New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-07-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post Number 112 - New York City Magic!

Monday, July 28, 1997

Hello my darling readers! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, writing to you live from the dazzling streets of New York City! I know, I know, you're all wondering how I, a Derbyshire girl at heart, managed to land in the Big Apple, right? Well, it all started with a dream... and a whole lot of hard work!

This city, my dears, it's a whirlwind of excitement, a playground of possibilities! Where else can you catch a glimpse of Broadway legends strolling down the street, feel the energy of a thousand dreams pulsing through the air, and discover hidden treasures tucked away in charming little boutiques? Honestly, it's like stepping into a fairytale!

You see, ever since I was a little girl, my biggest dream was to dance in New York City. I’d watch videos of legendary ballerinas pirouetting across stages and dream of being in their place. I knew the city had to be brimming with endless opportunities for a girl like me, and I was determined to make it happen!

Of course, a girl's gotta make a living! I knew it wouldn't be easy, but my passion for ballet was all I needed. I'd spent countless hours in the studio, honing my skills, learning every technique under the sun. My dancing eventually led me to perform for a local theatre company back in Derbyshire. While the stage might not have been Broadway, the thrill and exhilaration of performing in front of an audience was a magic that truly set my soul ablaze. And let’s be honest, that’s what life’s all about!

And then came my big break! An email landed in my inbox inviting me to audition for a summer ballet program here in New York! You can't even imagine how much joy my heart skipped that day! With a little bit of luck and a whole lot of determination, I secured a spot in this prestigious program! You’re all probably wondering what I've been up to in the Big Apple. Let me tell you, it’s been a wild and wonderful adventure so far!

Today, for example, I embarked on a little adventure through the vibrant streets of New York! Armed with my trusty metro pass, I embarked on a journey down to SoHo, a place I’d heard so much about. The air was buzzing with the rhythm of street performers, the aroma of freshly baked goods from corner bakeries filled the air, and a symphony of chatter and laughter filled the streets.

SoHo was a wonderland of independent boutiques! Imagine, row upon row of quirky little shops brimming with vintage treasures, designer delights, and everything a fashion-conscious ballerina could ever need! I admit, I might have treated myself to a few pieces, after all, a ballerina’s gotta have her outfit ready for any performance opportunity that pops up!

This afternoon, I took my first ever ballet class here in the Big Apple! The studio, a charming little space tucked away on the third floor of a brownstone building, buzzed with the excited chatter of ballerinas like myself. Stepping into that studio, surrounded by such talented dancers, filled me with an overwhelming sense of belonging! We worked through stretches and drills, learning some intricate new movements.

It was incredible! The instructor, a woman with the grace and power of a true ballerina, taught us with such precision and enthusiasm that I felt inspired with each move I made. This wasn’t just a ballet class, my dear readers! This was a chance to learn, to grow, to be pushed to the limit. Oh, and I absolutely had to wear my signature pink tutu, of course!

After class, I made my way over to Times Square, a spectacle of glittering lights, towering billboards, and endless activity! From there, I caught a performance by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre at City Center. What a captivating performance, a blend of traditional balletic moves with contemporary flair, a true testament to the power of movement and music! It made me wish I could dance like that.

One of the amazing things about New York is the fact that theatre isn’t limited to the stage. I caught the cutest performance of ballet on the streets! It’s so much fun seeing these beautiful dance troupes performing for the city to see, their elegance and skill bringing the streets to life! I absolutely love that New York allows for people to express themselves like this! They had an array of beautifully designed pink tutus as well. Just what this city needed!

Here are some highlights from this wonderful day in New York:

  • SoHo shopping: I discovered a little vintage shop tucked away in a side street that was a treasure trove of ballet-inspired items. I snagged a gorgeous pair of silver ballet slippers that I can't wait to wear with my tutu (for a casual stroll down the streets of New York City, of course!).
  • Ballet Class: I learnt a fantastic new combination that will definitely add some sparkle to my routine, oh and you bet I’m working hard to perfect a dazzling new turn!
  • Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre: Oh my goodness, the performance was mesmerising! The dancers' precision, passion, and energy left me speechless. I’ll definitely be trying to make it to more performances by this incredible troupe.

This city, my darling readers, is a place where dreams take flight! And, believe me, my heart has never felt more inspired. It's been a whirlwind of exciting experiences, artistic brilliance, and endless possibilities. I’m so happy to be here and sharing this journey with you! Stay tuned for more New York adventures!

Until next Monday, remember to keep those pink tutus spinning and your dreams big!



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-07-28 she danced in New York City