New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-03-03 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC - Post Number 91 - Monday 3rd March 1997

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, back from the most amazing trip to the Big Apple! My first time in New York City, and it certainly lived up to the hype! From the dazzling lights to the incredible energy, it was a whirlwind of a week filled with pink tutus, ballet, shopping, and endless excitement.

As always, I couldn't travel without my trusty pink tutu, and it turned out to be the perfect outfit for conquering the city. From the bustling streets to the grand avenues, my pink tutu drew admiring glances and even a few playful comments from fellow New Yorkers. It’s amazing how much attention a pink tutu attracts! But it’s all in good fun, isn't it?

Now, where do I even begin to share my adventures with you? My New York City blog is bursting at the seams!

A Ballet-Filled Dream

I just have to gush about the ballet scene in New York. It's truly mind-blowing! From world-renowned performances to intimate studios, I was immersed in a ballet wonderland. I spent one delightful evening at the New York City Ballet, mesmerised by the grace and precision of their dancers. Their costumes, their choreography, the entire atmosphere was pure magic. I practically gasped every ten minutes. Honestly, you would have thought I’d just arrived at my first ever ballet. The artistry and energy left me utterly captivated.

Then, I also enjoyed a more intimate experience at a tiny studio tucked away in Greenwich Village, where I tried out a beginner’s ballet class. I swear, they call them beginner’s classes for a reason! I didn’t realise ballet could be so difficult. I need a lot more practice to stand up straight. Nevertheless, I found it utterly fascinating. There was just so much focus on movement, poise and, above all, rhythm. The instructor was quite strict (in the nicest possible way, of course) and ensured I didn't get away with a lazy plie. Despite being stiff, I enjoyed it tremendously. In fact, it inspired me to continue practicing and getting more professional instruction so that I can work on my plie’s when I return to Derbyshire.

I even ventured to a local park, where a group of passionate ballerinas were practicing outdoors. It's amazing how many people find a way to dance anywhere in this city, with such energy! Their passion really shines through. That's my biggest take away - we can be our own audience, practice makes perfect, and it really doesn't matter where.

From the Met to Times Square: Exploring the City

Now, if you think I only saw ballet during my visit, think again! New York has so much more to offer.

I've been dreaming of visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) since forever! The vastness and historical significance of the place truly took my breath away. I saw art, sculptures, ancient artifacts, and fashion exhibits, everything! It felt as if I'd travelled back in time to the Renaissance era. The grand halls and breathtaking masterpieces are a true testament to the artistic soul of New York.

I couldn’t leave New York City without venturing into the vibrant heart of Times Square. A vibrant jumble of dazzling billboards, iconic street performers, and the unmistakable sound of a city that never sleeps. From there, I strolled down to the beautiful Fifth Avenue, passing by department stores that sparkled with luxury goods, street vendors showcasing their unique crafts, and endless streams of tourists and New Yorkers alike.

You really couldn't call it a day in New York City until you have tried a hot dog in Times Square! There’s nothing better than having that juicy frankfurter under the bright lights of the city. Now, that is an iconic New York City memory I shall cherish forever.

Fashion and Glamour: Shopping Extravaganza!

Of course, I wouldn’t leave the greatest city in the world without experiencing a little retail therapy! The shops in New York are like candy stores for fashion lovers! It was all so tempting and overwhelming.

Let me tell you, the boutiques and vintage stores of Soho were an absolute treasure trove. From independent designers to iconic brands, there’s a shop for every style. They call it a shopping experience for a reason! The staff was friendly and gave fantastic style tips - I was spoilt for choice. And if I ever doubted that there were outfits made for every event, be it a formal ball or a casual coffee date, Soho convinced me otherwise. I just needed more time and more credit! I really wanted everything - it’s a shame I didn’t buy more.

Riding the Subway: My Pink Tutu Takes on New York’s Transport

Oh, how I adore the New York subway! It was my preferred mode of transportation throughout my trip! The vibrant murals on the platforms, the hustle and bustle of the crowds, the fascinating characters who frequent the system – it's all part of the New York City experience. I love observing the mix of commuters and tourists – you can feel the energy coursing through every single one of them!

And, yes, my pink tutu joined me on the subway too! Naturally, I couldn't resist twirling around on the platform before heading onto the train, bringing smiles to fellow passengers. I felt such joy being a dancing dot of pink in the middle of that chaotic system. A splash of colour against the greyness of the underground. And the subway stations are surprisingly lovely, there are a lot of beautiful architectural gems in the depths of the metro! Who would have thought?

The City That Never Sleeps

After an action-packed week, I reluctantly said goodbye to the energy, lights, and ballet-filled nights of New York. I had to return to Derbyshire but I felt refreshed, re-inspired, and overflowing with new ideas.

New York, with all its vibrant contradictions, will always hold a special place in my heart. It's a city that embraces everything - from the grit to the glamour, the traditional to the avant-garde. This trip was such a special experience that I must tell you all that I will definitely be returning with another pink tutu to conquer the concrete jungle!

This week, it was so lovely to finally experience all of those great shows and experiences that I’ve been watching on the screen for years and reading about in the newspapers. New York did not disappoint - but that wasn't even the best bit, this week, the greatest memory I leave with, was all the inspiring people I encountered who simply embraced themselves and embraced every part of the experience. That’s truly what I try to convey in every one of my blog posts – live your best life, embrace yourself and everything in you and have a good laugh along the way! You can’t go wrong with a touch of pink and a beautiful tutu, after all.

Now, my lovelies, do tell me about your New York experiences! Have you ever visited the city? Did I miss any must-see attractions? I look forward to reading all of your adventures and seeing your fabulous fashion moments! Remember, let your inner tutu shine! And please do get in touch if you’ve got any questions about New York or the city’s incredible ballet scene.

See you next Monday!

With love,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-03-03 she danced in New York City