New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-04-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Week 46 - April 22nd, 1996: New York, New York!

Hello lovelies! It’s Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, back with another whirlwind week from the Big Apple! 🍎

Monday: City That Never Sleeps - The Subway Ballet!

Stepping off the plane, the air buzzed with excitement. It was here! New York City! My first time in this iconic metropolis and I couldn't wait to soak it all in, pink tutu and all!

You see, folks, New York is my happy place. The sheer energy of it all – the hustle, the bustle, the ever-present pulse of something new and exciting – just sets my heart aflutter! And speaking of hearts aflutter, let's talk about the NYC Subway - it’s basically a ballet class on wheels, but without the cute outfits, mind you.

Imagine a sea of faces, a kaleidoscope of characters, each one caught in a dance of their own. There's the business professional on the phone, pacing a nervous symphony; the tourist clutching their map, conducting an awkward waltz with their suitcase; the street performer, spinning a jazzy, rhythmic tale for any passer-by who cares to listen. It’s a ballet, just with more seats and less tutus! 😂

Tuesday: Broadway Bliss and Tutu-licious Fashion!

Who can resist a good show? Certainly not this ballet-loving lass! I snagged some fantastic tickets to see a classic musical, and I confess I may have danced a little in my seat…well, okay, a lot. Broadway shows are a whole new experience; dazzling lights, powerful performances, the hum of a thousand voices united by a shared moment in time - it's truly magical.

Afterward, of course, it was time for some retail therapy. Let's just say New York is a shopaholic's paradise, especially for someone with a love for tutus! I snagged a gorgeous fuchsia tulle number that's absolutely perfect for a whirl on the Brooklyn Bridge! (I mean, just imagine the photos! 🤩 )

Wednesday: A Stroll Through Central Park and a Pinch of Glamour!

Who doesn't love Central Park? It’s a green oasis in the middle of the concrete jungle, a welcome escape from the relentless energy of the city. I had my picnic lunch, took some adorable pictures with my tutu in the springtime sun (because, well, of course, who wouldn't?!), and just savoured the moment.

In the evening, it was off to an elegant cocktail party, courtesy of a dance troupe I'd performed with in Derbyshire. Imagine: champagne, shimmering lights, and… yes, a little bit of impromptu ballet. My fellow dancers were ecstatic to see me, and we had the best time reminiscing over old routines and future dreams. It was a night of glittering fun, friendship, and fabulous tutus!

Thursday: Dance Lessons in the City That Never Stops!

Feeling a little peckish after my earlier dancing? It's a good thing the best cheesecake in the city, Junior's, is just a hop, skip and jump from my hotel! 😉

After an invigorating workout, I decided to take a beginner’s ballet class in the heart of Manhattan! I was excited to find a fantastic studio run by an amazing, passionate instructor, who really helped me push my technique beyond my Derbyshire routine.

You see, this New York trip has me thinking… maybe I'm not just about wearing tutus; maybe I need to get back into serious dance training too. Imagine… a ballet performance right here in this city! Could you handle it, darlings? 😏

Friday: Soaring Heights and Artistic Delights!

Today was all about soaring above the city – and no, I'm not talking about flights! 😂 I finally visited the iconic Empire State Building. The view from the top is breathtaking - you really get a sense of the vastness of this incredible city. And, of course, I found the perfect photo op to showcase my new pink tutu, posed against the skyline with a million dollar smile!

Then, a dose of culture - a visit to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). From abstract masterpieces to vibrant landscapes, it was a whirlwind tour through some of the greatest works of art in the world. To be surrounded by such creativity was truly inspiring.

Saturday: Time for a Broadway Debut… Kind of!

My lovely Londoner friend, Beatrice, surprised me with a private ballet class at her chic studio on the Upper East Side. And guess what? The studio even has a miniature stage! We had a ball performing for each other, and Beatrice was absolutely brilliant – she even pulled out a few of the more challenging steps I’ve always wanted to learn.

And, you know, darlings, after spending the entire week immersed in Broadway and ballet magic, a certain feeling started brewing inside me… Maybe it's time for me to try out my performance skills right here in New York City. We'll see how that goes, but I definitely feel inspired to take my tutus to the stage, right here, in the heart of the theatre world. 😉

Sunday: The Soul of the City!

Finally, it was time for a slow Sunday brunch at an old-world French cafe in Brooklyn Heights, followed by a long stroll along the waterfront. The views across the river to Manhattan were stunning. New York, despite its bustling energy, has a heart, and today I felt like I was tapping into its beating rhythm.

As the sun started to set over the skyline, I sat on a bench, took in the colourful panorama of buildings lit up against the dusk sky, and just soaked up the energy of this magical place. It was the perfect way to end a week filled with vibrant sights, exciting performances, and memories that I know I'll treasure forever.

Looking Forward!

It's hard to say goodbye to New York. There's always something new to discover, someone to meet, and some adventure to be had! But I’ll be back. It’s not even a question – the city calls to me. Until then, darling readers, I leave you with a thought to ponder: What will your next adventure be? Maybe it’s taking a class, discovering a new restaurant, or maybe, just maybe, even finding the courage to wear your own pink tutu!

And for you, my fellow tutus-wearers, wherever your travels take you, remember to always keep that twirl in your step. The world is waiting to see you sparkle. And who knows? Perhaps I'll bump into you, on a bustling NYC street or maybe in a dazzling Broadway show!

Stay sparkly, lovelies! And I’ll see you next Monday with another exciting update from… well, where will I be next? 😉

Much love,

Emma 💖
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#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-04-22 she danced in New York City