
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-05-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #100: The Big Apple Twirls!

Hello my gorgeous ballet bunnies!

This week, I'm skipping and leaping straight into my 100th New York City blog post! Can you believe it? It's been a whirlwind journey, full of glitter, pirouettes, and a whole lot of pink! πŸ’–

It feels like just yesterday I was packing my suitcase with tutus (a good five, of course!), saying goodbye to the rolling hills of Derbyshire and hopping on that big plane to the Big Apple! I never could have imagined how much joy New York would bring to my twirling heart. It's truly the city that never sleeps, and my tutu never stays still for long!

Speaking of tutus, you all know my mission is to spread the love of pink tutus all over the world. So, naturally, I had to embrace my pink passion right here in the heart of it all. Just the other day, I spotted a little girl at Central Park in a sunshine yellow tutu - my heart simply soared! She twirled so gracefully, a real little ray of sunshine, and reminded me that joy and twirling go hand-in-hand. I've always thought a bit of pink can add a little magic to every life, wouldn't you agree? πŸ˜‰

A City that Moves

Speaking of sunshine, the weather in New York has been simply glorious these past few weeks. Evenings are cool and breezy, perfect for strolling through Central Park with a cup of coffee (or, for the adventurous soul, a slice of New York cheesecake!), observing the sunset paint the sky in a thousand hues.

Now, let's talk about the real beauty of New York: its energy! It's a city that moves with a rhythm of its own, a vibrant mix of ambition and artistry, a tapestry woven from the dreams of countless individuals. And for a girl like me, who loves nothing more than to twirl, it's simply captivating!

My Weekend Delights

This weekend was all about exploring the cultural heart of New York! Let me paint you a picture:

  • Friday night was a delight for the senses. I spent the evening at Lincoln Center, nestled within the grandeur of the Metropolitan Opera House. My breath caught in my throat as I took in the opulence of the decor. Oh, the sheer magnificence of the crystal chandeliers! 🌠 But it wasn't just the theatre itself that had me entranced; it was the ballet! 🩰 I witnessed the raw talent and boundless passion of the New York City Ballet, their bodies moving with such precision and grace. It was a truly inspiring performance, a magical night filled with beautiful movements and intricate choreography.

  • Saturday morning, fuelled by my passion for all things stylish, I took to the iconic streets of Fifth Avenue! There's nothing quite like strolling through designer boutiques, spotting those exquisite creations that truly speak to a girl's heart. Of course, I picked up a little something special for myself - a gorgeous pink feather boa that will add a touch of flair to any outfit. ✨

  • Saturday afternoon, I indulged in the most delightful ballet class at the prestigious School of American Ballet. Imagine this: the air filled with the sweet sound of grand pianos, the scent of beeswax polish mingling with the warm fragrance of sweat. I danced among a group of incredibly talented dancers, all eager to learn, to perfect their art. I felt a real sense of connection to them, sharing that common love for the dance, that passion that makes our hearts beat a little faster.

  • Saturday night, I headed back to Broadway for a mesmerising evening. This time, I watched the electrifying energy of "Chicago," the costumes were dazzling, the music infectious, and the dance moves sassy! It's incredible how different a dance production can feel on stage, compared to the refined beauty of classical ballet. It was a whole other world of vibrant movement, one that sparked joy in a different way!

  • Sunday, it was back to the world of the dance studio. This time I opted for a relaxed, free-flowing session with a hip-hop dance group at a local dance centre. Learning street dance moves is a great way to tap into my inner sassy self, let me tell you! Who needs to twirl gracefully when you can break it down to a wicked beat?

A Bit of Pink Inspiration

I truly believe that pink has the power to ignite our imaginations and bring a little more sunshine into our days. Even in this sprawling metropolis, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of New York life, I find myself spotting little pops of pink here and there. From the bright fuchsia umbrellas on a rainy day, to the pink ribbons adorning the benches in Central Park, it's amazing how colour can infuse our world with a little magic. πŸ’–

But, don't get me wrong, I don't think you need a full-fledged pink tutu to embrace your inner dancer! Let your inner twirl loose, wherever you are, and embrace the beauty that surrounds you. It's a mindset, a sense of lightness and grace, an attitude of positivity and a touch of pink sparkle. ✨

And so, as I wrap up this 100th blog post, I feel a deep sense of gratitude. I've made some incredible memories in this city, danced with amazing people, and met some truly inspiring souls along the way. I've even managed to inspire a few folks to add a little bit of pink to their wardrobe! (There’s a little pink going on here and there amongst those New Yorkers, I can tell you that! And I’m happy to help.)

Pink tutu kisses and twirls, Emma x

PS If you're ever in New York and want to find me, just look for the girl twirling in a pink tutu and say "Hello!" I love meeting fellow ballet bunnies! And don't forget to check out the pink-tutu.com website for more tips, fashion advice, and exciting adventures in the world of dance!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-05-05 she danced in New York City