Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-04-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Whirlwind of Pink & Poise – Post 1348!

Buongiorno from Milan, darling! Emma here, and as you know, every Monday you can find me twirling my way through this captivating city – Pink Tutu Milan, the blog that puts the "f" in "fashion" and the "p" in "princess" – right here, on!

It's the 7th of April, and today I woke to a Milanese sunrise that felt as pink as my favourite tutu – the one with the sparkling sequins. The air was crisp and filled with the sweet scent of magnolia in bloom – just the kind of delicate perfume to put a spring in my step (and an extra bounce in my arabesque!)

Now, this week is jam-packed with prima ballerinas, breathtaking boutiques, and the most fantastical fashion shows. As a pro tutu-wearing travel blogger, you just know I'll be gracing all of these events – and of course, my darling followers will be getting the pink first peek at the fun!

Trams, tutus and all that jazz...

Before we get swept away by Milan’s beauty, let’s take a quick look at how I got here! From my sweet home in Derbyshire, it’s a whirlwind journey to reach the glamorous heart of Milan. First, I board the trusty train, my trusty pink travel tote (you'll see it in every single blog!) in hand, ready to carry all my ballet essentials - of course! A tutu just isn’t complete without the perfect poised handbag. 😉

And once I'm here in Milan? Of course I embrace the tram life! These beauties are vintage chic and so very Italian – like a slow-motion ballet of elegant transport. (Don’t get me wrong – I’ve tried every method, even the Metro… but the tram is *just the right pace for this tutu-loving adventurer!).

And you know what, darling? Milan isn't just a city, it's a stage for my personal tutu-centric ballet. A twirling waltz through the bustling markets? Check! A pirouette at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele? Oh yes, that’s in the bag! A grande jeté in front of the Duomo? It's practically a ballet obligation, dear readers. You wouldn’t expect anything less, would you? 😉

The La Scala - the Grand Theatre

The La Scala is iconic, an essential for any ballerina with a passion for ballet and beauty. You must go – I dare you to be unmoved!

There are stories galore about this grand theatre: the opera singers who soared above, the dancers whose bodies moved like liquid gold. Even its name whispers magic: “La Scala”. How poetic, don’t you think? And did you know the history dates back to the 18th century? That’s older than some tutus in my wardrobe! 😳

I’ll be honest – just stepping into this building makes me want to twirl! The décor? Divine! Think velvet drapes the colour of ruby and gilded balconies so elegant you could cry. The acoustics are exquisite, making the orchestra’s sounds echo beautifully like the waves of the Adriatic. A symphony for the soul… sighs dreamily.

You’ll find me there, soaking it all in with a big, pink smile on my face, hoping for a magical glimpse of Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake”. Fingers crossed it will be breathtakingly beautiful – I can just imagine the swans! 🦢 🦢 🦢

Shopping in Milan!

Shopping for tutus? In Milan? Oh, it's unbelievable. This city doesn't simply "shop," my darling, it lives and breathes fashion. Boutiques overflow with tutus almost as beautiful as my own! It's truly overwhelming!

And then there are the shoes! I could spend a year (well, maybe just one season, lol!) trying on every stunning stiletto heel, the exquisite ankle boots, and all the delicate ballet flats that make your heart skip a beat. It's pure ballet-loving paradise, my friends!

And don’t even get me started on accessories! Milan is home to some of the most stylish purses and handbags I've ever seen! A good purse adds a touch of je ne sais quoi to every ballerina's look. Just think about it: your perfect ballet shoe with an emerald-green silk tote bag! Magnifique!

And, of course, no tutu enthusiast can ignore the exquisite vintage treasures. Every alley and street corner whispers a vintage fantasy. From timeless silk scarves to hats that will have your heart singing, there's something magical for everyone.

It’s more than fashion...

Milan, you might think, is all about the glamour and the bling. It's true! This city does bling like no other – like a glamorous pink glitter storm. But beyond that sparkle, Milan is a haven for art, music, and dance, my dears.

Walking through the Navigli canals is like stepping back in time – a Venetian dreamscape come to life, complete with charming cafes that will tempt you with espresso so rich you could drown in its deliciousness.

There's always something happening in Milan: ballet street performers whose moves will leave you spellbound. And let’s not forget the theatres – there's a ballet performance just around the corner! And if it's opera that sets your soul on fire? Ciao bella, Milan’s got you covered!

It’s like being part of a story – a fairy tale – the story of beauty, of love, of laughter… And that story begins with a pink tutu.

And you know what? That story is for everyone! There's a tutu waiting for you out there - in Milan, or maybe even just around the corner from you, my dears!

And for every girl who wants to twirl with confidence and grace – with just a sprinkle of pink fairy dust on her cheeks – you know this Pink Tutu Queen is cheering for you.

This week, remember to twirl, darling! Twirl your way into pink perfection, and most importantly: remember… it's a ballet!

See you next week! Don't forget to check back on for another installment of Pink Tutu Milan, because my friends – this adventure's just beginning.

Adieu for now,

Your dearest Emma ❤️

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-04-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia