New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-01-26 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: A whirl through New York in my favourite pink tutu! (Post #138)

Hello my darlings! It's Monday, which means it's time for another delightful #PinkTutuBlogNYC post, straight from the vibrant heart of the Big Apple! The week has been a whirlwind of tutu-spinning, show-stopping, and of course, fashion-filled moments - just the way I like it!

Now, let me tell you about the delightful adventure that was last Monday. January 26th, 1998... it was practically a dream! The weather had a touch of a London chill, but thankfully the sunshine kept me warm as I sashayed through the streets in my most recent tutu acquisition. Let’s be honest, the tutu itself isn’t just pink, it's a shade that could only be described as “ballerina blush.” It’s the perfect combination of demure and daring - and you all know my motto: a dash of demure, a sprinkle of daring, a generous helping of tulle!

Before we dive into my fabulously pink-hued day, let me just say, you wouldn't believe the excitement buzzing in the air last week! New York, you know, really is the city that never sleeps - I almost had to take a nap myself, so much was happening.

First, a touch of Parisian chic! A special opening was announced at the renowned Fashion Institute of Technology. Now, you'd think a Derbyshire girl like myself wouldn't be particularly drawn to all things fashion, but my dears, a girl's gotta have her frills! And what's more exciting than being enfolded in all things chic? It was a splendid event, showcasing a breathtaking array of Parisian-inspired styles. My ballet flats just couldn’t get enough of the cobblestone-patterned floor!

But, of course, no day in New York City is complete without a ballet show!

On my agenda for this particular Monday was a performance of "Giselle," at the hallowed New York City Ballet. A real treat! My heart soared watching those incredible dancers, leaping, spinning, their artistry unfolding before me. You know, I may live in Derbyshire and my family loves me being a ballerina, but New York... it truly brings out my love of ballet! It's not just the technique; it's the heart, the stories they tell with their bodies - breathtaking!

I admit, after "Giselle," I wanted to take up the stage again myself - after all, how can you watch that much beauty and not want to join in?!

Of course, no day is complete without the city’s fabulous shops

That same evening, I indulged in the delights of a bit of Fifth Avenue fashion therapy. You see, shopping in New York is almost an art form. I believe that it requires focus and a little bit of grace, which of course is easy to summon after a wonderful ballet performance! My little ballerina bag was getting rather plump with purchases: a shimmering pink satin scarf that would look fabulous with any of my tutus, a pair of delicate ballet pumps perfect for twirling, and a stunning hand-painted brooch depicting a delicate, elegant ballerina (in pink, of course!).

Now, what about my fabulous Metro journey you ask? Well, there is no better way to travel through the concrete jungle than on the Metro. Especially on a Monday, as I find it provides me with the most interesting observations and even inspires me to think about my outfits for my performance on Friday. Don't you just love being surrounded by other people who are getting things done? Especially in New York City!

*I know some of you might think “A ballerina travelling the subway? Emma, darling, how?” *

The beauty of the dance world is the constant opportunity. Every day is a new chance to make a dream come true. Now, don't get me wrong, I've had to work incredibly hard - taking classes in a tiny, charming village hall back in Derbyshire, honing my technique. All those lessons - that's what gets you ready to seize those opportunities when they come! For instance, every week, I'm blessed to dance in New York and even London - performing at special events, parties, and for prestigious occasions. You would not believe some of the venues I've danced at, it's simply magical.

The magic of the Metro has always transported me. Even just riding to the studio or performance venue... the click-clack of the tracks is a wonderful soundtrack to the rhythm of the city and is sometimes more interesting than even the show!

This Monday, while the subway journey buzzed around me, I couldn’t help but think that a beautiful ballerina-inspired dress would look truly magnificent in this magnificent city! So, now the wheels in my mind are turning as I consider which pieces to pair it with! After all, there are certain moments where you simply need to stand out... or as my grandmother would say, “A little bit of glitz and glam never hurt anyone!” Especially when you're living the pink tutu life in New York City, my dears!

Of course, you lovely, stylish and spirited lot are always part of this adventure. My aim, my dream? Why, it's to make the whole world embrace the joy, the beauty of wearing pink tutus. Why should only ballet dancers have all the fun?

I hope my little adventures and escapades from New York will inspire you to be more daring, to see the world through a pair of pink tutu-coloured spectacles!

But there is one thing I love about London, New York and Derbyshire: Tutu-tastic Inspiration: Wherever I am, I'm always on the lookout for a new pink tutu - and trust me, my dear readers, there's nothing more thrilling than a beautifully tailored, soft tulle number. Each tutu I discover is a work of art, bringing me closer to my mission of encouraging everyone to join my "Pink Tutu Movement.” So come on, don't be shy... Embrace the tutu-tiful world and let your inner ballerina shine!

See you all next Monday! Until then, stay pink and positive!


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-01-26 she danced in New York City