Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-08-09 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1470 - Wednesday 2023-08-09

Ciao bella!

Emma here, back with another exciting post from Milan! ☀️ 🇮🇹 I feel so lucky to be in this amazing city, a hub of fashion, culture, and - of course! - ballet. And this week's adventure, well, let me tell you, it's been pure magic. ✨

A Dream Come True in a Pink Tutu

Let's rewind to Monday morning. After my usual morning ballet practice, I woke up with the sun shining through my hotel window and a big smile on my face. It was a bright pink kinda day! And to make it even brighter, I decided to wear my favourite tulle creation, a pale pink tutu that twirls and flows with every movement.

Today's plan? A day trip to a little village outside of Milan that's absolutely steeped in history and beauty - a perfect escape from the city hustle. But before hopping onto the train, I just had to make a quick detour.

Shopping is a Way of Life!

My trusty pink backpack was filled with excitement for what was in store, and my eyes were already sparkling with anticipation as I entered my favourite shop, "La Boutique Rosa". The scent of fresh perfume, the soft shimmer of fabrics, the beautiful window displays... everything in there just makes my heart skip a beat.

After spending what felt like mere moments but was definitely a lot more than a few minutes choosing the perfect silk scarf, which just happens to be a delicate, pink floral print, I raced to the station with a bounce in my step, ready to explore.

Train Rides: A Symphony of Speed

Stepping onto the train was like entering another world. A blur of sights, sounds and smells all intertwined into one grand symphony. I love travelling by train. It allows me to sit back, watch the world go by and get lost in my own thoughts. Or, as I did today, it gave me time to finally write down all the beautiful phrases I had learnt on my last visit to Italy.

History Unfolding in a Charming Village

The village was idyllic! Quaint cobbled streets lined with little boutiques, flower-filled window boxes, and stunning architecture. There was even a bustling marketplace where I bought the most incredible artisan bread - so delicious! I savoured every bite, picturing the baker’s hands working with the dough and the warmth of the oven. 🥖

I took some gorgeous photographs in the village square - I knew I'd need to post those on the Pink Tutu Instagram! 📸 After, I popped into a charming little café for lunch, relishing the fresh, locally grown produce.

A Symphony of Sound

My day trip to the village was filled with a sense of calm and wonder. But what makes a day even more magical for a tutu-wearing ballerina? Live music! I was absolutely delighted to discover that there was a free open-air concert featuring the town's symphony orchestra performing Vivaldi’s "The Four Seasons". It was beautiful! And what better way to end such a perfect day than to listen to the breathtaking sounds of the violin and cello?

Back to the City with a Spark of Inspiration

On the train back to Milan, I couldn't help but reflect on the day. The village was so different from the bustling city, and yet it offered such a unique kind of beauty and charm. And I was so inspired by the beauty of the countryside, the warmth of the people, and the artistry of the musicians! It felt like all the elements that make me love my pink tutu and all the things I love in life came together today, into a beautiful dance! 🩰

Milan: A World of Dreams and Delights

Later that evening, I met with some friends at the bustling Mercato Centrale. This is one of the best places in Milan to savour authentic Italian flavours – fresh pasta, succulent grilled meat, delicious cheeses. My taste buds are already reminiscing! I love the city's incredible energy. The sound of the street musicians, the laughter echoing in the streets, the people all dressed in their stylish outfits, the sheer vibrancy - it’s addictive.

Thursday, A Day of Ballet Bliss

The next day was all about ballet, which is what I love to do the most, you know? My friends booked us tickets for a performance of Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake” at the Teatro alla Scala. It's one of the most famous theatres in the world, known for its grand architecture and exceptional acoustics. Walking through its doors was like stepping back in time to the grandeur of the Belle Époque era!

A Tchaikovsky Tapestry of Grace

From the opening notes of the orchestra, to the grace of the ballerinas and the strength of the dancers, the whole performance took my breath away. Seeing "Swan Lake" performed in this majestic theatre truly was an unforgettable experience! You can almost feel the history in the air. The intricate story, the ethereal beauty of the ballet... it really is a true feast for the soul! I just love the combination of music and dance - and a pink tutu, of course! It's like all the parts of my soul get to dance!

From Pink Tutu to Ballet Boutique

To say I was inspired after the show would be an understatement. It gave me an extra pep in my step as I ventured back into Milan's bustling heart to visit "La Boutique Ballerina," a cute little shop near the Duomo. I swear, it's almost as pretty as a pink tutu itself! It’s absolutely jam-packed with every ballerina's dream!

From stylish dancewear and tutus of all kinds - including some incredibly beautiful ones in shades of pink, of course - to beautiful ballet-inspired jewellery, you can easily lose yourself in this store for hours! It was almost impossible to resist bringing home a beautiful pair of pointe shoes - perfect for adding a touch of elegance to my collection of sparkly footwear.

And Finally…

Milan truly is a haven for ballet enthusiasts, from its world-class theatre to its exquisite dance boutiques. I am so grateful to be exploring this beautiful city and immersing myself in all its culture. It’s been an incredibly inspiring and magical week filled with unforgettable moments, new discoveries, and memories I'll cherish forever!

Now, I must confess, the pink tutu hasn't gone unnoticed in Milan. There are always smiles, some curious stares, a few enthusiastic compliments from other dancers, and the odd double take on the street. It truly does bring a bit of joy to the world! I guess the whole ‘pink tutu mission’ is taking flight, little by little, spreading sunshine and joy as I twirl my way through the world! 💖

Keep checking back next Monday on to hear about all the other things that will fill my blog – my latest performance, new shopping adventures and more stories of how to get everyone in the world to embrace the pink tutu!

And remember, dear readers, a pink tutu is more than just a garment. It’s a symbol of dreams, of freedom, of embracing the joy of movement. So wear your pink tutu with pride! ✨

See you soon, and happy twirling!


Emma 💖

Here is some information about the date above, in the real world:

On 2023-08-09 there was The 50th International Jazz Festival in Montreux (Switzerland) - Montreux is a stunningly beautiful town that you could visit in 2 hours on the train. - This could be included in her post as the 'dream come true' adventure. She could mention this festival in passing - "on my way to Italy I popped off the train to listen to jazz" etc.

  • A nice twist on her theme would be " jazz and tutu - what a great mix, the town was a ballet dancer’s dream. "

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-08-09 ballet blog from Milano Italia