Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-10-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Blog Post #1325: Wednesday 2020-10-28 - A Whirlwind of Pink in Milano

Ciao, darlings!

It’s Emma here, back from a whirl through the glamorous streets of Milano with a suitcase overflowing with pink and a heart brimming with memories!

I've arrived in Milano feeling as bubbly as a freshly opened bottle of Prosecco, and that's not just because the Italian air is positively intoxicating. It's the pure, unadulterated joy of experiencing this beautiful city, its energy pulsing like the rhythm of a thousand ballerinas twirling through a cobblestone piazza.

And of course, you know what brings the colour to my cheeks? The pink! Everywhere I turn, a kaleidoscope of hues sweeps over my senses: pastel pink parasols shading giggling children in the sun-drenched squares, delicate floral print dresses swirling as fashionable Milanese ladies glide along the cobbled streets, and, of course, the breathtaking architecture, its sandstone hues offering a canvas of the most romantic rose blush.

But this blog wouldn’t be Pink Tutu without a touch of magic, so let’s talk ballet!

Milano is positively teeming with dance venues! I mean, imagine it – historic theatres with magnificent chandeliers that could be plucked straight from a fairy tale, each twinkling like a hundred twinkling tutus. And of course, there’s the Scala - the heart of the opera world. Just picturing it makes my heart leap, a mix of butterflies and the exhilaration of pirouette, all blended with the magic of Milano itself.

And you know, there's a distinct elegance in Milan's ballet scene. The air hums with passion for the art, and you can feel it, tangible and pulsing, in every move, every glide, every flick of a ballerina's wrist.

My trip kicked off with a visit to the magnificent Teatro alla Scala, my heart pounding as I entered this masterpiece of architecture and theatricality. The foyer alone could hold a ball fit for Cinderella, its golden gilded walls and ornate chandeliers like a shimmering fairytale. But for me, the true magic was backstage. I felt a delicious shiver of excitement peeking into the dressing rooms, where ballerinas, cloaked in pink tutus like swans amongst clouds of powdered makeup, prepped for their performances.

It felt like stepping into a painting! I could have watched for hours as they warmed up, the movement fluid and controlled, every step imbued with a captivating passion. They’re masters of their art, weaving magic on stage through the grace of movement.

And speaking of movement, it seems Milano is just as enthusiastic about ballet as I am! Walking down Via della Spiga, I came across a group of street dancers – talented young men and women spinning, leaping, and executing flawlessly choreographed routines to a beat that throbbed in the bustling air. I could have watched for hours! I even tried a few moves myself – it’s certainly a confidence booster when you've got your very own tutu, my darling readers!

After a lunch of delicious pizza and fresh fruit, the perfect combination of Italian charm and healthy fuel for a ballerina's busy day, I headed to the glorious Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a glass and iron structure dripping with architectural brilliance and home to the most opulent designer boutiques imaginable. The temptation to shop was overpowering! I even tried on a few new pink dresses. But in the end, the charm of Milan took over and I couldn't resist adding another magnificent tutu to my collection. This one's a light, fluffy concoction with sparkling silver embellishments - absolutely perfect for a balletic twirl in the Piazza del Duomo!

There’s simply no denying – Milan is a haven for those who love beauty, fashion, and art!

Later that evening, I walked to Teatro Strehler, where I watched a contemporary ballet performance that absolutely blew my mind! It was powerful and thought-provoking – truly a testament to the evolution of the art form, pushing the boundaries while holding onto its classical core.

To be surrounded by such beauty and artistry felt like stepping into a dream – but one where every twirl is real! The dance floor was bathed in an ethereal pink light, creating an atmosphere that was both dreamy and powerful – truly an immersive experience that lingered in the air long after the curtain fell.

Even on my journey through Milano's magical streets, I can't escape the allure of ballet! The other day, I found myself taking a long ride on the tram, lost in contemplation, when I suddenly found myself engrossed in a discussion with a charming Italian gentleman who spoke English quite well. I mentioned my ballet passion, and his face lit up! He told me that he used to take ballet classes as a child, before work took him down a different path. It’s always lovely to discover hidden ballerinas!

We even swapped ballet stories. He told me about his first dance competition, a time when he almost gave up, until a fellow ballerina inspired him to keep going. We laughed together and talked about the thrill of performing in front of an audience, and he confessed he’d never really stopped dreaming of getting back onto the stage, his eyes twinkling with that same childlike joy I see in my fellow dancers.

That’s the beauty of ballet – it doesn't discriminate. It embraces all, welcoming every body, every heart, and every story. And in Milano, with its beautiful streets, magnificent theatres, and the passion for art that runs like a vibrant thread through its culture, I find myself in the perfect place to dance, dream, and share my love for the world’s most magical art form!

Until next time, darlings, stay pink and twirl with passion!

Love, Emma xx

PS I've added a few photos to my Instagram page @pink_tutu, so don’t forget to check those out. I hope they inspire you to wear a pink tutu today – even if it's just to the grocery store!

PPS I almost forgot! For all of you fellow ballet lovers, don’t forget to visit my website to read more about my travels and see where I'm performing next. I’ve got exciting new plans, and you won’t want to miss them!

PSSS While I'm in Milano, I’m working on a special project. I’m planning to launch my own collection of pink tutus later this year, inspired by the magic of Milan! So, if you have any ideas, don't hesitate to reach out to me!

Love you all! Let’s keep dancing!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-10-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia