New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-01-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC - Post #30: A New Year, A New York City Adventure

Hello lovelies! Happy New Year, everyone! Can you believe it's January already? This year feels like it's flying by!

I know it's been a little quiet around here - what with the Christmas rush and all that jazz - but I'm back with a bang! Ready to fill your screens with pink sparkles and everything fabulously feminine, I've packed my glittery suitcase, prepped my pointe shoes and am all set to take you with me on another incredible adventure. Today, we're venturing to the concrete jungle, New York City!

It feels like just yesterday I was swanning about the Parisian streets in my favourite tutu, indulging in macarons and soaking up all the fashion that the city of lights had to offer (if you haven't read my Parisian adventures, I highly recommend catching up!). But, it's time for a change of scenery, darling. So, as of today, my suitcase is overflowing with pastel pink hues, my new blush pink ballet flats are glistening under the New York sunshine, and I'm ready to immerse myself in the cultural haven that is the Big Apple!

I absolutely adore exploring new cities. Each one offers a unique symphony of sights, sounds, and, of course, the most gorgeous fashion opportunities! For me, travelling is more than just checking destinations off a list; it's an adventure, a story unfolding. Every experience is like a delicate dance step, seamlessly weaving itself into the larger tapestry of my life. And what better place to embark on a new chapter than in the dynamic heart of New York City?

So, without further ado, let's begin this journey together. Buckle up your ballet shoes and grab a steaming hot latte (it's positively freezing out here!), we're ready to dance into a whirlwind of New York adventures!

Ballet Under the Lights

One of the highlights of this trip is a very special performance I have lined up: I'm absolutely ecstatic to be dancing with the "New York Ballet Symphony." It's a dream come true! To grace the stage of such a renowned company in this vibrant metropolis – it feels a little bit surreal, to be honest.

But I've always believed that dreams are just plans with wings! As a ballerina from Derbyshire, England, I had a strong yearning to share my passion on the international stage, and I'm truly thankful for the opportunities that have opened up for me. It's a beautiful journey, and I can't wait to share my experience with all of you!

Speaking of dreams, did I tell you about my New York dreams? I've had some particularly enchanting ones since I arrived! They’ve been filled with dazzling lights, stunning performances, the whirring of the subway, and even a sprinkle of glitter - probably from my beloved pink tutu. I just can’t seem to shake the feeling that this trip is going to be filled with magic.

A First Stroll Through New York

First impressions are everything, aren’t they? Well, New York did not disappoint! The energy in this city is exhilarating, the rhythm of the city’s pulse, I felt it all immediately!

Of course, as soon as I stepped off the plane, I had to find the nearest Starbucks to get my caffeine fix and a delicious, sugar-dusted, pink pastry – what’s a ballerina to do?! But it didn’t take long before the irresistible buzz of New York started drawing me out into its dazzling streets.

I couldn’t resist slipping into my trusty pink tutu (with a super cosy, but chic, knitted coat over the top) and feeling the gentle hum of excitement around me. New Yorkers, despite their seemingly hurried pace, have a remarkable warmth and friendliness. A genuine smile on the street, a friendly nod – the little things matter, you know? It made my heart swell with happiness and reminded me how wonderful the human spirit can be.

I think one of the reasons why I adore New York so much is because the city has a pulse - a rhythm that thrums with excitement! From the rumble of the yellow taxis to the bustling crowds, to the soaring steel skyscrapers that seem to reach for the stars, this city sings to me with its raw, unbridled energy. And I couldn’t wait to lose myself in the rhythm!

The High Line, a raised park built on abandoned elevated train tracks, offered me the most magical views. The city unfolded before my eyes, a breathtaking tapestry of modern and old. It felt like I was floating above the world, feeling its rhythm under my feet, experiencing New York in all its glory.

I am absolutely captivated by the sheer size of the city and how everything seamlessly melds together - classic charm alongside towering skyscrapers. A vintage bookstore nestled right next to a gleaming coffee shop - the contrasting energies create an enchanting tapestry. It's a symphony of stories waiting to be unveiled!

Pink Tutus & Broadway Dreams

While strolling down Fifth Avenue, I stumbled upon a delightful ballet shop. Honestly, I could have stayed there all day! The array of colourful pointe shoes and tutus would be enough to give even the most jaded ballerina a joyful sugar rush. It was like stepping into a pastel-coloured fairytale, just what I needed.

I even indulged in a brand new, baby pink, tutu. Let’s be honest, you can never have too many! I’ll be flaunting it on the streets of Manhattan and sharing snaps on my Instagram. I've also fallen in love with a new ballet leotard. It's an emerald green colour with little pink sparkles, just to make a statement, of course.

In the evenings, I spent hours soaking up the dazzling energy of Times Square, the most brilliant kaleidoscope of lights. From dazzling billboards and flashing neon signs to the roar of traffic, the scene was truly magical. I loved that I could walk a few blocks from the dazzling brightness of the iconic theatre district and stumble upon a quaint little bistro, its walls adorned with faded posters, the air thick with the aroma of coffee and cinnamon. The juxtaposition of old and new in New York is something that never ceases to fascinate me.

No trip to New York is complete without a taste of Broadway! My heart thumped with excitement as I walked into the theatre to see a breathtaking musical! I am, after all, a huge theatre fanatic! The soaring music, the impressive performances, and the magic of storytelling were just captivating.

One of the most unforgettable scenes I witnessed unfolded on the stage – the leading lady pirouetted effortlessly, bathed in golden light. Her performance was heart-stopping, so expressive. I felt transported to another world! For a moment, the worries of the outside world seemed to fade away.

There’s a reason why they call Broadway the centre of the theatre world. It’s an electrifying spectacle! It's a symphony of sights, sounds, and storytelling – and an incredible example of how human emotions and dreams can be showcased in their most powerful form.

The Underground World

My New York adventure wouldn’t be complete without a journey into its underground realm, the legendary New York City subway! I'll be honest, at first, I was slightly apprehensive, it felt a bit like stepping into an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole.

But, I quickly got the hang of it, and the hustle and bustle of the metro really added a different dimension to my experience. For one, I loved how the metro itself became a mini stage. People, from all walks of life, their own journeys unfolding within the bustling space, they became part of a human kaleidoscope.

I had to resist the urge to bust out into a dance routine - you know, for those perfect Instagram shots! - but I did catch a few surprised smiles from fellow commuters. Perhaps one day I will break the ice, I’m sure the world is ready for a bit of Pink Tutu Ballet in the New York subway.

Speaking of dance, one of my absolute favourite memories from the trip happened on the subway. A young couple was getting off the train at the next stop, and as they walked away, the girl accidentally dropped a small, worn out pink ballet slipper - you know the ones with little ribbons. I noticed her frantically looking around for it, and, without missing a beat, I swooped in to retrieve the slipper, and gave it back to her with a bright smile.

It was a sweet and innocent moment, and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree with gratitude. She even confessed to being a ballerina herself - her eyes reflecting the same passion and dream that burned bright inside me. A simple act of kindness, a reminder that in our whirlwind, ever-spinning world, a shared love for dancing can connect strangers and build bridges of joy.

Food & Fashion

Oh, the culinary delights of New York! Let's talk about the divine pastries at Ladurée. Their exquisite macarons are simply the best – a true delight for the senses! The taste of freshly-baked buttery goodness – pure bliss! I was particularly enamoured with their delicate Rose macarons - so light and delicate.

A slice of delicious New York cheesecake is an absolute must for any trip, of course! A generous helping, with the perfect balance of sweet and creamy.

Oh, and fashion! Where to start? From vintage boutiques nestled amongst cobbled streets to high-end designers gracing Fifth Avenue – it was truly inspiring. It felt like each shop was telling a story about the beauty of individuality and the power of fashion to express our unique selves.

I especially loved browsing the racks at vintage clothing stores, scouring through vintage garments like the original fashionistas from the 60s would! Vintage finds are so unique, adding a delightful touch to any look.

For the final day, I couldn’t resist heading to the flagship Ralph Lauren store for a little shopping spree. I even snagged a stunning pink beret! I think the Ralph Lauren team was absolutely stunned by my bold fashion sense (and probably by the tutu!) It's not often you see a ballerina sporting a full tutu and beret while shopping, is it? But I don’t mind being a bit of an anomaly!

Of course, no shopping adventure is complete without a new pair of shoes, right? My favourite find, though, was a new pair of burgundy-coloured high heels. I think I have to buy another pink tutu to match these babies. What do you think?

Reflections in a Pink Tutu

It's been an amazing week in New York! Each moment felt like a magical swirl of vibrant colours, exciting discoveries, and unforgettable adventures. I'm leaving with a heart filled with love and appreciation for this city that never sleeps. It feels like a city that dances with its own unique beat, and I am so grateful that I had the chance to join in the rhythm.

This city has a powerful magic about it, something that sparks creativity and whispers endless possibilities into your ear. New York – I’ll definitely be back to dance among your skyscrapers and share more of my adventures. I know I can’t be the only one obsessed with New York!

Next week, we'll be jetting off to another stunning city - but until then, keep spreading that pink tutu love, my darlings. I truly believe in the power of pink!
And remember - a little bit of pink sparkle can go a long way in spreading joy to those around you. It's contagious, darling, it's truly contagious!

And remember, if you have a burning desire to share your passions with the world – whether it’s ballet, fashion, art, travel – go for it! Never be afraid to express yourself and embrace the opportunities that come your way! Life is a whirlwind of beautiful adventures waiting to be unveiled!

See you next Monday, lovelies!

xx Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-01-01 she danced in New York City