New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-04-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 150 - A City of Dreams, Dancing Dreams

Monday, 1998-04-20

Hello darlings! Can you believe it's Monday already? I feel like I blinked and another week zipped by! But this week's been a particularly magical one, full of twinkling lights, soaring leaps, and of course, enough pink to make even the most hardened New Yorker blush.

This week has been all about the big city: those amazing towering buildings that touch the clouds, the never-ending buzz of energy and excitement, the scent of popcorn and hotdogs wafting from street vendors... It's truly intoxicating, this city. It's been the kind of week where you can truly feel your own dreams taking flight. And speaking of dreams…

My Broadway Debut!

Oh my gosh, darling! My head is still spinning from Friday night. You see, this week I got to fulfil a lifelong dream...I made my Broadway debut! Okay, maybe not technically on Broadway... yet. But it was an actual performance at a real theatre, and let's be honest, I'm already planning that first appearance on the Great White Way, tutu and all. 😉

The opportunity came through my work as a ballet performer, dancing at a variety of venues, from community centres to charity events. This time, I was asked to join a group performance for a charity benefit - and guess what? They had us perform at an actual Broadway theatre! Can you imagine?

The dressing room was buzzing with excitement - fellow performers from various dance styles, all nervous yet excited. You can't beat that atmosphere. It's infectious! And when we were all in costume, complete with sparkling sequins, I felt like a fairy tale princess - in the best possible way, of course. We were dancing on that grand stage, the lights shining on us... it was absolutely magical.

An Enchanted Evening at Lincoln Center

The buzz didn't end there, my dears. As any ballet enthusiast knows, Lincoln Center is practically a pilgrimage destination for us. And this weekend, I had the chance to visit once again, this time for a captivating performance by the New York City Ballet.

It was a performance that felt almost unreal, all the swirling movement and soaring leaps set against the backdrop of stunning, minimalist sets. They brought the classic story of 'The Sleeping Beauty' to life, and let me tell you, it was as spellbinding as the most enchanted forest itself. And the tutus? Oh my goodness, just exquisite. I dare say even my pink tutu couldn't have held a candle to those!

Exploring a City Through Fashion

Oh, I simply must tell you about the day I dedicated to shopping! You know, my dearest readers, my pink tutu might be the symbol of my blog, but my passion for fashion knows no bounds. From those delightful vintage stores to the designer havens of Madison Avenue, New York City is a veritable feast for the fashionista's senses.

I found the cutest little boutique in Greenwich Village, overflowing with quirky pieces and handmade treasures, and just when I thought my day couldn't get more exciting, I discovered a store in Soho devoted entirely to ballet clothing - tutus galore, in every color you could imagine! My eyes were practically popping out!

I was on a hunt for that perfect, slightly eccentric piece to add to my wardrobe and I found it: a stunning vintage scarf, bright and colourful, that I simply couldn't resist. Imagine how fabulous it will look with a pink tutu? Oh, I simply can't wait!

Pink Tutu and the City's Vibe

Of course, my love for the city isn't just about the fashion. I have to mention the soul of this place. This incredible mix of cultures, the music floating out from open doors, the vibrant street art - it just pulsates with life and energy.

The thing I love the most, apart from the incredible performances I get to see, are the journeys on the metro! The whole city feels like a moving, swirling, living, breathing artwork - and I get to see it all on my commute, which often involves just the right dose of dancing to a funky soundtrack!

Of course, the highlight of any New York experience is seeing those familiar landmarks. Times Square with its glittering lights, Central Park, a sanctuary from the hustle, and the Empire State Building, reaching high towards the heavens, all reminding you just how vast and magical this place truly is.

The Beauty of Shared Dreams

But the thing that I find most heartwarming about this city? It’s the shared sense of dreaming big. Everyone here seems to have their own personal story unfolding, their own goals, their own paths.

It’s something that resonates with me, with my own journey as a ballerina who hopes to inspire the world to embrace the joy of dance and a bit of pink along the way. There’s something so hopeful about being surrounded by this kind of energy, knowing that all these different dreams are weaving together to create this city's magical fabric.

Coming Home To Derbyshire

Well, I must admit, all this excitement has me feeling a little homesick for Derbyshire. As beautiful and energising as New York is, there's nothing quite like returning to the familiar sights and sounds of home - rolling green hills, the warmth of the local pub, the sound of the birds singing… But I’ll always hold a piece of this city in my heart.

Next week I'm back in Derbyshire, giving my audiences back home a taste of New York's magic with a few special performances.

Oh, and of course, don't forget to follow along on Instagram and keep a watchful eye for exciting news coming to next week!

Until next time,

Your very own Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-04-20 she danced in New York City