
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-03-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: New York, New York, It's a Wonderful Town!

Post #143 | Monday, 2nd March 1998

Oh, darlings, what a weekend Iā€™ve had! New York City never ceases to amaze, and this trip has been a whirlwind of tutus, theatre, and, of course, a whole lot of shopping.

For those of you who havenā€™t had the pleasure of meeting me, Iā€™m Emma, a girl from Derbyshire whoā€™s a little obsessed with pink tutus, ballet, and travelling the world. Now, I donā€™t mean obsessed in a bad way! I just believe that life is too short to be anything but fabulous, and pink tutus are just a way to make life even more wonderful!

And if youā€™re thinking that all I do is dance and twirl, youā€™d be right! I earn my way through my adventures with ballet performances ā€“ thereā€™s nothing more magical than sharing the joy of dance with the world.

But enough about me, let's get back to my weekend in the Big Apple!

Friday Night Fever: A Symphony of Shoes

The weekend started with a bang ā€“ literally! My friends, Lucy and Claire, arrived in the city on Friday afternoon, and we went straight to my favourite shoe boutique on Madison Avenue. They might say I'm a little too obsessed with shoes, but thereā€™s something about finding the perfect pair of heels for a night out ā€“ or a ballet performance!

With my favourite blush pink ballet shoes and a pair of sparkling heels in hand, we were ready for the nightā€™s highlight: ā€œThe Phantom of the Operaā€ at the Majestic Theatre. Honestly, it's like nothing I've ever seen. The grandeur of the theatre itself, the incredible music, and of course, the sheer romance of it allā€¦I felt transported into a world of magic. The costumes were so fabulous, and I swear I could almost smell the sweet scent of a freshly-baked croissant from Christine's famous shop ā€“ it truly was a masterpiece!

Saturday Chic: Central Park Strolls and Bloomingdale's Adventures

The sun shone gloriously on Saturday morning, and we decided to make the most of it by taking a walk through Central Park. I just love strolling around and soaking in the atmosphere. There's something special about seeing the skyscrapers juxtaposed against the verdant greenery of the park ā€“ it's like a fairytale come to life! We picnicked amongst the blossoming trees, and I even took the opportunity to twirl in a clearing, showcasing my new pink tutu, which was, of course, perfectly complimented by the backdrop of the blooming pink cherry blossom trees.

After a little pampering in the park, we headed to Bloomingdaleā€™s to hunt for some new outfits. Shopping is an art form in itself, donā€™t you think? Every department at Bloomingdaleā€™s is like stepping into a different world - a veritable feast for the senses, with luxurious textures and vibrant colours. I picked up the most stunning floral dress, the perfect hue for spring.

And of course, the pink section in Bloomingdale's is truly divine! A symphony of colours, with a beautiful range of clothing and accessories. There was just a pink feather boa that was calling out my name. How could I possibly resist?

Sunday Splendour: A Ballerina's Dream

We decided to take a ballet class on Sunday morning at the American Ballet Theatreā€™s Studio in the city. There is just something so magical about being in a room full of fellow dancers ā€“ the energy is electric! We stretched, we leaped, we pirouetted, and my tutu twirled with me!

Then, the afternoon was dedicated to another of New York City's magnificent attractions: ā€œThe Lion Kingā€ on Broadway! The entire theatre, with its ornate architecture and intricate detailing, had an air of absolute majesty. I even spotted some audience members wearing pink tutus, which made my day! This really is the city that never sleeps ā€“ everyone is free to express themselves in whatever way makes them happy, and there's a unique beauty in that freedom.

The show was absolutely unforgettable! The stunning costumes, the powerful music, and the heartwarming story left me breathless. I actually cried at the end, I must admit, but it was those good tears, you know? The kind that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Monday Madness: Homeward Bound

And now, Monday morning has rolled around. My trip is coming to an end, and Iā€™m a little bit sad to say goodbye to New York City. But as I say farewell to the Big Apple, I can't help but feel filled with excitement and anticipation for the next adventure.

One thing Iā€™ve learned is that you never know what awaits you around every corner in New York ā€“ or in any corner of the world, really. There's beauty everywhere you look if you open your eyes and allow yourself to see it. And if you add a sprinkle of pink tutus, the world becomes even brighter!

And with that, I must bid you all a fond farewell for now. Keep checking in every Monday on the Pink Tutu blog for a peek into my adventures! Until next week, darlings!

Love, Emma

PS: If you're in the Big Apple, make sure to catch the Broadway on Broadway street performance today ā€“ it's an amazing showcase of talent and it's always so much fun. You never know who you might meet ā€“ perhaps even a pink tutu-wearing dancer!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-03-02 she danced in New York City