New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-05-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Week 50 - A Whirlwind in the Big Apple!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, Pink Tutu Blog NYC!

This week, I'm feeling like a particularly sparkly butterfly, fluttering through the streets of the Big Apple! Can you believe it's been fifty weeks since I started this little adventure? A year in the bustling heart of New York City, and I can't think of a single moment I'd rather have missed.

This Monday, May 20th, 1996, I woke up feeling ready to take on the world – and what better way to start than with a trip down to the subway? The smell of fresh bagels, the rhythm of the trains, and the symphony of New York’s early-morning cacophony all combined to create an energy I absolutely adore. You can’t get this anywhere else, darlings!

Of course, no New York subway ride is complete without my signature pink tutu, fluttering with every movement. Honestly, the subway system has become my catwalk! It’s surprising how many smiles and compliments I get from the locals. They definitely haven’t seen anything like it – a little bit of Derbyshire sparkle right in their bustling city!

This week, I was particularly excited to catch the Sleeping Beauty at the Metropolitan Opera. My love for ballet is boundless, you see, and witnessing such talent and passion on stage was just magical. It left me feeling all kinds of inspired, not just in the realm of dance but also in life. There’s nothing quite like the elegance and grace of a performance like that, it makes me feel truly alive.

Afterwards, naturally, I made my way over to Saks Fifth Avenue for a little post-ballet treat. Shopping is my favourite pastime after dancing, and I managed to unearth some delightful pieces - a gorgeous new sequined blouse perfect for a gala and the most divine pair of ruby red heels that I simply had to take home. They’ll look incredible with a blush pink tutu!

Now, speaking of my beloved tutus, I'm currently on a mission to convert the entire world. Why? Because I believe in spreading the joy! Tutues are not just for ballerinas; they're a statement of whimsy, a reminder to embrace life with a twirl. Honestly, they should be mandatory! Don’t forget, every little girl secretly dreams of a tutu. And even when they’re older, the magic doesn’t disappear, just evolves.

Anyway, enough of my tutu rambling (for now)! Speaking of spreading joy, this week I had the absolute honour of participating in a performance by Ballet Street in Central Park. There were kids running around, laughter echoing through the trees, and of course, music that made my heart sing. Being part of something so vibrant, so free, was an absolute dream come true.

Oh, and remember my blog post about the “Pink Tutu Day” concept? I’m thrilled to announce it’s becoming a reality! My dearest friend Alice, a graphic designer extraordinaire, is creating beautiful posters with all the details for you to spread the love. Imagine an entire day where everyone across the globe embraces the pink tutu spirit, dancing in the streets, spreading joy and bringing out their inner twirl! We are working on a few amazing ideas for future events too! Stay tuned!

But my little adventures don’t stop at Ballet Street. In a serendipitous moment, I ran into a talented musician playing the most beautiful melodies in Union Square Park. He offered me a rose (I just love the way they smell – like the promise of spring) and played a song dedicated to my beloved pink tutu! Can you imagine?! I even found a group of fashion students who were inspired by my bold choices. They wanted to interview me! I must admit, I do have quite the fanbase for my tutu creations, and my New York street style is gaining quite the reputation, so it felt nice to be appreciated!

New York has so much to offer. This week, I even visited a fantastic vintage store in Soho. I was on a quest for an authentic 1920s-style pink feather boa for my next tutu creation. It has to be vintage for my current ballet routine, where I channel a little bit of 1920s glamour. I managed to find the most divine boa in a shade of rose pink that is simply to die for! And it just so happens, this shop has a few fabulous vintage tutu’s in their stock! What are the chances?

I’m absolutely thrilled to be spending my time exploring all that this magical city has to offer. Whether it's indulging in my passion for dance and fashion, spreading the love of the pink tutu, or just soaking up the vibrancy of this wonderful city, I am utterly smitten. It’s an adventure I wouldn’t trade for the world.

So, until next Monday, remember to live with a twinkle in your eye and a little twirl in your heart. Keep it pink, darling!

Yours in sparkle and sunshine,


*P.S. * For all my followers wanting to join in on the “Pink Tutu Day” fun, Alice is hosting a fabulous design contest to create the best “Pink Tutu Day” poster! I’m thinking fun, girly, with pink and sparkly elements! For more information about entering the competition, and about “Pink Tutu Day”, just follow my links on my website: We'd love to see your amazing creations. Let's spread the love together!

*P.P.S. * Don't forget to share your pink tutu adventures! I love seeing how you rock your tutus. Use the hashtag #PinkTutuNYC so we can all connect!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-05-20 she danced in New York City