Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-06-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 1462 - A Week of Whirlwind Wonders in Milan

Buongiorno, my dearest Tutu Tribe!

It’s Wednesday, the day where we all gather, virtually of course, under the pinkest of skies here in Milan, Italy. For those of you new to my Pink Tutu adventures, let me tell you, life in a pink tutu is a whirl of magic, excitement, and endless tulle!

This week’s journey in the magical city of Milan was a real doozy – from hopping on trams (with my tutu, naturally!) to indulging in some exquisite fashion and enjoying the best of Italian ballet, I truly have lived a week to remember. So buckle up your tutus, darling, and join me as I share all the wonders of Milan through a pink, pirouette-powered lens.

Pink Paradise in Piazza del Duomo:

This week started with a visit to Piazza del Duomo, a spot where every fashion-loving heart should pilgrimage. The energy was electric, buzzing with life, and most importantly, it was a hub for the most amazing sartorial treasures. Think cobblestone streets dotted with fashion houses galore, and don’t forget those oh-so-stylish Milanese ladies rocking outfits that wouldn’t be out of place on a runway. I practically swooned at every boutique, imagining a dazzling pink tutu with an avant-garde silhouette, sparkling against the majestic backdrop of the Duomo. My imagination is a wonderful place!

I’m sure you’ve heard about Milan’s Duomo, and let me tell you, seeing it with your own eyes is a sight to behold. This glorious cathedral with its intricate gothic design is truly a spectacle. I felt a strong connection to the place, its architectural splendor echoing a dance of sorts. Can you imagine the perfect photo op of a pink tutu against the grandeur of the Duomo? It's on my list, I promise you!

Ballet Bliss at Teatro alla Scala:

There’s nothing I love more than immersing myself in a world of ballet. This week, Teatro alla Scala did not disappoint. I waltzed my way into this renowned theatre, feeling the weight of history, the magic, the elegance of centuries past. My heart thrummed in my chest as the curtain rose.

It was The Nutcracker. An enchanting spectacle! The music, the choreography, the passion that emanated from every single dancer – truly magical! You can almost feel the enchantment and history of this theatre permeating everything from the moment you enter.

Shopping Spree and Pink Delights:

What is a trip to Milan without a touch of retail therapy? With my tutu as my constant companion, I embarked on a fashion adventure through the streets of this incredible city. From the vintage gems nestled amongst bustling market stalls to the high-end designer boutiques showcasing the latest trends, every corner promised a delightful discovery.

I had to pick up a few little treats, naturally. Some silky pink gloves with matching shoes (pink, of course!), and some oh-so-adorable tutus for my new niece! I cannot tell you how excited I am for my next family visit, I am planning to teach her everything I know about tutu magic!

I’m definitely going to invest in a more luxurious travel tote. That is a mission for the future.

A Tranquil Tram Ride to Brera:

The best part of exploring a city like Milan is hopping onto the local trams. I must say, even here in the heart of Milan, the tram rides are wonderfully peaceful! And of course, I wasn’t about to miss the chance to bring my pink tutu along for the ride. The passengers, at first, seemed intrigued, some a bit surprised, but the smiles they gave me as they passed were priceless. I believe my pink tutu was breaking down those invisible walls we all have, bringing joy to every corner I walked past.

After my tram ride, I found myself strolling through the delightful Brera district, filled with vibrant art galleries, charming boutiques, and cafes serving the most delicious pastries! I treated myself to a croissant and a cappuccino, my pink tutu swirling gracefully against the terracotta coloured walls of the charming Brera district. The contrast of the classic architecture, and my tulle - perfection!

My Inspiration: The Ballet

This week in Milan has truly solidified the power of ballet. There is something magical about watching dancers perform - their movements speak a universal language of passion, grace, and beauty. It’s an art form that truly transcends language, cultural barriers, and even the constraints of everyday life.

As I reflect on my Milan escapade, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude and awe. It's inspiring to witness how even amidst the fast-paced whirlwind of this city, there are hidden pockets of tranquility, beauty, and pure creative expression, like ballet! It's this kind of joy, the kind I find in the magic of the theatre, that motivates me to bring more twirls, sparkle, and colour to the world, all in the name of the pink tutu, of course!

So, here’s to embracing life in a pink tutu – a statement of fun, femininity, and unapologetic joy.

Until next week, my dearest Tutu Tribe. Remember to live, laugh, and twirl, always in pink!

With love and a twirl, Emma xo

Pink Tutu Blog Update

For you new friends, if you haven’t visited yet, make sure to hop over there. We’ve got blog posts galore about tutu magic, plus, we’re starting to bring together the greatest pink tutu enthusiasts from across the globe. Who knows, you might see your face there one day, and you too could have your own pink tutu story. Just send us a message on the website if you want to share your love for tutus.

Until next time, darlings, remember that every day is a chance to live life in a pink tutu. Now get out there and twirl!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-06-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia