New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-11-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #128: Twirling Through the Big Apple

Hello my darling tutu-lovers! It's Monday again, and that means it's time for a fresh dose of pink-tutu-fied adventures straight from the heart of New York City! This week's blog is extra special, because…drumroll please… I'm still in New York! Yes, that's right, I'm living the dream in the Big Apple, and trust me, my tutu's having the time of its life!

Last week, I was telling you about how I landed the lead role in the off-Broadway production of The Nutcracker. And let me tell you, darling, it's been a whirlwind of rehearsals, fittings, and glitter! You know how much I adore dressing up for ballet, but being in a real show? It's an absolute dream come true.

This week has been about nailing the choreography and perfecting those pirouettes. But there's something truly magical about being on stage in the city that never sleeps! I swear, I could twirl on forever. The energy here is contagious, and I feel like I'm a part of something incredible.

Of course, no New York trip would be complete without a little bit of exploring! So, let me whisk you off on a pink tutu tour of the city!

A Day of Tutu-tiful Discoveries

This Saturday, I decided to take a little break from the rehearsal schedule and delve into the fashion heart of Manhattan. After a delicious brunch of blueberry pancakes (pink, of course!) at a darling cafe, I made my way to the iconic Fifth Avenue. I was practically drowning in gorgeous displays of designer boutiques, and my bank account was feeling slightly apprehensive, but my inner fashionista couldn't help but get a little excited.

Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon the most magnificent pink feather boa in a window display! It was calling out to me, beckoning me to embrace my inner feather boa aficionado! Sadly, it wasn't within my budget, but I did find a delightful pink sequinned scarf in a vintage store tucked away down a cobblestone street. Talk about finding a treasure! It'll look amazing with my ballet outfits and, even better, will perfectly complement my blush-toned blusher!

Later that evening, after a quick stop at Bloomingdale's for some seriously divine makeup, I decided to treat myself to a night at the ballet. It wouldn't be a true Emma in New York experience without experiencing a live performance! The Metropolitan Opera House is an architectural masterpiece, and watching a classical ballet amidst that opulence? Honestly, my darling, I felt like I'd stepped into a fairytale.

Speaking of fairy tales, The Sleeping Beauty is on right now at the Metropolitan! Can you believe it? Honestly, my inner ballerina nearly cried. They're playing all my favourites here! I know you'll all be delighted to hear that the costumes are exquisite and the performance was nothing short of breath-taking! They've added such captivating choreography and I was mesmerised throughout the whole show! The whole thing is quite inspiring, and has really rekindled my passion for classical ballet!

Travelling Through Time, with a Pink Tutu

And speaking of rekindled passions, can you believe that A Christmas Carol is running in the city right now?! They have so many shows here it's incredible, really! Every corner you turn in New York there seems to be another theatre waiting for you to dive into a magical world! Oh darling, I do love a good musical, and A Christmas Carol really brought the classic story to life in a wonderfully nostalgic way! There was a magical glow in the air at this theatre, it truly made me feel like a child again!

Pink Tutu Adventures in the Subway

But wait, darling, there's more! After soaking in all the magical theatrical experiences New York City has to offer, I have to admit that sometimes even the biggest pink tutu needs a break. So, I indulged in my ultimate form of self-care: a relaxing ride on the city's iconic subway. Now, let me tell you, travelling by metro here in New York City can be an absolute rollercoaster of a ride. Honestly, the trains move faster than a speeding gazelle, and you're squeezed in like sardines in a tin can!

But the absolute best part is observing all the fascinating people around you. This city is bursting with personality, darling! Every single person on the subway is a character in their own story, and just observing them gives me endless inspiration for my writing.

From the City That Never Sleeps, with Love

This weekend in New York has truly been unforgettable, my darling. The city truly has a captivating magic. I love it here! It's an overwhelming mix of bustling streets, iconic sights, and endless entertainment – all set against a backdrop of pure pink-tutu-fied joy. I could practically write about my adventures here every day and never run out of things to say.

So, stay tuned, my lovely tutu-loving followers! Next week, we'll be diving back into the world of the off-Broadway Nutcracker and, of course, exploring even more of New York's hidden gems.

Until next Monday, twirl on, my lovelies!

Your dearest pink tutu-wearing blogger,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-11-17 she danced in New York City