
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-11-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 75 - New York City, 1996 - A Week in Pink (and a Tutu, Obviously!)

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC! It's a Monday, and you know what that means: another fabulous week in the Big Apple! I'm Emma, your resident pink tutu-wearing ballerina, and I'm absolutely bursting to tell you all about this past week.

This week, New York felt extra sparkly. Maybe it's the changing leaves, maybe it's the nip in the air, or maybe it's the delicious scent of pumpkin spice lattes that permeates every corner. Whatever it is, I'm feeling inspired, ready for adventures, and, most importantly, utterly fabulous.

Let me start with the best bit - this week, my dance card was filled to bursting! I managed to squeeze in a performance with the "City Ballet", (the dancers were magnificent, and my costume, oh my - pink silk, of course, with feathers, naturally!) It's amazing how you can perform on stage one night and then find yourself catching the metro with a troupe of Broadway actors on your way to an after-show dinner. Speaking of Broadway, let me tell you, "Chicago" was truly incredible. I always knew it would be sensational, and it exceeded every single expectation. And after the show? We all descended upon this wonderful little Italian trattoria - so charming, with twinkling lights and the scent of basil and garlic. Honestly, New York knows how to party!

On a totally different note (but still pink-themed), you know how I always tell you about how much I adore finding the cutest outfits? Well, I stumbled upon this incredible vintage shop on Bleecker Street. It was crammed to the rafters with dresses from every era - polka dots, florals, flapper dresses...you name it! I knew instantly that the perfect pink party dress was waiting for me in there. I managed to find a fabulous 1950s number, all tulle and lace, and it even has this sweet little bow at the waist. Can you tell Iā€™m absolutely obsessed with this look?

Of course, no visit to New York would be complete without a little ballet class, wouldn't you say? I'm a big believer in keeping those muscles strong, and I swear, itā€™s the best feeling in the world after a good barre session. I popped in to The Baryshnikov Arts Center. Theyā€™ve got some brilliant classes. Oh, and did I tell you about my discovery? You wouldnā€™t believe the tiny little shop I found on the corner of 8th Street. They sell nothing but tutus! Think pink silk, chiffon, layers and layers of tulleā€¦ It was an absolute tutu wonderland! Of course, I didn't leave empty-handed...

Speaking of tutu wonders, let's talk about fashion for a moment! Itā€™s absolutely blooming everywhere. My favourite part of New York? The street style. Everyone looks incredible. Thereā€™s a mix of vintage chic, designer pieces, and everything in between - it's so inspirational! And of course, everyone has their own unique style, which I absolutely love. New Yorkā€™s a true melting pot.

This week I spotted this adorable young woman in a vintage 70s-style maxi dress. The dress was printed with these incredible bold flowers and she'd paired it with a denim jacket and chunky boots. Talk about stylish! But honestly, my favourite street-style look this week was an older gentleman wearing this perfectly tailored beige suit with a pink pocket square! You know I love a good splash of pink, and it was so chic, it just about made me do a pirouette on the spot.

This week, I learned a few things, you know? First off, a trip to New York is simply not complete without a walk in Central Park. The crisp autumn air, the smell of the changing leaves...heaven! It felt truly magical and made me wish for a romantic autumn picnic. (Anyone up for a picnic this weekend?!) Second, New Yorkers, as much as they are known for their busy schedules and fast lives, really are quite sentimental about the simple things in life. This week, while on the subway, I watched as everyone, from suit-clad executives to high school students, were lost in their books, lost in their little world, all seemingly forgetting where they were, enjoying a good old book! I found it beautiful, how each person, in their own way, used the fleeting moment to enjoy something they loved.

One final thought, darlings - you know my motto? ā€œEveryone can be a ballerinaā€. Now, you might be thinking, Emma, what about all the people who can't stand on one foot, let alone do a grand jetĆ©? You know, that's not about being able to leap across the stage. It's about finding joy in moving, embracing life with an open heart and a twinkle in your eye, even when you're just commuting by metro. Remember, even a casual trip down the street can be an elegant adventure - simply by slipping into your own favourite shade of pink and wearing your biggest, brightest smile!

So, darlings, donā€™t forget to keep the pink spirit alive. Keep your eyes peeled for my pink-tutu adventures here every Monday, on Pink-Tutu.com.

Until next time, love and pink-tutu kisses!


P.S. Don't forget to comment below! What are you doing this week to spread pink-tutu joy? I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Also, if youā€™ve enjoyed reading this weekā€™s blog, you can support me on my website. Just click the ā€œSupport Emmaā€ button on www.pink-tutu.com. And while you're there, you can read my past blogs. And of course, share your pink-tutu style, dance and fashion inspiration! Letā€™s bring pink tutus to everyone in the world!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-11-11 she danced in New York City