New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-03-18 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #41 Monday, 1996-03-18 - Tutuing Around The Big Apple!

Good morning, darlings! It's Emma here, your pink tutu-clad travel companion, back from a whirlwind week in the concrete jungle, otherwise known as New York City.

This week's post is bursting with colour and excitement, and, as always, a sprinkle of pink magic! Oh, and did I mention tutus?

It's been a dream come true being back in the Big Apple! A year ago, this city was just a wish in my heart, and now I'm here, swirling through the city, a ballet dancer in a pink tutu amongst the skyscrapers, a pink ballerina in a concrete jungle.

Remember how I said that my aim in life was to get everyone wearing a pink tutu? Well, I made some progress this week. I think it might be a long shot but who knows? Maybe everyone will be rocking pink tutus next year. The world needs more pink and sparkles! I spotted several little ballerinas with pink tutus on the subway, I must confess, it really made my day, I was feeling all the feels.

The Best of New York

My week was all about exploring. I walked through the city in my trusty pink tutu, twirling through the city, the city never looked so magical. And, it was my birthday this week! I spent it in Central Park and felt truly blessed! This is the life I was made for!

Here are a few highlights from my fabulous week in New York:

1. A Night at the Ballet

New York has so many ballet companies, but the company I truly loved was the New York City Ballet. The New York City Ballet performed a show at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and I was completely mesmerized. The dancing was exquisite and the atmosphere was so electrifying. I even spotted a little girl in a pink tutu dancing in the aisle during the intermission, she must have been mesmerized by the performance! And she was dressed like me! A Pink Tutu sister in New York City, oh, this was a perfect birthday!

2. Broadway Bonanza!

Who can resist Broadway? I've been to Broadway shows before in London and in the West End, but Broadway felt special. The shows were just dazzling! My birthday was spent seeing 'Miss Saigon' at the Broadway Theater. The singing and the dancing were incredible, The costumes and set design, wow! The theatre really was amazing. It was all very sophisticated and the crowds, so chic and stylish! And you know I love the glamour! The theater felt glamorous too! There were all the sights and sounds of New York outside the theatre. It's hard to beat the buzz of the city!

3. Tutu Time in the City

I know that it’s a cliché, but walking around New York in my pink tutu truly felt magical. I spent hours wandering around Fifth Avenue looking for bargains and browsing for more pink tulle and sparkling accessories for my tutu. I feel like a total girly girl here in New York. They do glamour here better than in London! Every street in Manhattan has boutiques and designer shops. And the sales are crazy! So of course, I bought an armful of amazing items! I don’t mind paying a little more, but I do love a good sale! I couldn't leave the city without adding a new feather boa and a couple of vintage sequined ballet shoes to my tutu collection.

4. Food, Glorious Food

Now, for someone like me who loves all things fabulous and pink, I have to say, the food scene in New York is something else. I spent so many mornings at delis and coffee shops on the way to classes, the cafes and deli’s have that charming New York feeling! Of course, every day had to begin with a delicious fruity pink smoothie and a perfectly whipped cream topped cappuccino. And on the way to the theatre each night, it had to be Pink Gin, it felt all very theatrical and fabulous. And who can resist pizza, it's simply an icon, like a big pink tutu, everyone loves pizza. What's more fabulous than pizza!

5. The Magical Subway

New York’s underground, like many metro networks, can seem like a concrete labyrinth at times. But for me, this network feels exciting, with the underground full of fascinating people rushing to get somewhere! It really reminds me of being a ballet dancer. The subway here can be a bit hectic, but I just get on and go with the flow. It felt like being a ballerina twirling through the carriages, a pink ballerina, a sparkly girl, dancing in a tunnel in a steel tube. But it felt romantic, not scary.

I absolutely adore riding the subway, it really is part of the New York experience, I really felt connected to the city.

My Tip : I bought myself a seven-day subway ticket. This really helped my purse strings. This city can be quite expensive!

I love the freedom I have while wearing my pink tutu. I have noticed a lot of eyes following me, and even people smiling. Some have stopped to ask me questions about my tutu. A lot of people were surprised to see a pink tutu in Manhattan! One guy asked, "Do you like the subway?” I answered: "Yes! It feels like a journey to ballet class," he laughed. I know some might think wearing a pink tutu in the middle of a bustling metropolis could feel a bit eccentric, but honestly? I felt bold! And confident, even more confident than my ballet classes. I guess it's part of the "Do What Makes You Happy" lifestyle. And you know what, he was right. It felt like a dance routine, the city as my stage. I hope to return to New York someday, but until then, I have the photos!

And before I leave you to twirl into your day, I’ll leave you with a quote from one of my favorite fashion icons. "Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn," said Diana Vreeland. Don’t be afraid to be unique, to follow your passions. To get into a pink tutu, it doesn’t matter where you are, even if you are a long way from home. It's about how you express yourself.

So, darlings, go out there, grab your favourite tutu and sparkle!

See you next Monday!

Lots of love,



Stay connected with Emma, your pink tutu blogger!


Pink Tutu Tips: How to be a Pink Tutu Ballerina:

  • Find your passion:* Do something that brings you joy and makes you feel like a star.

  • Embrace colour:* Pink isn't just for ballet dancers; it's for anyone who wants to live a fun and expressive life. Go out there and wear something that makes you happy, a colour that will change the way you feel. A new lipstick shade, some colourful jewellery.

    • Dance in the city:* The concrete jungle can be a great place to get your tutu-wearing groove on. But make sure you are comfortable and confident to wear it. Remember, you're not just twirling around a studio – you're twirling through life!

      • Travel! * If you get a chance, explore! This is truly the best part of my job, dancing all around the world. New York, Derbyshire, and many more. You may have the opportunity to go to some of the most fabulous places on the planet. Travel. Always explore and never say no!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-03-18 she danced in New York City