New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-01-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #85: A Dance of Dreams in the Big Apple

Good morning darlings! It's Monday, the 20th of January 1997, and your favourite pink tutu-wearing blogger is back in the Big Apple, ready to share all the wonderful, whimsical things I've been up to! This week has been absolutely magical, filled with enchanting ballet shows, inspiring dance classes, and, of course, a whole heap of New York's signature style.

First off, I can't believe I've managed to squeeze so much into this week! My latest tour de force - dancing at the iconic Lincoln Center - has just come to a close, leaving me with a heart full of gratitude and a pair of aching, but perfectly toned, calf muscles! The New York crowd was phenomenal - so enthusiastic, so appreciative, and brimming with that unique, electric energy that only NYC can provide. They even gave me a standing ovation - talk about a boost of confidence, darling! It’s what keeps me going and why I can never imagine my life without the joy of sharing my passion through dance.

Speaking of joy, there's nothing I adore more than seeing the sheer magic of a world-class ballet performance. I'm so lucky to be living in this city, which seems to pulsate with creativity and artistry. This week, I was utterly spellbound by the American Ballet Theatre’s production of Swan Lake. Oh, the elegance, the grace, the sheer took my breath away. It's one of my absolute favourite ballets - and to see it performed by such incredible dancers, in this breathtaking space, it was just perfect! Even the sheer glamour of the Lincoln Center, with its opulent interiors and twinkling lights, added to the atmosphere of enchantment. I can't wait to see what other masterpieces they have in store!

After indulging in all those classical ballet masterpieces, I found myself craving some contemporary creativity! So, on Thursday, I spent an absolutely blissful morning learning the steps to a contemporary piece by one of New York's leading choreographers. The studio buzzed with energy - it was fantastic to be surrounded by so many talented dancers, all sharing a common love for this beautiful art form. It’s in these studios that I’ve felt a real sense of community, a sense of being surrounded by a group of like-minded individuals all pursuing the same goal of excellence, of artistry, of expressing themselves through dance. And the amazing thing? It's always open to all!

The wonderful thing about this city, of course, is that it’s a feast for the senses. So, naturally, after my exhilarating morning in the studio, I treated myself to a spot of shopping - oh, how I love wandering around the designer boutiques in Manhattan! The styles, the fabrics, the craftsmanship - just a dream! My inner fashionista had an absolute ball browsing for the perfect outfits for my next performance - my search for that perfect shade of pink tulle, a new shimmering pair of dance shoes, and, of course, some breathtaking statement pieces to wear on stage - after all, my pink tutus need a proper dazzling frame, don't they?

But fashion isn’t all about the big names, darlings! I love finding independent boutiques, hidden gems amongst the more renowned stores, with unique styles and captivating designs. It's a bit like a treasure hunt, and when you unearth a real gem, you just know you’ve discovered something special. I was particularly charmed by a little shop in SoHo - imagine, tucked away in a cobbled street, an Aladdin's cave of vintage fashion! My eyes were watering, my fingers twitching, I just had to add a few vintage gems to my collection, I mean, what are tutus without a bit of sparkle, darling?!

No blog post about my time in NYC is complete without mentioning the subway! This wonderfully chaotic system, where every ride is a thrilling adventure, carries me everywhere - to dance rehearsals, to enchanting performances, to inspiring workshops, and even on those well-deserved retail therapy jaunts! You never know who you’ll bump into on the subway – a fellow dancer on their way to a performance, a fashionista returning from a glamorous gala, even a shy student about to take their first dance lesson. You truly never know who is about to step on, adding their unique story to the city's tapestry!

One of my favourite experiences this week was catching a street performance in Washington Square Park. A group of dancers, their faces glowing with passion, weaved a breathtaking tale in a flurry of leaps and twirls - it was so heartwarming to see their dedication to their craft! I felt a pang of nostalgia, reminding me of my early days dancing in Derbyshire, before I moved to New York and really discovered my passion for ballet. I loved it so much, I even got a photo with one of the dancers and we had a little chat about all things pink tutu! He even suggested I try street performance as well - a wonderful, crazy idea that, truth be told, did leave me feeling a little tempted!

I often say that the city itself is a performance! With each turn down a bustling street, you can sense the heartbeat of this city, a vibrant rhythm pulsing through the air, full of creativity, individuality and joy. Even the simplest things - the flickering neon lights on Broadway, the steam rising from the pavement on a cold winter day, the way everyone walks with such purpose, everything just sings! It’s just magnetic, darlings, this energy.

But at the end of a day packed with rehearsals, shows and shopping, I like to escape the hustle and bustle, seeking out little hidden sanctuaries like Bryant Park - the most gorgeous oasis of calm and tranquility amidst all the frenetic energy. A place where I can curl up on a bench, listen to the soft tinkling of a nearby fountain, and just breathe, relax and reflect on the magic of my day!

What’s next, you ask? Oh, where to begin? I have so much in store - more dance classes, a trip to the Metropolitan Opera to see Wagner's masterpiece, "The Ring", an afternoon exploring the dazzling shops of Fifth Avenue, a ballet gala where I'm going to try and spread the pink tutu love as much as I can! And I promise you all - there'll be a blog post for each and every adventure! Stay tuned darlings! And remember: Never underestimate the power of a pink tutu! It’s a passport to fun, joy, and self-expression, ready to open doors and inspire wonder in all corners of this fabulous city! Until next time!

P.S. For all my fabulous fashionistas, there’s a fab vintage clothing exhibition on right now at the New York Historical Society. Be sure to check it out – I've been told it's filled with some real head-turning gems, and we know we love a little sparkle, right? And let's not forget the world-famous fashion exhibits at the Metropolitan Museum - some of the best I’ve ever seen. But shhhh, I'm just saying!



P.P.S: Don’t forget, darlings, the website is updated every Monday, so do check in next week to see what's new! And remember to share your stories and snaps from your favourite dance spots! I just might even feature them on the blog!

Follow Emma on: Instagram: @PinkTutu Twitter: @PinkTutuNYC

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-01-20 she danced in New York City