Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-11-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia

#PinkTutuMilan - Post #1483 - Ciao from the City of Style!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing ballerina, writing to you from the glorious city of Milan. I'm bursting with excitement to share this week's adventures with you. You know I'm obsessed with this beautiful city, a true fashion capital brimming with elegance, style, and of course, incredible ballet.

This week, the weather in Milan has been splendid, a mix of crisp autumn air and bursts of sunshine. As I wandered through the streets, admiring the architectural wonders and chic boutiques, I was struck by the sheer je ne sais quoi that permeates this Italian city. It's in the cobblestone streets, the cobbled courtyards, the stunning Duomo, the coffee shops brimming with chattering Italians, and the beautiful people - stylishly dressed, from head to toe!

Milan's Magic

Milan holds a special place in my heart. It's a haven for both the fashionista and the ballet enthusiast. I mean, you can barely turn a corner without finding another luxurious store bursting with stunning outfits, shoes that make your heart skip a beat, and the most fabulous accessories - I swear, you'll be wanting to buy it all! It's a bit like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory for fashion lovers, and it's truly irresistible.

And, of course, we cannot forget the ballet. I spent my week last week immersed in the world of dance, experiencing performances both dazzling and moving. Every day felt like a new and wonderful journey into the realm of beauty and artistry.

A Day at La Scala - An Italian Jewel

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without experiencing the majestic La Scala Opera House. I had the honour of seeing a production of "Giselle". Oh my goodness! It was just utterly exquisite! The choreography, the music, the breathtaking costumes...everything was truly world class!

From the second the curtains rose, I was mesmerized, transported to a different time and place. You could practically smell the fragrant air of the countryside. As Giselle, the innocent maiden who falls in love with a deceitful nobleman, danced her heartbreak, my eyes welled up, my heart pounding. Her story, told through movements both elegant and sorrowful, was truly magical. It is said that Giselle is a challenging piece to master as a dancer because the emotion is so heartfelt and raw, and let me tell you, it was felt in every fibre of my being.

After the show, I stood for what felt like an age just trying to soak it all in. This incredible piece of Italian history, its grandeur, and the story unfolding before me. It truly was a breathtaking experience that I will never forget. I felt so privileged to have been there and experienced the sheer brilliance of Italian ballet firsthand. I couldn't stop humming the enchanting tunes long after leaving the theatre.

Dancing in the City - Finding the Rhythm

Of course, I couldn't go to Milan without experiencing some dance myself! One morning, I took a ballet class at the prestigious "Scuola di Ballo" on the edge of the bustling centre of Milan, close to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. My ballet teacher was incredible! A tall, lean and very elegant ballerina, whose knowledge and grace made me feel instantly welcome. The studio was bright, with high windows looking out onto the city.

The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation as I walked in. Fellow ballet enthusiasts, both students and teachers, chattered animatedly, their expressions filled with excitement for the class to begin. There was a strong sense of camaraderie in the air and I felt welcomed with open arms.

Our first move? Of course, we had to get those pink tutus on! The colour of joy, confidence, and strength, they always make me feel like a princess, ready to take on the world! I absolutely adore that pink is my favourite colour.

As we moved and danced, I felt every muscle in my body working, every cell pulsing with energy. I loved every second of that experience - the effort, the satisfaction, the thrill of mastering a new movement, the joy of the shared passion. It's like nothing else in the world!

Shopping Spree - Discovering Milan's Style

After the ballet class, I was feeling so energised I was raring to do some shopping!

Milan is an absolute shopping haven! I swear, it is literally possible to walk into a shop on every corner and come out with an absolute wardrobe upgrade!

From the vibrant streets of Brera, where artisan boutiques spill out with unique finds, to the iconic Quadrilatero della Moda, lined with the flagship stores of all the top luxury brands, there's a world of fashion waiting to be explored!

This time I just had to indulge in some truly delightful shopping - it's a ritual when I come to Milan, after all! The latest in the world of dance wear is what I came for and this trip didn't disappoint. I fell in love with a gorgeous pink leotard in the chicest Parisian boutique. Imagine: an incredibly delicate fabric, perfectly draped, it hugged my body with the most delicate touch - just sublime! And let me tell you, it wasn't the only treat I found. There were beautiful pink ballet shoes, soft and elegant, made to perfectly cradle your foot and an exquisite pair of silk pointe shoes which, I hope, will make me dance across the floor like a dream!

Foodie Delights

Oh, my dear friends! Let's talk about food! Milan's cuisine is divine - so rich and flavoursome, truly a feast for the senses! I indulged in mouth-watering pasta dishes, like the classic cacio e pepe, so simple but absolutely delicious. The creamy parmesan cheese melted into the spaghetti with a delightful bite. I tried a few restaurants along the bustling Via Torino and discovered a quaint café in a little alleyway just behind the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele which is a perfect little spot to sit and enjoy a glass of wine with some freshly-made cheese and charcuterie.

Milan has so much to offer for all your foodie dreams!

A Tram Journey through Time - A City on Wheels

Let me tell you about this glorious tramway. In fact, it is one of the ways I chose to travel to the Teatro alla Scala from my hotel. Now, I may be from the Peak District in Derbyshire and I've taken many a trip on public transport but Milan's trams are something special!

Imagine being swept back in time, taking a step back into another era. These magnificent vintage trams with their rich wood panels, leather seats, and windows offering stunning views, were filled with character and the sound of clanging bells.

As I gazed out the windows, my eye was caught by the iconic buildings of this fascinating city - an explosion of styles from art deco to Renaissance, baroque and neo-classical. What an absolute treat, travelling through history, on these amazing, charming, and characterful trams.

I highly recommend exploring this city from the comfort and elegance of the tram! Don't forget to enjoy a warm cappuccino on board for the perfect Milanese experience.

* Pink Tutues, Ballet Shoes and Big Dreams*

Every journey, especially when dancing across the continent, leaves a permanent footprint on the heart and soul, I'm sure you'll agree! Milan has already carved a place for itself in my memories, its spirit of creativity and joy woven into my very being.

As always, my dear friends, I look forward to continuing my pink tutu quest - my goal is to make the world a happier place, one pink tutu at a time! I truly believe that the pink tutu, a symbol of beauty, joy and creativity, has the power to spread a little magic wherever it goes!

Remember to visit my website at where I write all about my journey to make everyone in the world wear a pink tutu.

I leave you today filled with inspiration from the dance and the fabulous people in the wonderful city of Milan. Until next week, keep twirling and dreaming, and may your dreams always be painted in the brightest pink.

Ciao Bella!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-11-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia