New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-04-13 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #149 - The Big Apple's Ballerina Dream!

Monday 13th April 1998

Darling readers, I hope this post finds you all in fine fettle! This week, I'm whisked away to the glittering metropolis of New York City, the Big Apple itself! From Derbyshire, England, I've come to explore this city's enchanting spirit, the one that seems to bubble and sparkle with life and vibrant energy. And yes, my fellow pink tutu enthusiasts, this week, the pink tulle is definitely making an appearance in the concrete jungle!

Oh, it's truly been a whirlwind of excitement since my arrival on Saturday morning! As the train roared through the sprawling urban landscape, I caught my breath at the sheer scale and energy of it all. It was like stepping into a dazzling theatrical set, the buildings rising high as if to touch the sky, the streets bustling with people rushing about their day. There's something electric about the atmosphere, and it got me practically bouncing in my seat – well, as much as one can in a voluminous tulle skirt, of course!

My dear friends, New York's definitely a city for the lovers of glamour, of dreams, and yes, you guessed it - for the passionate admirers of pink!

My arrival, naturally, was followed by a quick and much needed cup of tea and a delicious croissant at the most darling little tea shop just around the corner from my charming little Airbnb. The smell of freshly baked goods and steaming hot tea – utter heaven!

With a little fuel for my ballerina body and spirit, it was off on an exploration of the city. What better way to get to know New York than with a classic, pink-tutu-friendly ride on the city’s metro? Honestly, dear readers, the metro here is like an entire theatre experience on its own! The screeching sounds of the trains, the echoing calls of the announcements – a truly captivating symphony. And the array of characters – so full of individuality and style. I found myself mesmerized by the sartorial choices of the New Yorkers I encountered. From the elegant ladies in their sophisticated suits to the avant-garde fashionistas with their vibrant, outlandish ensembles, the city was truly a catwalk of its own.

And guess what I discovered, darlings? It turns out, New Yorkers are even bolder with their colours than I am. The vibrancy here is on a whole other level! But you know what? My pink tulle fits right in! I even saw a lady in a fabulous cherry red feather boa, a fellow pink-lover, it seems. There's a real sense of style here, and an infectious joie de vivre that you just can’t escape.

Naturally, the first stop on my New York agenda had to be a visit to the legendary New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. What better way to be a part of the artistic energy of this vibrant city than by witnessing a breathtaking performance of the classical ballet? Oh, I couldn't help myself, and a little pirouette in the entrance hall just happened to be necessary. But don't worry, it was done discreetly, only a little shimmy to add to the theatrical ambiance.

Seeing “Giselle” was simply sublime. The dancers' graceful movements and powerful expressions filled the stage, transporting me into the story’s poignant romance and hauntingly beautiful choreography.

I even met a darling couple afterwards - David and Emily. They shared my passion for ballet, and we had a delightful discussion about the production, all while admiring each other’s ballet-themed attire. Emily had the most exquisite sapphire blue tutu on, it truly set off her eyes. We exchanged Instagram handles and promises to continue sharing our love for ballet in the digital space!

Tuesday dawned with the sun pouring through the window of my Airbnb. This city just seems to hold such energy, it’s impossible not to feel that creative spark and the need to get out and explore! I grabbed a quick breakfast, my trusty travel journal (naturally, pink!), and headed for the Lower East Side – a place where vibrant energy mingles with vintage chic, a true testament to the dynamic history of the city. The streets hummed with an exciting atmosphere, and my senses were captivated by the tantalising aroma of fresh street food, a mix of culinary delights from all corners of the globe. From delicious bagels at Ess-a-Bagel, (I recommend the sesame) to an amazing slice of New York’s finest pizza – a pizza slice, dear friends, is an essential component to experiencing the true essence of New York.

As I walked through the bustling streets of this dynamic neighbourhood, I couldn’t help but stop to admire the numerous independent boutiques tucked into historic brownstone buildings. A vintage lover's paradise! I even found a darling little pink cardigan in a second-hand shop that matched my tutu perfectly – how lucky can a girl get?

Wednesday’s highlight? Oh, I have to share the magical discovery I stumbled upon! The Brooklyn Ballet School. Hidden within the maze of Brooklyn's streets is a true haven for ballerinas – a haven where dreams and ambition bloom under the gentle guidance of renowned teachers and dedicated instructors.

