New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-12-08 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #131 - Twirling Through The City That Never Sleeps!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina blogger, writing to you live from the heart of the Big Apple! It's Monday, 8th December 1997, and the festive spirit is swirling around the city like a sugared snowflake.

This week, I'm positively giddy! It's a special week here in New York because, as you all know, I simply love the magic of the festive season! There are so many things to see, so many sparkly windows to ogle, and a delicious sense of magic in the air that's almost impossible to resist. I'm planning on taking in a spectacular Christmas-themed show, shopping for a very special friend (perhaps I'll be the one bringing back the spirit of the season with a dazzling pink tutu!), and maybe even taking a whirl around Rockefeller Centre ice rink (with my tutu, of course - safety first, ladies!).

Speaking of tutus, I just found the most wonderful shop in SoHo. It's crammed full of fabulous, vibrant fabrics in every colour imaginable, perfect for a pink tutu creation. They even have those divine fluffy, feathery trims! I simply cannot wait to get started on a brand-new, winter wonderland tutu creation! Think delicate snowflakes, silver glitter, and enough pink to make even a grumpy Grinch smile.

Before I delve into the sparkly goodness of my shopping finds, let's rewind to the beginning of my New York adventure this week! As always, I arrived at my lovely little pied-à-terre, my favourite Brooklyn flat with its breathtaking view of the East River. I practically skipped from the train station, my new floral print tutu twirling happily with every step. I can't resist a new tutu for every city I visit - each one reflects a unique colour or inspiration. This week, it's a cascade of rosebuds and pale lilacs, reminiscent of a beautiful city garden in full bloom.

Now, you all know the most efficient way to get around this dazzling city is by the glorious New York subway. I confess, I've started to adore it almost as much as I love my pink tutus! There's a unique energy underground, a sense of hurried excitement as everyone goes about their day, each with their own little world unfolding around them. The whirring and clatter of the train almost feels like music, a melody accompanying the everyday symphony of the city.

Of course, my day didn't end there. I always aim to fit in a ballet class - a ballerina can never be too flexible! The classes I've been attending this week have been wonderful, with the most charming teachers. It's been like having a whirlwind mini-workshop!

The day, though, was truly about the big event, the pièce de résistance! You've already guessed it, a ballet performance, of course! It was "The Nutcracker", and I was completely enchanted by the spectacle. The dancers, so graceful and strong, flitting across the stage in their magnificent costumes, were like angels brought to life. Even the sets were absolutely stunning, making you truly believe you'd stepped into the world of Christmas dreams. The whole performance made my heart skip a beat - a perfect Christmas treat!

But the night wasn't over yet! We had a dinner with my favourite fellow tutu-wearers here in New York - we all met through my blog, and I've simply fallen head over heels with their lovely spirits. We always discuss the most magical ideas for new pink tutu creations, and you can be sure I'll share those with you all soon. I'm absolutely brimming with ideas! We ended up in a tiny, charming Italian bistro, surrounded by flickering candlelight and the sounds of chatter and laughter. Such a beautiful night!

So there you have it! My Monday adventure through New York was truly delightful - a perfect blend of shopping, twirling, dancing, and simply relishing the Christmas spirit of the city. Oh, and don't forget, if you haven't seen the most spectacular ice rink at Rockefeller Centre - with its glorious, gigantic Christmas tree! - don't leave New York without taking a spin! It's magical, even without a tutu (though it does add an extra flourish).

And what did I buy for that special friend I mentioned earlier? Well, that's a little secret! But I can tell you that it's a very pink, very sparkly gift!

Remember, every Monday I share a new blog post here on So why not put on your own favourite pink tutu and join me on my adventures! It’s never too late to dance!

Until next week, my darlings!

With twirling wishes and a heart full of pink,


**P.S. I want to share this lovely quote with you all. It’s just a little something that’s been playing on my mind since my first time seeing the lights on Broadway. Isn’t it inspiring? “I’d rather be a little nobody, in a world of my own, than a big somebody, in a world not my own.”

  • Dr. Seuss **

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-12-08 she danced in New York City