also a haven for quirky, independent shops that just make my heart sing. One particular little treasure trove I discovered, nestled between a stylish café and a charming bookstore, was a haven of vintage clothing. There I found a little vintage tutu, the most beautiful shade of rose pink with delicate pearl detailing - absolutely perfect for adding a dash of old-school glamour to my wardrobe.

The shops, though, weren’t the only things I fell in love with. The vibrant energy of Milan seeped into my soul. Walking along the cobblestone streets, my heart thumped to the rhythm of the city's beat. From the sound of street performers' melodies to the friendly banter between locals at bustling cafés, I couldn't get enough of the energy that pulsed through the city.

Ballet and Beauty: A Dance in La Scala

The real highlight of my week, though, was undoubtedly the performance at La Scala. Imagine this: velvet seats, intricate carvings, chandeliers sparkling with a thousand lights, and a stage that seems to reach right into the heart of your soul. There is nothing quite like a night at the opera - the thrill, the artistry, the energy of it all... it simply cannot be replicated! The ballet itself, Giselle, was utterly breathtaking. The dancers, with their effortless grace and poignant expressions, captivated my attention from start to finish.

Watching Giselle brought back fond memories of my first ever ballet class, which started way back when I was five. Remember when I started wearing a pink tutu every day because it made me feel so magical? I’m glad those magical feelings never left, and I’m especially happy to inspire others to wear them!

Oh, and speaking of wearing tutus! There was something even more magical than the performance itself. As I was leaving La Scala, there it was, the perfect moment! A family with a young daughter walking towards me and I caught a glimpse of - wait for it - a tiny pink tutu. Oh, my! She was about my age when I started dancing, and something told me this was meant to be! So I took a deep breath, said "Hello!" with a smile as bright as the city lights and added: "You look gorgeous in your pink tutu!” And she was just about to say something to her dad and look at me… then her dad jumped in, saying “Thank you so much! She's a budding ballerina just like you! We came especially for Giselle and La Scala.” That really made my day, especially since she actually said to her dad “That’s my new favorite color too!” And I felt a little bit like my dream of getting everyone to wear pink tutus was one tiny step closer to coming true.

Milan, Fashion, and the Pink Tutu Dream

But enough about tutus for now. The fashion, darling, the fashion! Milan truly is the hub for style. From the catwalks to the streets, there was so much to admire. Every street corner was like a catwalk, with beautifully dressed people strutting their stuff - men with immaculate suits and women in flowing fabrics and elegant silhouettes. I even saw one woman with a full pink tutu, wearing it casually with her chic street style look - talk about inspiring!

The energy of Milan made me realise how deeply fashion is linked to creativity, and it sparked new inspiration in me - new ways to combine my ballet outfits with everyday fashion. Imagine pairing a vintage ballet leotard with a trendy leather jacket or adding a chic headband to my pink tutu! I'm just bubbling with ideas, my fellow fashion enthusiasts! I'm eager to experiment and try new things - it's all about being brave and expressing yourself through fashion, and let’s be honest, sometimes even the craziest ideas can look stunning.

So, what is it about Milan? It is something that draws you in and captivates your senses. It’s the beautiful architecture, the buzzing streets, the charming people, the endless delicious smells from the bakeries and restaurants. But most of all, it’s the undeniable creative spirit that hangs heavy in the air. It’s a spirit that has a touch of elegance, a bit of flair, and it definitely makes you want to dance your way through every moment.

Now, I’m not going to lie. Leaving Milan was tough! I’m a city girl at heart and it takes something special for me to get sentimental about leaving, especially when it’s a place with such energy and magic as Milan. I’ll admit that there were a few teary-eyed moments while gazing out of the train window. But don’t worry! My time in Milan wasn't just about pretty shoes, designer bags and exploring a magnificent city, it was about more than that - It was about gathering new inspiration for my own brand of fashion-forward ballerina life, to share with you. It’s about finding joy and inspiration everywhere, especially when wearing my favourite pink tutu! And that’s a story I'm sure I’ll never tire of telling!

Ciao for now!

Your Pink Tutu Loving Blogger, Emma

P.S. Stay tuned for next week’s blog from Manchester! What happens when a girl with a passion for pink tutus sets foot in Manchester, home of The Northern Ballet? We are about to find out! And if you're in Milan - leave a comment below and let me know what your favorite places in this chic city are! I would love to hear about them!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-09-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia