Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-01-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2021-01-06 - Post 1335 🩰

Ciao bella! 🇮🇹 It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood Pink Tutu Blogger, back from a whirlwind trip to Milan. I'm back in my little Derbyshire flat now, sipping tea and reminiscing over the city of fashion. Can you believe it's already Wednesday?! This week flew by, like a dancer spinning through a pirouette.

And speaking of pirouettes, this week's Milan adventure was a complete fairytale, fuelled by ballet, sunshine (yes, even in January!), and an overload of Italian charm. My bank account might be a little lighter, but my heart is overflowing with happiness – and sequins.

So, buckle up, lovelies, because it's time to dive headfirst into my Milan musings…

From Derbyshire to Dolce & Gabbana

I swear, my little suitcase always feels like it weighs a tonne, especially after a weekend in Milan! Packing is a chore in itself – finding the perfect pink tulle, coordinating outfits (a vital ballet dancer's art form), and fitting everything in amongst my trusty pink ballet shoes. Thankfully, Derbyshire’s rolling hills couldn’t have prepared me for the joy of the Italian tram system. Gliding through the streets, feeling the sunshine on my face, with a perfect view of Milan’s majestic architecture, was truly exhilarating.

I practically danced down the tram aisle – who needs to practice at the barre when you can do pirouettes on public transport, right? Just be warned, folks: Milan's trams are bustling. I narrowly missed a head-on collision with a rather large lady wearing an incredible amount of furs (and thankfully a large pink hat – that always catches my eye!), and an elegantly-dressed gentleman carrying a poodle in a sparkly pink carrier (naturally, it coordinated with his fabulous fur-lined coat).

I quickly discovered that Milan was built for ballet, a beautiful stage setting of cobblestone streets, majestic Duomo spires, and elegant boutiques overflowing with stunning designs. But what really surprised me were the glimpses of ballet I caught along the way. I witnessed a troupe of young ballerinas performing in the square, their movements delicate and graceful against the backdrop of the city. I also found myself unexpectedly captivated by a flash mob of hip-hop dancers bursting into a rhythmic flurry, right outside the Armani flagship store!

My "Little" Italian Dream

Of course, any visit to Milan requires an opulent pilgrimage to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II – and it definitely didn't disappoint. I was surrounded by high fashion, opulence, and even higher-priced cocktails. After a spot of shopping in the stunning Prada boutique, and gazing in wonder at a spectacular silver ballgown shimmering in the shop window of Versace, it was time to satisfy my artistic appetite.

This week, the stage was set at La Scala. Let's just say, I fell head over heels for Swan Lake, my all-time favourite ballet. I swear, you could hear a pin drop (and a sequin drop from my dress!) during the quieter scenes. The performance was a sublime journey of delicate dance, the dancers seemingly weightless, and a magnificent display of emotions on the stage. My tears, which always come out during the finale, mixed freely with the sparkly tulle of my pink tutu!

My weekend wouldn't have been complete without experiencing the buzzing atmosphere of the Navigli district, with its canal-side restaurants and art galleries. It was magical - all lanterns and laughter under the Italian stars, surrounded by friendly faces, and of course, enjoying a decadent selection of delectable pasta dishes! (I can't wait to find the recipe for that tiramisu!).

Spread the Love: Wear Pink (Tutu)!

After a truly magical weekend, I returned home brimming with inspiration. Seeing those incredible dancers on the La Scala stage reminds me why I dance, and why I love sharing the joy of ballet with you all. It also sparked an idea - why not try adding some sparkle to your week, just like Milan?

From street performances to elegant boutiques, Milan oozes art and flair. If Milan can inspire me to add a dash of pink tulle to my daily life (pink shoes anyone? Yes please!), it can surely inspire you! I want to challenge you, dear reader, to bring some Pink Tutu joy to your own lives. It’s simple – try adding some colour and happiness to your day!

Maybe a dash of pink in your wardrobe? Pink nail polish, a pink scarf, even a pink flower behind your ear can create a whole new sense of magic. And let's not forget about the main attraction – a pink tutu! Just the act of slipping it on makes you feel instantly confident, happy and ready to spin!

*Share your pink moments with me! *

Join me on Instagram @PinkTutuBlogger. Share your pink-themed adventures using #PinkTutuMilan so I can celebrate your creativity and fun.

That's all from me for this week! See you back here next Monday for another dose of Pink Tutu fun. Until then, go out there, dance a little, and remember: the world is your stage! 💖

Ciao bella!


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-01-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia