Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-10-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1376 - 20th October 2021: A Whirlwind of Pink in Milan!

Ciao bellas!

Emma here, reporting live from the fashion capital of the world – Milan, Italy! It’s a city that buzzes with energy, colour, and style, a perfect setting for a pink tutu-loving gal like me.

This week has been a whirlwind of ballet, shopping, and trams, so grab your favourite pink beverage, settle in, and let’s get into it!

A Glimpse of the Milan Ballet

As a fellow ballerina, it's an absolute joy to witness the amazing ballet scene here. On Wednesday evening, I found myself completely captivated at the Teatro alla Scala, a legendary theatre steeped in history. This week’s programme featured Giselle, a masterpiece of romantic ballet, showcasing both ethereal beauty and passionate storytelling.

Watching those graceful ballerinas flit across the stage in their stunning tutus - just made my heart soar! The incredible talent on display at Teatro alla Scala is truly inspiring. I’m so fortunate to have seen such a powerful piece of art, leaving me spellbound with every delicate plié and graceful arabesque.

Exploring Milan's Fashion Fairs

But of course, no trip to Milan is complete without indulging in a little fashion frenzy! This week, the Milan Fashion Week was in full swing, and I felt the excitement in the air as I strolled through the streets, admiring the exquisite window displays and the vibrant street style. The fashion houses were showcasing their latest collections, a true feast for the eyes. From haute couture to street wear, the streets of Milan truly exemplify the ever-evolving world of fashion. And, oh boy, was there so much pink to be seen!

This being said, I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was absolutely enchanted by Piazza della Scala, a true fashion haven, with high-street stores rubbing shoulders with exclusive boutiques.

And I may have, just possibly, gone a little overboard in the shopping department - there's a certain pink cashmere sweater I simply couldn't resist!

The Tram’s the Limit!

A trip to Milan wouldn’t be complete without experiencing the charm of its iconic trams! This week I spent countless hours exploring the city aboard the electric green tram system. For those who don't know - it is simply fantastic - efficient, well-maintained and always on time - just what the ballerina needs! And the best part? They have the coolest retro feel, a blend of old-world elegance and modern efficiency.

Honestly, who needs taxis when you can enjoy the city views while on board one of Milan’s lovely old trams? My new favourite pastime has to be looking for the most interesting patterns and details in every corner of this truly spectacular city!

Foodie Heaven in Milan

Of course, the Italian culinary experience is a big part of my adventures. Whether it’s a light lunch in a sunny trattoria or a candlelit dinner savouring fresh pasta with a local vino, the food here is truly divine.

This week I sampled some delightful pizza, gelato (which, naturally, included a delicious pink strawberry flavour!), and a generous helping of pasta carbonara - yum!

Catching Up with Old Friends and New Discoveries

One of the joys of traveling is meeting interesting people, both old friends and new acquaintances. This week I had a delightful reunion with an old ballet friend from Derbyshire, who is also working as a dancer in Milan. We shared our latest ballet news and caught up on all the goings-on back home - it was like we were right back in our childhood ballet days, which was so special.

On top of this, I stumbled upon a truly magical little café just off Via Montenapoleone. Its hidden location gave me a little secret "Pink Tutu" sanctuary away from the crowds. The cafe owner, a lovely woman called Giulia, even let me try out a delicious local treat: Panna Cotta with raspberry coulis. It was incredibly sweet and utterly dreamy, and Giulia, was very happy to chat with me about my "Pink Tutu Project," inspiring her to wear a pink tulle skirt herself - you know, a kind of mini pink tutu! How brilliant is that?

My Inspiration and Plans

You know, my time here in Milan has filled me with new ideas for my "Pink Tutu Project". I’ve been thinking more and more about the power of colour to spread joy and positivity. This trip, with its whirlwind of pink, has given me even more motivation to share my message of wearing pink, being confident and never letting anyone dampen your spirits! And there's so much beauty and grace in Milan's architecture, its fashion, its dance, even its trams – it all inspires me to create something unique and special!

Sharing the Magic

As I wrap up this week’s blog, I want to leave you with some inspirational thoughts from my week here. Embrace every opportunity, spread a little pink joy, and remember, you’re beautiful and brave – just like those ballerinas soaring across the stage. And as always, I love seeing you in your pink tutus. Stay tuned for my next blog next Monday on – we’ll be exploring all things pink, including some exciting new ballet adventures and maybe even a new project – stay tuned! And until next time – keep it fabulous, bellas!

Love, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-10-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia