
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-02-03 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post Number 87: A Ballet-Filled February in the City That Never Sleeps!

Hello my darlings! Itā€™s Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina blogger, and Iā€™m back with another exciting instalment from the concrete jungle that is New York City! This week has been absolutely bursting with dance, fashion, and, of course, a healthy dose of pink tutus. Remember, as always, my mantra is ā€œspread the joy, one pink tutu at a time!ā€.

The crisp air of a February Monday greeted me as I stepped out of my charming little apartment (yes, Iā€™ve finally found a place that allows me to store all my tutus!). I headed straight for my favourite subway stop - the vibrant chaos of Times Square always sets the tone for a grand adventure. With the hum of the subway beneath my feet, I whisked towards Lincoln Center, my heart full of anticipation for tonight's ballet performance. It was going to be something truly special!

But before diving headfirst into the dazzling world of ballet, I indulged in a little pre-show retail therapy. New York, darling, is a fashion wonderland! I found a beautiful, dusty-rose tulle skirt - it screamed "Pink Tutu" and whispered "ballet goddess" all at the same time. It's a must-have for any ballerina who wants to look the part even when she's offstage.

Tonight's performance was "Giselle" by the American Ballet Theatre. The drama, the grace, the pure artistryā€¦ it was spellbinding. The music, the costumes, and, of course, the dancing - it was simply sublime! Seeing those incredibly talented dancers soar across the stage reminded me why Iā€™m so passionate about ballet. The sheer athleticism, the emotion, the story - itā€™s a feast for the senses!

After the show, my toes still tingling from the thrill of the performance, I headed for my usual post-ballet haunt ā€“ a cosy little Italian cafe near Lincoln Center. It's the perfect place to decompress after a show, especially after witnessing such exceptional talent. The air was thick with the aroma of rich espresso and fresh pasta, and as I sipped on a perfectly brewed latte and devoured a delicious plate of ravioli, I thought back to all those ballet performances back home in Derbyshire. My journey to New York started from my little dance school there, and here I am, dancing and blogging my way across the city that never sleeps!

My Favourite NYC Finds

Now, speaking of fashionā€¦ Iā€™ve discovered a new secret haven for all things tutus - a tiny, charming little boutique hidden away on the Upper East Side called ā€œDancing Dreams.ā€ The owner is an absolute angel! She shares my passion for pink and helped me pick out the perfect new tulle skirt for a ballet class this week. (You'll have to check out my latest Instagram post - it's a killer tutu pose! ;) ).

This week, I was fortunate enough to be invited to a stunning Fashion Week event, showcasing the newest Spring/Summer designs from some of New Yorkā€™s most exciting young designers. I loved how these collections celebrated the feminine side with delicate fabrics, ethereal silhouettes, and pops of colour - they reminded me of a ballerinaā€™s artistry and the graceful beauty of movement.

My pink tutu, as usual, drew compliments throughout the evening. After all, what's a fashion show without a dash of pink tutu charm? And, believe it or not, one of the designers actually told me she was inspired by the image of a ballerina on pointe ā€“ her new collection had a distinct ballerina-esque silhouette! How delightful!

Ballet, Music, and Broadway

While I adore all the incredible fashion I find in New York, I also love experiencing its artistic side, especially the theatre and live music scene.

This past weekend, I was fortunate to catch "Phantom of the Opera" on Broadway, and I'm not kidding, it left me speechless! It was like stepping into another world. The grandeur of the staging, the soaring music, the incredible singingā€¦ I just canā€™t imagine a better show to experience the magic of Broadway. The leading lady had such a powerful voice! The entire theatre was filled with her notes - a breathtaking display of musical mastery. Itā€™s shows like this that remind me of the magic of theatre and its ability to transport us to new and wonderful places.

And as if that wasnā€™t enough, I also went to a sensational jazz concert at the legendary Blue Note Jazz Club. This was the most enchanting performance! The energy in the club was electrifying! Seeing musicians so passionately pour their souls into their music is simply breathtaking. And as always, my pink tutu managed to stand out amidst the crowds of stylish New Yorkers!

Balancing Ballet with Life

My days in New York City are filled with ballet classes, rehearsals, and of course, those delightful pink tutu excursions through the city. My weekdays are pretty hectic ā€“ a whirlwind of commuting by metro, finding the best local bakeries, catching up on my blogging andā€¦ yes, of courseā€¦ practicing those pirouettes!

On Saturdays, I usually spend some quality time exploring new parts of the city with my friends, discovering charming cafes and quirky vintage shops (where I find the most wonderful tutus, darling!). Thereā€™s always so much to see and do, it's just a matter of taking each day as it comes!

I know, you might be wondering how I manage to do all of this and fund my travels at the same time. Well, my darling, itā€™s all about the ballet, you see. I earn my way around by performing at private events, local ballet classes, and charity galas. And believe me, itā€™s never boring! I have been fortunate to meet so many incredible people through my work ā€“ dancers, choreographers, and even some generous philanthropists.

But more importantly, dancing is my passion! My pink tutu has become a symbol of joy, and the joy of dancing is something I want to share with the world!

Living My Dream, One Pink Tutu at a Time!

Now, darling, before I finish this post, I just want to say that I'm incredibly grateful for all of you! Each week, your comments, likes, and shares remind me why I do this. Your support means the world to me! And every time I see someone sporting a pink tutu, whether on the subway, in the street, or even in a shop window, it makes me smile!

It may be a wild dream, but I truly believe that pink tutus have the power to unite the world. We all need a bit of whimsy, a splash of colour, and a reminder that life is a celebration of dance and joy! So spread the love, put on your favourite pink tutu, and letā€™s make the world a brighter, twirlier place!

Until next Monday, my dears!

Love, Emma


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-02-03 she danced in New York City