
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-04-07 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: A whirl in the Big Apple! (Post 96)

Good morning, darlings! It's Monday, and you know what that means - another fabulous Pink Tutu Blog NYC post! This week, we're back in the heart of the Big Apple, where the streets are paved with dreams (and quite possibly some stray bagels). And speaking of dreams, this week has been one big whirl of excitement - from swishing down Broadway in a cloud of pink tulle, to discovering hidden gems tucked away in the city's vibrant fashion districts.

A Breathtaking Ballet

Remember that fantastic, feather-light feeling when you take your first flight as a little girl? That's how I felt this Saturday! I was lucky enough to nab tickets for a stunning performance of Swan Lake at the Metropolitan Opera House. Honestly, darlings, the energy in the air was electric! The ballerinas, with their perfect leaps and exquisite precision, transported us to a world of graceful beauty and ethereal dreams. There was even a surprise, when a small, white, furry puppy wandered onto the stage during the second act. It was sheer pandemonium, darling! (Of course, I remained ever so composed in my perfectly matched blush pink top and sequined tutu, the picture of sartorial serenity amidst the chaos).

Tutu-fied in Times Square!

After the ballet, I ventured out to Times Square, that bustling, energetic crossroads of the city, with its neon lights and electric atmosphere. What better place to wear a tutu than in the very heart of New York, where everyone is a star?

The tourists, bless their cotton socks, stopped to take photos and even ask me to pose with their kids! (I mean, honestly, who can resist a darling tutu-wearing ballerina in Times Square?) The whole experience was positively magical, darling, and it confirmed my belief: we need more pink tutus in the world!

A Fashionista's Paradise

I simply had to venture into the world of NYC fashion this week, darling! It's impossible to visit New York without hitting up some of the iconic boutiques. My favourite find was this adorable little store on Bleecker Street called "Bird on a Wire," bursting with vintage treasures and whimsical clothing. It reminded me of my grandmum's little antique shop in Derbyshire - just with a distinctly Manhattan touch. I found the most divine little tutu-esque skirt, darling, in a soft shade of peach with delicate floral embellishments. I'm already dreaming of my next ensemble with it, possibly with a pink lace blouse and my trusty knee-high pink boots - just divine!

Metro Magic

Being a bona fide ballerina and a devoted Pink Tutu blogger, it's only natural that my preferred mode of transportation in the Big Apple is the metro! Not only does it get you around the city like a whizz, but the vibe on the subway is simply intoxicating. The cacophony of conversations, the endless stream of characters passing by, and that oh-so-slight smell of popcorn (thanks, New York!) makes each journey unique. And I'm convinced that the best outfit for any metro adventure? A vibrant pink tutu, darling, because it adds a touch of whimsy to even the most mundane of journeys!

Catching a Show

You know what they say, darling - New York's the city that never sleeps, and after a busy day of ballet, tutus and shopping, I wouldn't have it any other way! The excitement of the city continues late into the night with its fabulous theater scene. On Monday evening, I had the chance to see a fantastic performance of 'Hairspray' on Broadway. It was high-energy, entertaining, and I must say, I shed a little tear at the end. Those lyrics! I mean, honestly, darling, I just loved it!

Sharing the Joy

As my week winds down, I find myself feeling utterly refreshed and invigorated by the vibrancy and magic of New York City. I simply have to share that feeling, to inspire others to wear a pink tutu, to dance through their day with a spring in their step. So here's to spreading joy, one pink tutu at a time!

Do leave me a comment below and let me know your thoughts on the city that never sleeps. And as always, remember darlings, a little bit of pink goes a long way, and never, ever be afraid to wear a tutu!

Until next week, keep twirling and smiling!

Yours in Pink Tutu,


P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog and follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuNYC for more sartorial delights and behind-the-scenes adventures.

*Things you may want to see or do on the 7th April, 1997 (assuming 1997 was an active year for New York arts & theater) *

1. New York City Ballet (At the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center). A timeless and beautiful ballet experience to indulge in.
2. Broadway Show. It is difficult to say what was playing on Broadway for certain in 1997. A couple of suggestions: "The Lion King" had been running on Broadway for several years. "Titanic," and "Jekyll & Hyde" were other possible choices. You could find out the running list on a "1997 Broadway Shows" website or use a general website and refine your search by the dates and shows that were open.
3. An Off-Off-Broadway show. This will depend on your taste and might offer something different and exciting. The website "NY Times Arts" has some theatre articles for a time period for NYC to help Emma choose, such as off-off-Broadway options in NYC.

This blog post assumes 1997 would have been a normal active period in the city.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-04-07 she danced in New York City