I was absolutely giddy with excitement when I saw the bright, spacious dance studios. From barre work to floor exercises to beautiful flowing arabesques, the energy in the air was electrifying!

The most darling instructor, Miss Penelope, offered me a free trial lesson. It's not everyday you get the opportunity to join a dance class in New York City. I'm a bit rusty, my darlings, I have to confess, but it was pure joy, moving gracefully and letting go of my everyday worries.

Following the invigorating lesson, I was in dire need of some relaxation. So, what did this ballerina do? Head to the spa, of course! The Grand Central Terminal, this sprawling architectural marvel, houses the most darling oasis - The Spa. The treatment was bliss; aromatherapy oils and gentle massages, just what my body and soul needed after my rigorous ballet session.

Feeling refreshed and energized, I decided to head back to the Lower East Side to continue my quest for fashionable finds. And darling readers, my mission was successful! I found the perfect outfit for this evening's theatre outing – a gorgeous emerald green silk dress that complements my pink tulle perfectly. The dress is a statement piece – just a touch of drama that whispers “Broadway chic.”

Now, onto the main event of the evening! Oh, I cannot contain my excitement! We are going to see "Chicago!" The musical! This vibrant production is simply iconic - and its themes of crime, desire, and justice are truly fascinating!

My evening unfolded in a whirlwind of theatrical brilliance! The glitz, the glam, and of course, the electrifying music and performances left me utterly captivated. My dress certainly felt right at home in the theatrical atmosphere, a testament to New York's love affair with everything dramatic and extravagant. The lights, the energy, and the performers on stage… pure magic! This, darling readers, was everything I had ever dreamt of when I envisioned coming to New York City.

My first night on Broadway – a memorable night, to say the least, and one that filled me with a thrilling feeling of being exactly where I’m meant to be. I danced back to my Airbnb in a pink-tutu-tinted daze, a feeling that reminds me why I continue to follow my ballerina dream.

On Thursday, I embarked on a delightful trip to Central Park, the city’s green oasis. What a beautiful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. A quiet, elegant promenade amidst the vibrant city. My pink tulle fluttered with grace amongst the trees as I savored the breathtaking views. There’s something utterly peaceful about a day spent wandering through a park.

This afternoon’s afternoon tea at The Plaza was the ultimate dose of elegance and refinement – the perfect way to recharge and indulge in the glamorous atmosphere of New York’s famous tea tradition.

For the remainder of my journey, I planned to visit the iconic Times Square, a dizzying blend of flashing neon signs and unending hustle and bustle. The air buzzed with an electrifying energy, and my camera, of course, got a thorough workout. I also visited the iconic Empire State Building, and felt that magical feeling of being at the top of the world. And yes, of course, I found an ice cream vendor to grab a refreshing cone – New York’s melting pot of culture truly encompasses every culinary delight, including an ice cream for every sweet tooth. Oh, don’t forget to ask for a scoop of strawberry – my personal favourite.

However, dear readers, my journey wasn’t just about the famous landmarks and grand events. I found beauty in the unexpected details – the vibrant street art adorning a hidden alleyway, the laughter echoing through a crowded park, the genuine smiles from strangers on the subway.

There’s a magic in this city that’s hard to define, a vibrancy that draws you in and invites you to be part of the grand ballet of life that unfolds before you. New York, with its energy and excitement, reminds us all of the boundless potential within ourselves and the limitless beauty of life, and the love for our own unique sense of style and fashion. And, darlings, when it comes to fashion I’m proud to wear my pink tutu with pride and joy - a symbol of joy and self-expression.

And as I pack up my belongings, ready for my departure from this magnificent city, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia.

So what is my parting thought? Well, to wear a pink tutu, or a dress or a pair of shoes with joy, to walk the streets, take a ride on the metro with that sense of wonder that brings a little extra ballet into your everyday, to never be afraid to embrace your individuality. Because after all, every single one of us is a unique gem, just like New York City!

Remember, darlings, the pink tutu is more than just a piece of clothing, it's a symbol. A symbol of joy, of self-love, and the confidence to shine in all your unique glory!

Until next Monday, I hope your week is filled with whirlwind adventures, love for yourself and your own fashion style, and plenty of moments to shimmy, sway and spin your way into pure joy.

Love and glitter,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-04-13 she danced in New York City