New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-09-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 66 - New York, New York!

Hello lovelies! Welcome back to the Pink Tutu Blog NYC!

I’m back in the Big Apple, baby! The city that never sleeps and, let me tell you, it's certainly keeping me on my toes. I arrived last Tuesday and since then it’s been non-stop: Ballet shows, Broadway, bustling streets, and shopping sprees that would make even the most seasoned fashionista weep!

But first, let's take a little trip down memory lane…

I arrived in New York back in 1996, feeling like a small-town girl from Derbyshire stepping into a giant candy floss dream. It was surreal, it was exhilarating, it was… PINK! From the moment I landed, I was captivated. New York is an incredible, buzzing metropolis brimming with energy, life, and, of course, fashion!

The iconic yellow cabs whizzed by, the skyscrapers loomed over me like shimmering giants, and the air was thick with a delightful cocktail of exhaust fumes and freedom. I immediately fell in love.

My heart, however, belonged to the ballet.

The Metropolitan Opera House… oh, the Metropolitan Opera House! I can still remember that first ballet, Swan Lake, like it was yesterday. The dancers glided across the stage, their movements a breathtaking blur of grace and athleticism. The costumes! The music! The energy! It was utterly spellbinding.

And the tutus, of course! Gorgeous, ethereal, and utterly captivating.

Ballet as my Currency:

To fund my New York adventures (because, let's be honest, even tutus have to be paid for!), I’ve been performing in ballet performances throughout my stay. Each night, I take to the stage, my pink tutu a shimmering beacon of elegance. It’s exhausting but rewarding; I get to share my passion with the audience and keep this travelling pink-tutu-dream alive!

And, it must be said, New York audiences have a way of sucking you in. It’s like every night is an exhilarating premiere. You’re pouring your heart and soul into each pirouette, each leap, and they… they applaud and roar with such enthusiasm that it sets your heart racing.

The adrenaline, it's addictive!

Tutus, Travel and the Metro:

After a spectacular performance of Sleeping Beauty, my energy was high and, thankfully, my pockets were full. This meant that the day could finally begin! And I had something planned…

The Metro!

Oh, the subway. The pulse of the city, the underground lifeline connecting boroughs and lives. There’s something fascinating about these bustling stations, with their tiled walls, flickering lights, and symphony of beeps, coughs, and chatter. It’s chaos… but an organized chaos! The kind that fuels the human energy, the collective drive of New Yorkers.

And what do I wear to travel in such an electric atmosphere? Why, my pink tutu, of course!

It’s always fun watching people’s reactions as I make my way onto the platform, my tulle skirt billowing like a bubblegum cloud, a joyful pink feather boa trailing behind. People either look perplexed or downright delighted, which is what makes the entire experience so captivating. I'm pretty sure, too, it helps keep people in a cheerful mood because even the most serious, overworked New Yorker can’t help but crack a smile when faced with a little pink joy!

New York’s Delectable Delights:

The energy from my trip on the Metro certainly wasn't going to be wasted! I was in shopping mode, ready to take on the dizzying array of shops and boutiques in New York.

For starters, we have Fifth Avenue, a treasure trove of couture. My gaze swept across the glossy shopfronts – Valentino, Chanel, Prada, Gucci. I was on the hunt for something exquisite to wear to my evening performance of La Bayadere later in the week. I just knew the Metropolitan Opera House’s grand stage called for something extra special!

However, what’s great about New York, and it’s something I really love, is the balance. Sure, there's luxury, but the city’s soul lives in the independent boutiques hidden away in nooks and crannies. You can find real gems, real unique pieces that add a pop of individuality to your outfit. And you don’t have to have a platinum card!

I’d planned my trip perfectly: the morning shopping spree at the upscale Fifth Avenue stores to satisfy the high fashion dreams and a delightful afternoon of window shopping, peeking into the vibrant and trendy boutiques hidden on a street just off Greenwich Village!

It’s all part of the delicious fashion journey in New York!

And you can’t come to New York without trying a little of its charm, which means that, naturally, it had to include some indulging in the incredible New York street food! This wasn’t the Derbyshire fare that I’d grown up on. The streets were alive with smells: a heavenly symphony of cheese, hot dogs, pizza, donuts, bagels… Oh, the bagels! What a revelation they were!

New York: where the air is thick with the aroma of freshly baked dreams and fashion is an ever-evolving art!

Onwards to Broadway!:

After an epic food odyssey, it was time for another exciting spectacle. New York isn’t just about ballet. It's also the birthplace of Broadway!

My inner child did a happy dance as I headed to the legendary Theatre District.

This place, the bright lights, the bustling crowd – it all oozes with energy! We were here to see Les Misérables. This powerful story is about hope, love, and perseverance. And, to be honest, the perfect antidote to all that indulgence.

For tonight, I hung up my pink tutu and wore a rather dapper, emerald-green dress. The audience, with their elegant dresses and suits, really added to the charm. We all looked the part, sitting in these plush velvet seats. It made you want to get up and sing your heart out.

But instead, we did the next best thing… we allowed ourselves to be swept away by the soaring melodies, the captivating performance, and the overwhelming message of hope!

The energy of Broadway is contagious! It inspires you, empowers you, and, dare I say it, encourages you to chase your own dreams…

Maybe one day, I’ll even see my name in lights!

A Night of Ballet Dreams:

Tonight’s the night!

My tutu was ready; I’d even found some incredible sequined accessories in a little gem of a boutique, just a stone’s throw from Times Square. They added an extra touch of sparkle to my dance costume. The lighting technician had given me a special ‘Pink Tutu Spot’.

I twirled, leaped, and arabesqued. My tutu seemed to float like a pink butterfly, and the entire Metropolitan Opera House shimmered in its reflection.

Each step, each pose, told the story of a powerful ballerina… me!

Living my Best Tutu-Life:

The world feels a bit different when you see the world through the tulle veil of a pink tutu. It’s filled with more joy, more sparkle, and more optimism! It’s this infectious enthusiasm that I want to share. I want everyone to embrace their inner pink tutu. Let it inspire you, motivate you, and remind you that life’s a dance!

For now, my adventure in New York continues. I’m excited about my next trip on the subway and the many wonderful adventures that lie ahead. Who knows what exciting discovery or delicious bite I’ll encounter next?

Stay tuned, my dearest lovelies, because there’s always something dazzling around the corner… or just a tutu's twirl away!

Don’t forget to follow me on!

Love, Emma, Your pink-tutu-wearing friend!

P.S. What's your favourite ballet? What colour do you wear to your performances? Don’t be shy, tell me everything!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-09-09 she danced in New York City