New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-05-18 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post Number 154 - A Dance Dream Come True! 🩰✨

Monday 18th May, 1998

Hello my darling tutus! It's your favourite pink-clad ballerina, Emma, reporting live from the concrete jungle itself – New York City! I've arrived and oh my, it's even more magical than I could have dreamed! I knew New York was renowned for its energy and vibrant spirit, but being here, immersed in its infectious buzz, is truly exhilarating.

As I hopped off the metro, fresh off my flight from Derbyshire, the first thing that struck me was the incredible diversity. I'm surrounded by an array of characters - hipsters with bright pink hair and their own unique styles, bustling businesspeople, street performers showcasing their talents, and even the occasional dapper gentleman in a bowler hat! It’s such a sensory explosion. I feel like a little pink-tutu’d whirlwind, already caught up in the exciting current of New York life.

And what’s better than landing in a new city with a plethora of amazing opportunities? That's right – an exciting performance lined up! You see, funding my travel adventures isn’t always easy, but thankfully I've found my niche - a beautiful ballerina balancing act! I spend my days perfecting pirouettes, arabesques, and fouettés, all while looking my absolute best in my treasured collection of pink tutus. And those evenings I can't spend teaching, well, I perform on stage! It's the perfect way to indulge my love for dance and experience the world in all its glorious Technicolor glory.

Right now, I’m feeling rather fabulous. My last performance was an absolute triumph, with standing ovations and thunderous applause! It felt as if the entire theatre was celebrating with me, every dancer’s dream come true! As you can probably imagine, that performance filled me with an energy as big as New York itself, so this weekend I’ve been completely devoted to indulging my favourite activities: shopping, sightseeing, and of course, ballet!

Speaking of which, I am about to embark on a delightful adventure: a journey into the heart of the American Ballet Theatre, an institution renowned for its brilliance and elegance. It is with the utmost excitement that I’m venturing into their studio! You can bet I’m dressing to impress! I’m donning my newest tutu, a delicate tulle confection of pale pink and silver sequins, shimmering under the sunlight streaming through my apartment window. The feeling is already intoxicating, and I haven’t even arrived at the studio!

The journey there was a quintessential New York experience. My trusty companion, the subway, took me whizzing past towering skyscrapers, buzzing street life, and iconic sights. I even had the fortune to witness a flash mob dance performance - I might have just had to whip out my camera for that one! And as the train approached the grand facade of the American Ballet Theatre, I found myself caught up in a daydream. Images of swirling tutus, precise footwork, and powerful leaps filled my mind. I’m almost excited to burst into tears from sheer, unadulterated joy.

To those of you who are thinking of following my lead, take it from me, a ballerina with wanderlust, don't be afraid to travel! Let the lure of adventure take you to places you never thought you'd explore. My mission – as always – is to inspire every girl, boy, woman, and man to unleash their inner ballerina. Remember, there's a pink tutu waiting for each of you, ready to bring a touch of whimsy, magic, and pure joy into your world! So put on your most beautiful outfit, a twirling smile, and step into the world with confidence and a sense of wonder. I'll be here, spreading pink tutu love all around!

Today's Highlight: The Ballet of My Dreams!

Tonight, I'm going to see an extraordinary performance – the world premiere of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', choreographed by none other than the legendary Mikhail Baryshnikov! The legendary dancers from the American Ballet Theatre will grace the stage in this dream-like tale. Just the thought of witnessing their artistry leaves me with goosebumps! I can't wait to feel the energy of the theatre, the thunder of the applause, the beautiful storytelling of this ballet – it’s going to be a magical experience, for sure!

So keep a watchful eye out for a post about my ballet-filled day tomorrow! Until then, I’m sending you all my best wishes for a week brimming with sunshine, smiles, and fabulous fashion finds. Stay true to yourself, follow your dreams, and always, always wear pink! ✨💖🩰

**Yours in tulle,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-05-18 she danced in New York City