New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-08-18 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #115: Tutu-ing Around the Big Apple!

Hello darlings!

It's Monday again, which means another fabulous instalment of my NYC adventures for you lovely lot! It’s Emma here, back from another whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple. As usual, my pink tutu and I have been up to all sorts of fabulous things. I'm a bit bruised, a little bit sore (those barre classes at Steps on Broadway are killer!), but utterly, utterly thrilled with all that I’ve experienced. This week, we’re diving into the world of fashion, Broadway, and of course, some tutu-rific moments!

As you know, my little pink tutu and I are on a mission to bring a touch of whimsy to every corner of the world. And let me tell you, New York City is just the perfect place for that! So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

My Darling, It’s Ballet!

It wouldn't be a true Emma in New York blog post without some ballet, would it? This weekend, I had the absolute pleasure of catching a performance at the American Ballet Theatre at the Metropolitan Opera House. Now, I’ve been to a lot of shows in my time, but this one really blew my socks off! The programme was “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” – such a delightful ballet, all about fairies and mischievous sprites and the magic of summer.

I can’t even tell you how many different costumes the dancers wore – shimmering, flowing gowns, beautifully detailed tutus, and, of course, those magical wings that every little ballerina dreams of! My little pink tutu might not have quite the same effect as those, but she held her own in the midst of all that spectacle, I can assure you!

But the real magic was in the performance itself. Each dancer, from the principals to the corps de ballet, brought such incredible artistry to the stage. The steps were dazzling, the storytelling powerful, and I felt a bit misty-eyed as I watched these incredible performers take me away to that magical world of fairies and love.

After the show, I decided to grab a quick bite at the Metropolitan Opera House cafe, sipping my cappuccino and watching the other patrons trickle out, some wearing fancy dresses and others in jeans and tees. It struck me, you can wear anything in New York City, and no matter how fancy or simple you choose to dress, everyone blends in. I suppose that’s what’s so exciting about the city – it’s full of amazing personalities and the fashion reflects this diversity! The one constant across them all is the absolute passion that everybody seems to have. I feel right at home here, nestled amongst such spirited folk.

My Shopping Spree (And a Very Unexpected Tutu!)

Now, no trip to New York City is complete without a little shopping, wouldn't you agree? This weekend, my mission was to find some fab new pieces to add to my wardrobe and, of course, a new outfit for next week's ballet class (those ballerina shoes take quite a beating, you know!). I spent a happy hour wandering the bustling streets of Soho, browsing the vintage boutiques and independent designers. It's so inspiring to see all the creativity bubbling up here!

But wait for it, dear readers, I had a moment that was, well, pretty fabulous! I was browsing a particularly charming little vintage shop when I stumbled across a pair of white satin tutus. Just the thing for my next recital, really! They were vintage, of course, and I felt like a queen trying them on! It turns out they’d belonged to an actual New York City ballerina in the 1980s, which I thought was pretty cool. And the shop owner, who was so lovely and bubbly, she reminded me of a dear friend from my ballet classes back in Derbyshire, said she would throw in a lovely white satin headpiece. That little detail made my heart sing - now my ballet outfit is truly going to stand out on the stage!

I’m not sure if it’s a New York thing, but I just seem to be drawn to shopping! But what can I say? I just can't resist all these incredible boutiques! But after a couple of hours and many, many bags, it was time to head back to my favourite corner cafe in the city, the Bleecker Street Diner.

Finding Inspiration on Bleecker Street

If you’re in the Village, then Bleecker Street is a must. You know me, I like to see the history and tradition in a city and I’m so fascinated to hear tales about all the artists and writers who frequented this street! And it just feels right. They have the best milkshakes, my favourite, strawberry!

It’s pretty well-known to the regulars (and I've definitely earned myself a regular seat there!) that I love a good piece of art to inspire my ballet. And sitting on Bleecker Street this weekend, a couple of young musicians began to set up and they played their guitars. They were performing some contemporary stuff and for a minute, I just stood there mesmerised by the music and the creativity flowing from their performance. So of course, I just had to grab my sketchbook and a coffee and just doodle all those movements and feelings onto paper.

Monday Memories

And as you’re reading this, my darling, my little pink tutu and I are about to make our way over to our favourite café, on Madison Avenue - a beautiful vintage one and the staff always recognise me now as the ‘Pink Tutu’ lady. They just get my orders right. They have the best black coffee!

This week, I’ve been working on a brand new routine. I am thinking of using those old vintage tutus that I picked up the other week as inspiration. I want to include something special with a little of the New York vibe in there – maybe some city lights, or perhaps a skyline that might look familiar. We’ll see what the creative muse brings.

Speaking of which, it’s time for me to go – but first, here's my daily dose of pink positivity. Today's dose comes from this incredible little cafe on Madison Avenue! They’re so nice, even to a girly girl with a big pink tutu and all her big dreams for the stage!

That's all for now darlings! Make sure you check in with me next Monday, as I'm sharing another exciting week of adventures! Don't forget to check out and leave me a comment if you’re planning a trip to New York – I love hearing your tips!

Until next week, wear pink and keep dancing, darlings!

Lots of love, Emma xx

P.S. If you're in the area this week, check out this week's events. We might be able to meet and you can tell me your Tutu dreams! Monday: * My regular ballet class at Steps on Broadway - come and join me! Tuesday: * An afternoon exploring Central Park Wednesday: * My Ballet practice at Dance New Amsterdam Thursday: * Ballet show - more to come Friday: * Night of theatre at the Shubert Theatre. See if you can guess the show! Saturday: * Exploring a new area of NYC - my new favourite: The West Village. So many antique stores! Sunday: * Catching the iconic Ballet show at the Lincoln Center – The Bolshoi! I’m so excited! If you’re lucky, you might see my tutu. That is, if they let me in…

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#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-08-18 she danced in New York City