
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-12-15 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 132 - The City That Never Sleeps, In Pink, Of Course!

Hello darlings! It's Monday morning and I'm absolutely bursting with excitement! This week's adventure has just begun, and as you know, a Monday without a new #PinkTutuBlogNYC is simply unthinkable!

A Derbyshire Girl in the Big Apple

Last week, my journey landed me in the fabulous city of New York. Yes, I, your resident tutu-clad blogger, have swapped the Peak District for the skyscrapers, the quaint Derbyshire village pubs for the bustling Broadway scene. You see, life in a pink tutu never feels complete without a splash of New York magic!

The metro ride, a swirling ballet of movement and sound, took me to my little haven - my hotel room, the heart of the city, with views to die for! The city hums with a frenetic energy, a vibrant symphony of sounds and sights, a stark contrast to the rolling hills and gentle rhythm of my home. It's truly invigorating!

Pink Perfection on Broadway

My first night was pure magic! I treated myself to a magnificent performance at the famous New York City Ballet - talk about a dancer's dream! From the shimmering lights of the theatre to the awe-inspiring grace of the ballerinas, it was a spectacle unlike anything I've ever experienced.

Imagine a ballet like a colourful ribbon swirling and dipping in the night sky. It was truly spellbinding! Afterwards, I joined the excited crowds who descended on the theatre exits, each individual a twinkling star reflecting the magic of the night. It's moments like this that remind me why I chose this life, why I wear my pink tutu, and why I travel the world spreading the love of dance and fashion.

Fashion Forward

After my dance fix, I did what any self-respecting ballerina would do - I embarked on a shopping spree! Fifth Avenue, a paradise of fashion, was a veritable explosion of colours and textures! My eyes feasted on vibrant silk gowns, exquisite Parisian shoes, and bags fit for a queen. However, my heart really fluttered at the sight of a delightful vintage boutique overflowing with shimmering, delicate tutus! They were simply begging to be taken home!

Oh, the temptation was strong. However, I restrained myself, promising myself to return for a proper browse and treat myself to a new pink tutu soon. I do need to be mindful of my budget - my ballet career and my travels are funded by the sheer magic of dance. I think I'll find a fabulous, yet affordable pink tutu in one of the many smaller boutiques around the city. Perhaps on Bleecker Street. It seems a particularly tempting spot to unearth a fashion treasure!

Manhattan Mornings

This morning, I woke up with the city at its busiest. From my hotel window, I watched the city come alive as taxi cabs whirled and street vendors set up their colourful displays. My day began with a trip to Central Park - such an urban oasis of peace! I could not resist striking a few poses amidst the crisp December air, the iconic backdrop of skyscrapers a perfect backdrop to my pink tutu!

As I write this, my fellow bloggers, I am sat in a chic cafe on Fifth Avenue. The air is full of the chatter of fashionistas, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the clinking of forks as the city breakfasts. I am planning a little detour to a wonderful vintage boutique I spotted in Greenwich Village. My radar is always tuned in for interesting places, new finds, and even more opportunities to spread my pink tutu message of love and joy.

An Ode to the Big Apple

And what's the message, you ask? Simply this: Pink tutus have the power to transform any moment, any place into a celebration. So go on, embrace the pink tutu spirit!

So much has already happened in this city of dreams and endless possibilities! Every corner promises a new experience. A new story. A new #PinkTutuBlogNYC post!

Oh, and in case you're wondering, the date is December 15, 1997. A fabulous date for a fabulous adventure, wouldn't you agree?

Stay tuned, my loves! I have a feeling the next chapter in my NYC adventure will be full of sparkling surprises, fabulous outfits, and, of course, even more pink tutus!

Until next Monday,

Emma xx

P.S. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more pink tutu fashion inspiration and travel stories. And do send me a message on social media - I'd love to hear from you! You can find me on @PinkTutuBloggerNYC, @EmmaPinkTutu, and #PinkTutuBlogNYC. Let's spread the pink tutu love!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-12-15 she danced in New York City