New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-03-16 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 145 - New York, New York, It's A Ballet Lover's Dream!

Hello my darling readers! It's Monday, and you know what that means - time for a fresh Pink Tutu Blog post! This week I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement, because my adventures in New York have just gotten even more magical!

As you all know, this fabulous city is a mecca for everything fabulous - and by fabulous, I mean fabulous dance, fabulous fashion, and of course, fabulous food!

It was 16th March 1998, a bright, sunny day here in New York, and my pink tutu was twirling with delight!

The Magic of Broadway

Last night, I saw the most stunning ballet performance at the legendary Radio City Music Hall! I mean, the grandeur of that theatre alone is something to behold, but seeing "The Nutcracker" on that iconic stage was simply breathtaking. The dancers were absolutely sensational, gliding across the stage with such grace and precision. I couldn't help but get swept away by the magical story, the beautiful music, and the exquisite costumes - there was just so much colour and sparkle!

Of course, I had to have my trusty pink tutu on for this very special occasion, because let's be honest, a pink tutu is the ultimate statement of elegance and whimsy! I paired it with a stunning silk blouse, my trusty black beret, and of course, my favourite pearl necklace. Just a touch of Derbyshire charm in the heart of New York!

Speaking of costumes, the costumes in "The Nutcracker" were incredible! So intricate, so beautifully made. I particularly loved Clara's little pink tutu. A girl after my own heart! It reminded me just how special and empowering a tutu can truly be.

You know, every time I see a show here in New York, I feel like my own dance journey is somehow amplified. It makes me want to go out there and create even more magic with my own performances! I think seeing other dancers really helps fuel my creativity and passion, and that's something I truly cherish.

Adventures in Fashion

Before my grand night out at Radio City Music Hall, I spent a delightful afternoon indulging in a little retail therapy! It's not just ballet I love, you see - I absolutely adore fashion!

You know my motto, "Everything in moderation, but pink tutus can be unlimited!" And, New York is the place to indulge that motto, isn't it? I discovered the most amazing shop nestled away in a charming little side street near Central Park. It had the most exquisite collection of pink garments imaginable!

You know what's even better? The shop assistant was wearing a beautiful pink tutu - she had the most infectious smile, like she was completely in love with the magic of it all. She encouraged me to try on everything! I had to show her just how amazing my own pink tutu looked with some of their lovely pink silk scarves!

Honestly, I think I spent the whole afternoon laughing and giggling like a little girl! Shopping is simply an art form, a form of self-expression! You can tell so much about a person by what they wear! And that day, I truly felt like I was expressing my deepest and most colourful self!

You see, it's not about just finding the perfect outfit. It's about embracing the fun and the joy that comes with dressing up! For me, pink is the colour of confidence, the colour of joy. And that is what I always try to project.

And it’s not about just wearing a pink tutu, either! It’s about a spirit. You can feel that pink tutu spirit anywhere. In the grandness of Radio City Music Hall, the bustling fashion stores of Manhattan, and the endless streets where dreams take flight!

My New York Metro Memories

After my incredible day of dance and fashion, I took a lovely stroll through Central Park before hopping on the subway. It was a wonderfully refreshing way to unwind! As I sat there watching the world go by from the window, I started thinking about how far I'd come. Just a few years ago, I was back in Derbyshire, dreaming of dancing in New York.

But here I am, fulfilling my dreams! And I can tell you, the New York subway system has definitely become a source of endless fascination for me! You never know what you’re going to see on a busy NYC metro commute! The most diverse range of people all going about their day - artists, businessmen, tourists, and even a few ballerina wannabes, of course!

The whole city feels so vibrant, so full of energy! I can't believe how much this incredible city inspires me! There's a feeling of possibility and hope hanging in the air here. That's what makes New York so magical - it encourages you to dream big and go after your heart's desires, tutu or no tutu!

A Touch of Derbyshire in the Big Apple

There are times when I really feel a sense of longing for home, for the rolling hills of Derbyshire. When that happens, I pop into a lovely little cafe in a quiet corner of the city. I indulge in a delicious cream tea, and it’s almost as if I can smell the heather in the air. The English tea gives me a feeling of comfort.

As I write this blog post, it occurs to me that one of the things I miss most is the simplicity of a quiet cuppa. You can find amazing coffee in New York, of course, but I always have my go-to teacup from back home. It's a reminder that no matter where I am, my roots are still strong. There's a certain peace that comes from feeling grounded. And as much as I love exploring new places, sometimes you need a bit of the familiar.

And as much as I love wearing a pink tutu for every adventure, there’s nothing like slipping on a comfy, oversized sweater and curling up with a book in a cafe to enjoy the city's beauty. It’s a reminder that my style is diverse - as diverse as the world I am exploring.

But no matter how many places I travel, there will always be a piece of my heart that will always be Derbyshire, my roots, my inspiration. The beauty of it is that this Derbyshire girl can find inspiration in New York too, and bring a little piece of that to Derbyshire whenever I return.

Pink Tutu Power

My trip to New York has reminded me that it doesn't matter where you come from or what you do, the magic of dreams and passion is always present. Everyone is different, and everyone deserves to embrace their unique style and talents! It's just so much more fun!

And you know what else? I’m convinced that a little pink tutu magic can change the world, one dance step at a time! It’s about embracing the sparkle, the creativity, the joy in the everyday! The world could always use a little more colour, a little more sparkle, a little more joy!

So, tell me, darlings, what are you dreaming about this week? And will you join me in spreading the pink tutu power? Share your stories with me! Let's fill the world with fun and grace!

Until next week, keep shining, my loves!


Pink Tutu Blog - Post 145

Date: Monday 1998-03-16

P.S.: Remember to join me on my social media platforms! I'm @pinktutublogNYC on both Twitter and Instagram! I would love to see your pink tutu moments! Don’t forget to hashtag #PinkTutuPower so I can share them too!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-03-16 she danced in New York City