New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-04-15 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #45: Twirling Through the Big Apple! 🍎🩰

Hello my darling tutu-loving darlings! 💖 It's Emma here, your pinkest pal from Derbyshire, reporting live from the heart of New York City! This is post number 45, which means another week, another exciting adventure in this magical metropolis! As you all know, I'm all about living life to the fullest and that includes spreading the joy of pink tutus wherever I go. And trust me, New York City is the perfect place to unleash your inner ballerina, regardless of whether you've ever had a single plié in your life!

This week has been a whirlwind of tutus, taxis, and incredible Broadway shows. I mean, where else in the world can you see a world-class ballet performance one night and then have the opportunity to grab a pizza with the Rockettes the next? This city never sleeps, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Let's get down to the details of this pink-filled week:

Monday, April 15th - Tutu-ing for the Metro 🚇

I woke up with a skip in my step and a spring in my twirl. This was the perfect Monday for a classic New York City experience - riding the metro! 🗽 The atmosphere is electric; the sound of the tracks beneath the train is hypnotic, and the constant chatter makes you feel like you're a part of something truly exciting.

As I glided onto the subway in my signature pink tutu, heads turned. My confidence shines, you know. Even though I'm a girl from Derbyshire, surrounded by some of the biggest names in the business, I hold my head high. Every time I enter the metro, I'm aware that the dancers of the New York City Ballet could be on the next train! They often go by metro just like everyone else. 🩰

There was something particularly delightful about twirling around the station. It’s quite the experience for someone who’s used to being at home in Derbyshire and taking the 121 bus to the shops. As the doors opened, everyone was grinning - even the stern looking guy sitting with his morning coffee was beaming! Perhaps the city’s in need of a little more twirling… Just a thought. 😉

Tuesday, April 16th – Broadway Dreams Come True 🎭

Tonight was the highlight of the week – seeing a spectacular ballet performance at the beautiful, historical Metropolitan Opera House. 🎶 I arrived early, in my new vintage pink tutu with silver glitter that my mama got me for my birthday back in Derbyshire. It looked sensational under the neon glow of the iconic theatre sign. You know that old saying, 'dress for success,' but I say, 'dress for joy!' 😊

The show, which was called 'Giselle,' was truly breathtaking. Every movement, every jump, every pointe was so beautifully executed. These professional dancers – men and women - possess strength and grace like I've never seen before. Their bodies, like poetry in motion. 🩰 The music, the story, the costumes, and of course, the stunning performances transported me to a different world entirely. Even the music was sensational - what is it with this city's composers! 🎻 The entire performance, a whirlwind of pink tulle and theatrical brilliance, was truly unforgettable.

Wednesday, April 17th - The Empire State Building & The Colour Pink! 🌇

After the intense artistic highs of Tuesday, I thought I'd need a little dose of real-life adventure. The Empire State Building is an icon – everyone has to go at least once, and today was my day! 🤩 So I took my best pink tutu, the one that sparkles under the city lights and popped it on! Nothing else to wear but a pair of simple, elegant shoes. This city truly does make you want to be as dramatic as possible - I wonder why...🤔

Reaching the observation deck was a feat in itself! (Those stairs!) It was like I could see for miles – a kaleidoscope of dazzling lights, streets snaking off into the distance like ribbons. And the feeling, my darlings, the feeling… absolute pure joy. 💃

Of course, what better way to make the view even more fabulous than by wearing pink? The colour truly is timeless. So there I was, with the city sprawling at my feet, twirling like a sugarplum in my perfect pink tutu, feeling absolutely unstoppable! ✨

Thursday, April 18th – Shopping Spree in the Village! 🛍

Who doesn’t love a bit of retail therapy?! New York's Greenwich Village is legendary for its boutiques and independent shops. This place oozes style and flair – the perfect place for a tutu-loving fashionista to spend an afternoon! 💖

I started the day with a detour to Tiffany’s - it is only in NYC, right?! I was a bit starstruck when I saw those beautiful pink boxes... But my bank account said 'no'! So, after my detour, I ventured down the quaint streets and discovered some real hidden gems – funky clothing stores, adorable stationery shops, and charming vintage boutiques. I actually spotted a couple of shops selling vintage tutus! You’re kidding right? Why wouldn’t I spend the afternoon there! I picked up a beautiful pale pink, fluffy one for a reasonable price. The staff thought it was amazing. In my pink, shiny, tutu of course I did! 😉

And guess what?! One of the shops I stumbled upon even had an entire wall dedicated to pink-themed items - including adorable pink tutus for every occasion! Of course, I couldn't resist a little retail therapy, and I found a new tulle-trimmed handbag for my next big adventure! My little collection was just asking to grow, anyway! 👛

Friday, April 19th - The Great Broadway Street Performer Bonanza! 🎶

I know you’re wondering about Friday, aren’t you?! You might be thinking 'Broadway street performers - it’s all been done'. But I love it so much and today it really had my head spinning! 😉 From singers belting out show tunes to acrobatic dancers defying gravity, each performance is a celebration of artistic passion. I watched a group of hip-hop dancers with their pink and silver shoes - I actually gasped! If they had tutus too - that would’ve been brilliant! 😎

In true Emma fashion, I grabbed my trusty camera and captured the magic. 📸 Even the audience was completely entranced - and to see everyone come together with shared laughter and applause, is honestly beautiful! They're living the dream, chasing their passion and sharing their talent with the world. I feel like they all deserve a round of applause!

Saturday, April 20th – Afternoon at The Ballet! 🩰

It's Saturday and that means a big, long morning sleep before a glamorous evening ballet. 😴 It was back to the Metropolitan Opera House, the dazzling beacon of grace and beauty. They say ‘go big or go home’ and the show tonight was everything big! 🤩

From the moment I arrived in my new sparkling tutu, I felt like I'd stepped into a fairy tale. This performance was all about celebrating the love of ballet – the beauty, the power, the grace. It was something truly special, especially the female dancers with their expressive movement. It makes me proud of all we’re accomplishing, even all the way from Derbyshire! 😉 My heart swells with every twirl - can you believe I’ve been twirling for longer than some of these performers have even been alive?! You might say that I'm a pro... and I’m only 25! 😉

Sunday, April 21st - Feeling Blessed and Pink in New York City! 🙏🏻💖

I woke up this morning, feeling so grateful for all the amazing experiences this city has to offer. Every single day here is a lesson in joy, laughter, and celebrating life to the fullest. 💖 I love exploring new places, new faces, new smells, and everything New York throws at me, even the smell of street food! It all helps make my life a tutu-ful adventure. 😉

As the week ends, I’m starting to feel a sense of being completely in my element! The New York City dancers may have been in a different world, but you can guarantee, their next show won’t be complete without a hint of pink! As I make my way through the city streets, I always have my tutu with me. You never know who needs a dose of glitter in their day! 💖

So, if you're reading this from anywhere in the world, please know this - there's a pink tutu waiting for you, and it's more than just a piece of clothing. It's an expression of joy, a reminder to embrace life with an open heart, a whimsical touch that can transform any ordinary moment into an extraordinary one! 😊 And I can't wait for my next adventures here, in New York City. Maybe even some inspiration to twirl a bit yourself, huh?! 😉

Until next Monday! ✨

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-04-15 she danced in New York City