New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-10-07 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #70 – Twirling Through the Big Apple!

Hello darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad adventurer, back from a whirlwind week in the fabulous city that never sleeps – New York City! This is post number 70 for my New York blog, which I post every Monday on – do come and say hello!

Now, you know I love nothing more than a bit of a twirl. But New York, oh my goodness, it was like a stage set for a magical ballet production, designed just for me! Think towering skyscrapers, iconic landmarks like the Empire State Building and Times Square all ablaze in lights, and the buzzing, energetic hum of a city that’s constantly on the go. Honestly, I was in awe.

This trip was all about celebrating my love of the arts – both the classical and the avant-garde. And, of course, it wouldn’t be a true Emma Pink Tutu experience without some shopping! But first, let me tell you about the magic of New York…

Monday’s Magical Metros

You see, I have this absolute love affair with the metro – call it a passion, a fascination, a slight obsession, whatever you like! In New York, the subway is truly an experience, and not just for getting from A to B.

This Monday morning, I decided to try something different. Instead of hopping on a tour bus, I plunged headfirst into the subterranean labyrinth of New York’s Metro system. A few pink tutu twirls at Grand Central Station, and I was off to Brooklyn – home of the beautiful Brooklyn Ballet, where I'd booked myself into a workshop.

A Brooklyn Ballet Dream

Honestly, the class was everything I could have hoped for. My pink tutu was swishing perfectly, and my instructor, a real New York pro with a twinkle in his eye, helped me take my pliés and pirouettes to the next level. We focused on graceful jumps, elegant footwork, and that quintessential New York style – strong, dynamic, and absolutely brimming with energy. It’s safe to say I came back feeling truly empowered, and maybe a little bit starry-eyed.

Dinner at the Plaza – The epitome of NYC glamour

And who could possibly say no to a spot of glamour? That evening, I waltzed into The Plaza, iconic New York City hotel, for a truly spectacular dinner at the Palm Court. Oh my! Imagine – glittering chandeliers, beautifully-dressed ladies, the clink of champagne glasses, and, of course, me – a vision in pink tutu elegance – and you get a taste of the atmosphere.

It's definitely not an everyday occurrence for this girl from Derbyshire. But you know what they say: When in New York…

Friday’s Fashion Fiesta – My favourite New York moments

Now, no trip to New York is complete without a shopping spree. And I just had to go to the heart of fashion in New York City – Fifth Avenue. There, among the stunning shops and world-famous department stores, my pink tutu was practically giddy. I spent hours just admiring the incredible displays and the amazing craftsmanship – all that fashion, all in one place.

Pink Tutu Style

Let me tell you, New York has some fantastic shops. Of course, I took full advantage and found myself a beautiful vintage velvet top in a shade of rosy pink, to match the pink satin trim on my new tutu, and some very special new pink feather boa to complete my look. Just as I like it - bold, vibrant and always, always pink!

Now, to top off my day in true Emma fashion, I had a divine High Tea at the Plaza. Oh my, it was divine! I mean, can a girl really go wrong with champagne, scones, and exquisitely decorated cupcakes - all while in a stunning pink tutu and a lovely New York City outfit. The fashionistas and locals really seemed to love my outfit too, so many smiles, giggles and thumbs-ups. A dream!

Saturday Night – A Broadway Extravaganza

As a devoted fan of all things stagey and theatrical, you know I just had to see a show. I landed tickets for "Moulin Rouge" - a spectacular production with glitz, glamour and show-stopping dance routines. Honestly, I felt as if I'd stepped straight into the Moulin Rouge - the energy was electric!

Ballet on Broadway

One of the absolute highlights of my New York adventure was the chance to catch a ballet performance by the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. It was, without a doubt, a true dance dream. Seeing those incredible dancers, in their costumes, flitting across the stage – with such incredible artistry and precision… oh, I was mesmerised! The sheer power, the beauty, the drama of the movements - it just took my breath away.

I can tell you now, a show like this really made me realise how much ballet means to me. I am determined to work hard at improving my ballet dancing and my chances of landing a spot in a ballet performance - even a small part, that would be enough for this girl.

And of course, my little pink tutu wasn't going to miss this magnificent evening! In fact, it seemed like I wasn't the only one who loved the pink tutu vibe! Many ladies smiled and giggled when they saw my fabulous outfit. And at the end of the performance, when they saw me do a quick twirl on the way out - there was even some applause!

My New York Fashion Statement – And A Call to Action

This trip has really brought home just how much people around the world love a touch of pink. I know, I know, it's not just me – pink really has got a certain appeal! Just seeing all the colours on the streets in New York reminded me how colourful a pink tutu can make even a dull day!

The big pink tutu is definitely here to stay!

I’ve got to tell you, folks, when I walk around with my bright pink tutu on it feels like I’m making a statement. And that statement is all about being joyful, vibrant, confident, and simply embracing the amazing power of colour! Let's just face it, sometimes we all need to be a little more pink, wouldn't you agree?

So, my darlings, as you twirl your way through the week, I urge you - be brave! Be daring! And add some pink to your day – be it a pink ribbon in your hair, a pink t-shirt, a touch of lipstick or your own special pink tutu! Let the pink shine through! It might be just the little thing to brighten someone else’s day, or perhaps even inspire them to find a pink tutu of their own.

Oh! Just imagine how many smiles we could spread in our pink tutus. That’s why I believe everyone should wear a pink tutu - at least once! Because we're all ballerinas at heart, right?

Remember - it’s all about having fun and expressing your inner pink, in your very own unique way!

Catch you next week, darlings. Don't forget to twirl and smile, and I’ll see you next Monday on Pink Tutu Blog! And remember, I love you!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-10-07 she danced in New York City