Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2022-06-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #1411 - A Whirlwind of Fashion and Ballet in the City of Style

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, beaming at you from the glamorous streets of Milan! The cobblestone whispers, the sunshine dapples, and the aroma of espresso hangs in the air. This city is a dream come true, especially for a tutu-wearing fashionista like me!

It's Wednesday, the 22nd of June, 2022, and the calendar is bursting with exciting events. Milan, oh Milan, you're always spoiling us! I just knew this trip had to be documented on my blog - what's a pink tutu girl without a blog, eh? Let's get swirling, shall we?

A Parisian Chic Twist on Tutu Fashion

This week, my Parisian inspiration is in full force. Forget those basic black outfits, ladies - Milan is calling for colour! And who am I to resist? My favourite pink tulle tutu twirls with joy, perfectly complementing a sleek, ivory-coloured top. The perfect juxtaposition of whimsical romance and Parisian chic, wouldn't you say?

Speaking of Paris, I did stumble upon the most amazing vintage shop tucked away on a narrow side street. Imagine my delight - a dusty, treasure-filled wonderland, crammed with vintage tutus and even a few ballet shoes that had clearly witnessed countless performances! It was love at first sight. I snagged a pair of delicate silk ballet slippers, with a patina of history that I can practically hear whispering stories of graceful leaps and twirls. Can't wait to share those beauties with you soon!

Trams, Trains and the Theatre of Life

Ah, Milan's public transport system - a beautiful, efficient beast of a thing. From the charming vintage trams with their tinkling bells to the sleek, modern trains that whizz through the city, I'm completely enamoured! Even getting to and from the theatre is an adventure! This city has it all: a rich history, vibrant culture, and a pinch of Parisian elegance thrown in for good measure.

La Scala and a Night of Enchantment

This evening, I'm absolutely thrilled to be witnessing the magic of La Scala, the world-famous opera house. Can you imagine the sheer drama? The soaring music? The exquisitely choreographed ballet? It's a night of dreams and, of course, I'm sporting my pinkest tulle tutu, because, well, why not? You know I believe in spreading the tutu joy wherever I go!

To my absolute delight, the performance is featuring a classical piece based on Romeo and Juliet. I absolutely adore Shakespeare and anything even vaguely romantic! The music is exquisite, the dancing is breathtaking, and I find myself utterly entranced, swept away into a world of passionate emotions, beautifully rendered through movement and melody. The drama, the elegance, the raw emotion... a perfect embodiment of La Scala's grandeur and beauty.

The performance reminds me why I started my pink tutu journey. To share my love of all things ballet and dance, to inspire others to embrace the power and magic of dance, and to encourage everyone to be bold, colourful, and unabashedly joyful, no matter what. I might be a pink tutu-clad ballerina from Derbyshire, England, but here, in Milan, my dreams are dancing with the very heart of Italian passion and elegance.

Food, Fashion and Finding Inspiration

Of course, a trip to Milan wouldn't be complete without some shopping and a taste of the delicious local cuisine. There's something undeniably fabulous about exploring a new city's fashion scene - the Italian aesthetic, with its emphasis on clean lines, timeless classics and elegant silhouettes, always inspires me!

This week, I've fallen in love with the Milanese street style. It's bold yet understated, feminine and edgy, and most importantly, confident. That, right there, is my secret to styling a pink tutu in any city - wear it with confidence, and it'll take on the spirit of its surroundings!

For my gourmand adventures, it's all about the classic Milanese dishes! The delicious "risotto alla Milanese" is truly a taste of heaven. Imagine, saffron-infused risotto, cooked to creamy perfection, and paired with a glass of local vino rosso! You can practically taste the sun-kissed Italian countryside in each bite. I've also sampled a variety of other local delicacies - panna cotta with berries, creamy tiramisu, and the most melt-in-your-mouth panzerotti. Delicious!

And of course, there's a bit of shopping therapy to be enjoyed in Milan. I have discovered the most amazing vintage shop tucked away in the cobbled lanes of the Brera district - an absolute haven for fashion lovers like myself! I just had to indulge in a few items - a delicate, silk scarf, a vintage Parisian blouse with intricate embroidery, and a charming, powder blue straw hat. A little bit of Milan magic to take home with me, I suppose!

Back to Derbyshire, but With a Parisian Twist

Milan, you have enchanted me. From your captivating culture and vibrant streets to your delectable cuisine and unforgettable fashion, you've woven your magic around my heart. The journey continues next week - back to my lovely Derbyshire home. But let me assure you, my pink tutu and I will return to you, Milan! This isn't a farewell, but a 'see you soon!'

But for now, I bid you adieu, with a twirl of my pink tutu and a smile as bright as the Italian sunshine. Don't forget, my dearest readers - wear your tutu with pride, embrace the world with joy, and always, always, keep your heart dancing!

Ciao, darlings! xx

Until next Monday, my lovelies! Visit to continue the pink tutu journey and share your own stories!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2022-06-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia