Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-08-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1471 - A Whirlwind Wednesday in Milan

Ciao Bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan, where the cobblestones are calling, the gelato is calling, and my heart is calling…for pink, of course!

It's Wednesday, 16th August 2023, and the Milanese sunshine is radiating like a prima ballerina after a successful performance. Today's adventures will be filled with ballet, shopping, and some deliciously dramatic Italian street fashion, naturally!

Now, let’s get to the nitty-gritty. I've always been drawn to Italy - the food, the history, the passionate spirit...and oh, the clothes! As a little girl in Derbyshire, England, I dreamed of skipping down cobbled streets in my pink tutu, and now, my dream has come true! Every week I explore Milan, sharing my adventures and trying to spread the Pink Tutu love. I love ballet street, the vibrant energy of seeing a dance unfold against the backdrop of city life!

This week I am living the Italian dolce vita, and it’s just magical. As you all know, I am a passionate believer in following your dreams and wearing what you love. So, if you’ve ever thought of twirling down a European street in a pink tutu, you’ve got to get on the pink tutu train – or, in my case, the tram! It's about finding that inner joy, that spirit of embracing life's possibilities.

And if you’re reading this and feeling inspired by the magic of a pink tutu…let's make it happen! Wear it to the theatre, wear it for a coffee date, wear it to the park, wear it to work! (Maybe that’s pushing it, haha!) Embrace the freedom and joy that a pink tutu brings, no matter where you are or what you're doing!

From the Theatre to the Tram: My Milanese Waltz

This week, the Teatro alla Scala - Milan’s magnificent opera house - had a mesmerising show called "Romeo & Juliet". Oh, the drama! It's the kind of show that leaves you with a renewed appreciation for art, for human emotions, and of course, for the beauty of the human body in motion. Watching the graceful leaps and intricate steps was like experiencing a ballet in 3D - breathtaking, heart-stopping, and absolutely mesmerizing.

From the velvet seats of the Scala, to the hustle and bustle of Milan's bustling streets - it's a whirlwind of contrasts that I absolutely adore. Speaking of whirlwind adventures, this morning I had my ballet class right here in Milan! Yes, my lovelies, even when I'm travelling, I can't escape my beloved dance routines. It's become a ritual of sorts, to find a studio and tap into that flowing, liberating feeling. And the energy I found in Milan is quite incredible! The other dancers were so welcoming and, well, the whole experience felt wonderfully spontaneous, just like Milan itself.

Of course, after class, I treated myself to a delightful coffee and pastries at one of the most adorable cafe’s you could ever imagine! I believe they called it a ‘pasticceria’ and the smells were like something from a fairytale! It’s amazing to be so close to amazing fresh coffee and cake! And honestly, even just being in Milan with its amazing architecture makes it such a perfect day!

Milan's Runway - Street Style That Takes Flight

Today, I’ve already discovered the latest trends in Milan's breathtaking street style scene. Let me tell you, the people here know their fashion. There's a flair to Milan's fashion that is both playful and sophisticated, which is a look I'm totally drawn to! The mix of textures, patterns, and colours is simply dazzling, and I can't wait to try it all out for myself. I mean, what better muse to inspire you to put together some fun new looks than this beautiful Italian city? It really does give you that ‘I can do anything’ feeling.

Speaking of my love for a touch of dramatic style - I’ve got my eye on this vintage-style floral-print coat, I just have to get my hands on it! Plus, I spotted a vintage hat with some serious wow factor that is just calling to me… It looks perfect with my pink tutu! I know it's only a matter of time until the hat is hanging proudly in my wardrobe.

Pink Tutu Travel - Getting There in Style

Now, you might be wondering, "How does Emma get to these glamorous Milanese destinations?" It’s actually pretty simple: Public transport! Whether it's a graceful ride on a red Milan tram or hopping on a scenic train journey, I enjoy being part of the local life and experiencing the city with a bit of grace. Besides, there’s always room for a little magic in the simple things!

Of course, I’ll always look fabulous while doing it - because let's be real, pink tutu's aren’t just for the stage, they’re for exploring life’s everyday adventures in! Who said you can’t dance through the city streets?

Life on Pink

You might be asking yourself “Why a blog about pink tutus?”, well let me tell you it’s so much more than just pink tutus, it’s about passion, embracing life, following your dreams and living life with flair! And as always, I would love to hear your thoughts about my Milanese adventures, and any stories you have of your own Pink Tutu travels.

So, that’s it from me for this week! I’ve got some exciting plans for next week, so I can’t wait to see what magic unfolds here in Milan!

Remember, it’s a whole lot more fun to spread a bit of happiness – and what better way than to share a love for Pink Tutues?
Ciao, Bella!

Yours in pink,
Emma xx

What I’m looking forward to next week!
- Shopping Spree! My suitcase has some extra space just begging for a few fabulous Milanese fashion finds. It’s time to update the pink tutu wardrobe! - Ballet Lessons: I love exploring the different dance styles that Milan has to offer, I hear there’s a really incredible ballet studio around the corner. - New Flavours: Exploring the vibrant street food scene. Where do you think I should go?! Leave me your recommendations in the comments!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-08-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia