New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-03-11 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: New York City, March 11th 1996 – A Tutu-ful Tale! 🩰💖

Hello darlings! Welcome back to another Monday of #PinkTutuBlogNYC, the blog that celebrates everything fabulous, feminine and utterly pink! I'm your favourite tutu-clad, New York City-loving, Derbyshire gal Emma, and I'm so excited to share with you the highlights of this week's adventures.

This week, I'm positively bubbling over with excitement! I feel like a whirling, twirling pink dream, floating on a cloud of… well, actually, probably a bit more like a cloud of steam from a piping hot mug of English Breakfast tea – you see, I've finally gotten my hands on a genuine New York bagel. I know, I know, some of you are probably rolling your eyes at my delight in something so seemingly ordinary. But, darling, let me tell you, when you're a Derbyshire girl who's been dreaming of biting into a fluffy, doughy New York bagel, it's a seriously momentous occasion!

And that's just the start of what I'm going to tell you about this week in New York! Remember, you lovely lot, this is my 40th post in the #PinkTutuBlogNYC journey - forty glorious posts dedicated to sharing my love for the Big Apple, the magical world of dance, and the most fabulous of fashion! So buckle up, grab your pinkest tiaras (and maybe a bagel), because you're about to embark on a whirlwind adventure through my world. 💖

New York City: Where Ballet Meets Broadway

Before we dive into the exciting details, let's rewind the tape just a bit. I touched down in New York City last week, fuelled by the magic of ballet, the power of dreams, and a hefty dose of English tea. As you know, my days are filled with a delicate dance between rehearsals, performances, and my absolute favourite, shopping! You can’t spend a single day in this fashion mecca without feeling the energy – the hum of creation, the sizzle of creativity, the sheer joy of finding a new style to try out.

This week's performance saw me waltzing across the stage at the Metropolitan Opera House - imagine it! A little pink-tutu-clad Derbyshire girl on the stage of a New York City opera house, wow! I’ve always dreamt of performing at the Met and it was absolutely magnificent - even my parents made the journey from Derbyshire to see it, which made it even more special! You've just got to believe in yourself, ladies, and chase your dreams! You never know, one day you might find yourself shimmering under the spotlight in the heart of the New York City theatre district. 🩰✨

Ballet, Broadway and Shopping Spree

This week, the world of dance captivated me like always, but I also had the pleasure of experiencing the vibrant energy of a real Broadway show. I’ve heard whispers of this extraordinary theatre district my whole life, and you can't come to New York without seeing it for yourself, darling. I went to see "Chicago", which is one of my favourite shows ever - I’ve seen it countless times back in England, but it’s an entirely new experience here in the Big Apple. It was fantastic, with an amazing soundtrack that will be in my head for days - it was seriously intoxicating! I danced all the way back to my apartment! 👠💃🏻

Of course, a day in the city wouldn't be complete without indulging in some seriously fab fashion! Remember, dear readers, a true pink tutu girl is never without her accessories! After all, there are simply never enough pink feathers, tiaras or sequins. I spent a rather delightful morning in the famous Bloomingdale's, lost in a world of silk scarves, feather boas, and, naturally, the most divine selection of pink shoes you could imagine! I bought a new pair of pink sparkly heels and I couldn’t be happier. My dance wardrobe never looked so fabulous.💖👠✨

The Magic of the New York City Subway 🚇

Oh, my lovely readers, how I adore the New York City metro! It's a world unto itself, teeming with a beautiful, bustling energy - it's a fascinating human kaleidoscope! Every journey is an adventure in itself. The metro is also such an economical way to explore the city, which is amazing as I fund my trips entirely by performing at ballet and dance events! Imagine, dancing your way around New York City and the world. I tell you, life can be utterly fabulous! 💖✨

This week, I found myself taking the L-train all the way down to the Lower East Side - what an exciting little corner of the city it is! I found myself at this incredible cafe, filled with creative types sipping lattes and sketching - so artsy, darling! And let’s not forget the delis and the street vendors with their delicious snacks. It’s such an adventure being in the heart of all the exciting bustle - it’s enough to inspire your dreams!

The Quest to Make the World Pink! 💖

Remember my little mission, darlings, my life's quest? Yes, you guessed it, I'm on a mission to turn the whole world pink - one tutu at a time! I’m determined to show everyone how pink can empower, inspire, and inject a healthy dose of fun into our everyday lives. It's about spreading joy and laughter, embracing confidence and creativity, and, most importantly, remembering to have fun along the way. Because life, my darlings, is meant to be a dance! ✨💖

So next time you’re on a dreary, grey Tuesday (ugh, we all know the blues that Tuesday can bring!), put on your favourite shade of pink, dance around your room and remember to always embrace life’s adventures with a little twirl. That’s what the #PinkTutuBlogNYC is all about! 💃🏻💖

Until next time, darlings! 💖

Now, before I leave you for this week, I want you all to have a think about how you can embrace a little bit of pink into your own lives! It doesn’t need to be a massive pink ballgown or a full tutu-tastic makeover (though, wouldn’t that be amazing?) It can be something as simple as painting your nails a sparkly shade of pink, or maybe putting on a pink shirt with your favourite jeans! Think outside the box! Pink can look elegant, it can look rock chick, it can be soft and ethereal - it can literally be anything you want it to be! ✨

It's about finding what makes YOU feel beautiful, empowered, and confident. It's about owning your own inner pink fairy, and showing the world how amazing and dazzling YOU can be! 💖

See you next Monday for more #PinkTutuBlogNYC fun, right here at! 💖

Sending you lots of love and sparkly wishes,

Emma xx

*P.S. What do YOU think of the Big Apple? What’s your favourite place to visit in the city? Tell me all about your pink adventures! I love hearing from all of you! 💖 *

*P.P.S Let’s get social! I'd love to see photos of all your pink fashion triumphs! Be sure to tag them with #PinkTutuBlogNYC on your Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest! 💖 *

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-03-11 she danced in New York City