Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-04-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Ballerina's Italian Dream - #1454

Ciao, darling tutus! It's Emma here, fresh off the train from the glamorous, sparkling metropolis that is Milan! As always, I've packed my trusty pink tutu for this whirlwind adventure, and my suitcases are bursting with fabulous frock finds - because let's be honest, what trip to Italy is complete without a bit of retail therapy?

This week's #PinkTutuMilan post marks a milestone for me, my dear tutus, it's my 1454th blog entry, can you believe it?! It feels like just yesterday I was a fledgling ballerina from Derbyshire, writing my first ever post about my adventures in a bright pink tutu! Now, thanks to your support and love for pink, my dream of spreading tutus around the world is steadily taking flight.

As always, Milan has swept me off my feet with its fashion, its architecture, and its undeniable passion for art, a passion I share in equal measure with the locals. I arrived at Milano Centrale, the iconic station, in the early afternoon, my tutu shimmering with every movement I made, catching the eye of countless commuters (and causing at least two very pleasant smiles, which always makes my day!) I then hopped on a cute, little tram and rode it to my hotel in the centre of town.

I adore the convenience of public transport - there's just something about zipping past bustling streets on a vintage tram that speaks to my soul! Not to mention, you get the chance to people watch, which always offers endless inspiration for future blog posts, my dear tutus!

A Pink Tutu Soiree in Milan: Dancing with the Stars

Milan was buzzing with a lively cultural atmosphere this week - the perfect setting for a ballerina like myself! This Tuesday, I found myself on the plush, velvet seats of Teatro alla Scala, the city's iconic opera house, eagerly awaiting the night's performance: La Traviata. The story of a young, doomed courtesan, Violetta, resonated deeply with me. It’s the type of powerful storytelling that captivates my artistic heart. And who doesn't love a good, old-fashioned love story with a touch of tragedy?

Here's what stole my heart during this truly unforgettable evening:

  • The stunning soprano: Her voice was so ethereal and powerful, soaring across the auditorium with the utmost elegance, truly showcasing the talent that Italy is so famous for. I nearly shed a tear or two!
  • The flamboyant costumes: The shimmering silk gowns, intricate embellishments, and opulent headwear, all captured the elegance and flamboyance of the Parisian Belle Époque period - the perfect backdrop for this timeless opera.
  • The sheer grandeur of Teatro alla Scala: I could almost hear history whispering as I stood in that hallowed space. Its opulence and beauty was enough to give even the most seasoned ballerina a slight case of the jitters.

After the performance, I lingered in the lobby, a pink tutu amidst the dazzling gowns and evening wear, feeling so proud to be part of the city's thriving art scene. A fellow tutu enthusiast, a dapper Italian gentleman with a silver beard, approached me, complimenting my style and passion. We shared a long chat about ballet, music, and our shared love for Milan. It's always fascinating to connect with people who share your passions!

Ballet Bound: A Day at the Teatro Nuovo

With my heart still aflutter from the opera, I couldn't wait to return to my first love: ballet! So, I spent Wednesday morning taking a class at the renowned Teatro Nuovo, an enchanting dance academy that has nurtured generations of young dancers. It was a blast reliving the steps, mastering my pirouettes, and feeling that familiar burst of joy when I hit that perfect leap.

The best part? Sharing a classroom with talented students, eager to embrace the artistry of ballet, reminded me why I love this dance form so much. Their dedication and passion are truly inspiring. The feeling of being a part of this incredible ballet family never fails to give me goosebumps.

After my workout, I enjoyed a traditional Italian lunch - think fragrant pizza, delicious pasta, and all the cappuccinos my heart could desire! Italy is, without doubt, a gourmand's paradise!

Fashion, Shopping and More Tutu Inspiration!

It's no secret that Milan is synonymous with style. So, I dedicated the rest of the week to scouring the city's most chic boutiques, searching for the perfect wardrobe additions. This year, it's all about elegant lines, pops of colour, and a touch of retro-inspired elegance. And yes, you guessed it - my obsession with pink knows no bounds! I found a breathtakingly soft pastel pink knitted dress that whispered 'Parisian Chic' to me. I could almost feel the air in my favourite Parisian bistro buzzing as I imagine myself wearing it!

But the most important piece I found this week wasn't a dress, but a gorgeous new tutu - a breathtaking creation in the most stunning shade of blush pink you've ever seen! I have to say, I'm absolutely head over heels in love with this new tutu. It's elegant, romantic and perfectly reflects my Milan adventure. This tutu will surely have its own space in my ever-growing tutu collection.

My dear tutus, you'll have to wait until my next post for a sneak peek at this amazing creation, but I can't wait to show you just how this tutu fits perfectly into my ever-growing collection and inspires new looks!

Reflections from the City of Fashion and Dreams

Milan has once again worked its magic, filling my heart with a sense of inspiration, adventure, and endless possibility. I've discovered incredible performances, beautiful shops, and my very own little slice of fashion paradise! My time here is coming to an end, but I'm already daydreaming about my next adventure and where I'll be taking my beloved pink tutus next!

And remember, darling tutus, the only limit to your style is your own imagination! Keep your dreams big, your spirit strong and remember to dance with passion - no matter where you are in the world! Until next week, my loves, stay tutu-fully fabulous!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-04-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia