New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-07-21 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC, Monday 1997-07-21 (Post #111)

Hello my dearest Tutuettes! 🩰✨

The Big Apple is calling! I'm writing this from a charming little café near Times Square, where the aroma of freshly baked cookies is mixing with the buzz of New York life. Today's adventure takes us through the vibrant streets, bustling subway lines, and of course, to the magical world of Broadway. I've been busy dancing and twirling my way through New York, with the soft swish of my pink tutu a constant reminder that, no matter where I go, the joy of ballet follows me.

Speaking of joy, let me tell you about this weekend! The ballet world here is as alive as ever. On Saturday, I caught a breathtaking performance of 'Giselle' at the New York City Ballet. The delicate choreography, the stunning costumes, the pure emotion - it was truly inspiring. And you know me, I can't resist a good dance after seeing a beautiful performance! So, imagine, if you will, me, twirling amongst the city's skyscrapers, my pink tutu swirling with the energy of the urban landscape. I even caught a few curious looks, a giggle here, a curious glance there, and then a man doing an impromptu pirouette on the street – just for me, I like to think. The power of the pink tutu is spreading, folks!

On Sunday, it was back to the studio, this time for a class at a renowned dance school in Brooklyn. The energy in the room was electric! We were working on a piece that explored the dynamic flow between stillness and movement – so beautiful. My instructor told me I was making incredible progress, which of course, is wonderful to hear, especially after a week filled with city adventures. And remember my lovely Tutuettes, the more you practice, the closer you get to realising your own dance dreams. Don't be afraid to dream big, especially when it comes to dance!

But ballet wasn't the only thing on my itinerary this weekend. Let me introduce you to a little shop I stumbled upon yesterday - "The Pink Flamingo" - it’s an absolute haven of beautiful things! I fell in love with a soft lavender silk scarf, and they had the most delightful pink cardigan. I am forever on the lookout for stylish new additions to my pink wardrobe! I believe in accessorising my tutu with fashion that captures the heart of every city I visit, making it part of the journey.

And speaking of journeys, I've been making extensive use of the subway here in New York. I must say, it’s quite an experience! Not only do you get to witness the fast pace of the city from below, you'll often catch a fellow New Yorker's spontaneous performance or a spirited singalong with your fellow commuters. It's an ever-changing stage filled with ordinary people and extraordinary moments. Who knows, maybe I'll spot a fellow Tutuette on the subway train one day! If you happen to see me, just wave a little. It might sound silly, but trust me, you'll be surprised at how quickly a smile spreads from one to another on a busy train!

Oh! Before I forget, did you know that 19th July marks the anniversary of one of my favourite musicals - 'My Fair Lady'! How delightful, a musical that brings together captivating stories with music that will get you tapping your feet! My absolute favourite part? "I Could Have Danced All Night". Just thinking about it has me twirling around the café in my pink tutu. I can only dream of dancing onstage like Eliza Doolittle – so inspiring and such amazing choreography. If you get the chance to see 'My Fair Lady,' you definitely shouldn't miss it! The music is an ode to the power of dreams, much like the spirit of this blog!

Well, dear Tutuettes, my cup of tea is finished, and it's time for me to embark on a new adventure in New York City! Don't forget to visit me next Monday for my next update! And please, send me pictures of yourselves wearing your pink tutus! Whether you're in London, Derbyshire, or even in the middle of Times Square, share the pink tutu magic with the world! It might just bring a little extra sparkle to someone's day.

Until next Monday,

Your Pink Tutu Blogger, Emma.

P.S. You can find me on Instagram! Follow me @PinkTutuBlogger! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogger #NYC #DanceLife #Fashion #Travel #PinkLove #TutuTuesday

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-07-21 she danced in New York City