Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2022-10-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1426: Whirlwind Wednesday in Milan! 🩰🇮🇹

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, back from another exhilarating adventure in Milan. This week, I'm practically buzzing with excitement – Wednesday brought an explosion of pink-tastic experiences, so grab your tiaras, fluff up your tutus, and get ready for a whirlwind tour!

Fashion Frenzy & Tram Trepidation

First things first, Wednesday morning saw me waking up in a room drenched in sunshine. That’s what happens when you book a room with a view in Milan – nothing beats a morning awakening with the vibrant, bustling cityscape as your backdrop. After a quick ballet barre session (gotta keep those legs toned!), it was time for the absolute highlight of my day: a trip to one of Milan's most exclusive fashion houses!

Don't worry, I'll be discreet about the name, darling. I'm no gossip monger, but trust me, this boutique is a haven for the most fabulous and unique pieces, each designed to make you feel like the absolute queen of your own pink-tinted universe. It’s where I finally found the perfect pale pink feather boa to complement my blush satin tutu.

Before I could get too swept up in the fashion whirlwind, a sudden burst of alarm went off – my tram was approaching, and there was a whole world of sartorial splendor to conquer! Navigating the trams in Milan is a whole experience, and honestly, my dear, it’s something I can't get enough of. This vibrant, fast-paced city is constantly buzzing with activity, and there's no better way to feel like you're part of the heart of it than by riding the tram. Every morning, the streets seem to shimmer, just begging for a pair of stylish ballet shoes to dance along them!

Ballet Bound

Wednesday wouldn't be complete without a healthy dose of ballet. I absolutely love seeing performances and immersing myself in the magical stories they tell, but nothing quite compares to the thrill of taking class! Today, I found myself in a small but charming studio tucked away in one of Milan's bustling backstreets. The instructor was a charismatic gentleman with eyes that twinkled with joy, and I instantly felt welcomed. He even offered a helpful critique after class, pointing out my elegant but maybe a touch overzealous pirouettes. It's important to know what you do well, darling, and equally important to have someone guide you where you could be even more dazzling.

Pink Power & Afternoon Indulgence

Speaking of dazzling, I just had to visit the Pink Power Shop! It's tucked away in one of the most quaint and beautiful cobblestone alleyways – imagine stepping out of a fairy tale and stumbling upon a world brimming with pink. I was simply delighted! I may have brought home a whole new wardrobe of pink ballet shoes – what can I say, they caught my eye! The rest of the afternoon was spent indulging in one of my favourite pastimes - indulging in a luxurious afternoon tea. There was nothing quite as delightful as delicate scones and fresh strawberry jam while I planned my next Milan escapade.

Nighttime Shenanigans and Starstruck Surprise

Of course, Wednesday wouldn't be complete without a little bit of nighttime fun! I grabbed a table at the coolest café I could find, complete with views over a magical square bathed in twilight. The magic didn't end there, as fate decided to throw a delightful surprise my way.

Just imagine – I was seated, enjoying a slice of decadent chocolate cake (you’ve got to try it when you’re here in Milan, it's practically a religion!), when a familiar face passed by. I didn't quite believe it at first, my darling. My heart jumped a mile and I nearly dropped my cake, but it was absolutely him: a world-famous ballerina who inspires millions!

His name shall remain a secret, as I don’t believe in sharing private moments with the world, but it was truly a night to remember! The star of the show sat at a table close by, and I could almost believe that this city had truly turned into a dazzling dreamscape, a canvas upon which all my favourite things - ballet, fashion, and even a hint of Parisian cafe romance - intertwined into an enchanting moment of bliss!

And that, my dear readers, is a wrap on Wednesday!

Milan Diary: Wednesday, 5th October 2022

This is just a quick glimpse into my adventures in Milan. If you’re planning a trip, be sure to stay tuned – I'm adding more details, tips, and maybe even some special discounts for my beloved pink tutu followers!

This week's favourite thing: The vibrant colours of Milan – it's a city that's bursting with life, colour, and endless inspiration.

Top Tip for Tutu Travellers:
Pack light, darling, and remember to layer! Milan weather is as unpredictable as a prima ballerina, so always be prepared to twirl from one style to another.

Final note:

To my readers in Derbyshire: You may think it's a world away, but trust me, a little bit of Milan lives in your hearts. I hope my Milan blog brings a touch of Italian magic to your life. It is after all, my own version of pink-tinted dreamscape - just waiting for all of you to share it.

See you next week for another fabulously pink adventure!

Don't forget to follow me on social media to see even more snaps and behind-the-scenes peeks into my travels! I'd love to see you sharing your pink-tutu adventures as well. Tag me, darlings! I want to hear about it!

Don’t forget to head to next Monday for the next Pink Tutu Milan post!


Emma 💖🩰

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2022-10-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia