
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-08-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 167 - New York, New York! (1998-08-17)

Hello my lovely readers! Itā€™s Emma here, writing to you from the Big Apple, and let me tell you, this city never sleepsā€¦ or perhaps it just doesn't have time for sleep with all the fabulous fashion, dancing and dazzling theatre it's got crammed in!

I'm just back from another whirlwinding week in this vibrant city and let me tell you, Iā€™ve had a right old hoot! You wouldnā€™t believe whatā€™s been happening, so settle down, grab a cuppa and get ready to immerse yourselves in the joy of pink tutus, spectacular shows and the pulsating energy of this incredible city!

From Derbyshire to Downtown

First off, a huge thank you to you lot for the warm wishes on my blog last week! I told you I was heading back to New York, but this week I felt a real connection with all of you lovely readers, you know, that feeling like we're all dancing together on this incredible journey. I swear, just the thought of you all dancing with me in your favourite pink tutus gives me goosebumps.

You see, this city just draws me back in, like a magnet to metal. Thereā€™s something utterly magical about New York City, especially when you get it all from a ballerinaā€™s point of view. Imagine strolling down Broadway in a shimmering pink tutu, feeling the energy of the city thrumming through the soles of your ballet shoes. Ah, the magic!

And that brings me to the real highlight of this weekā€™s adventure: The Broadway Showstopper! Oh, it was a whirlwind! The sheer artistry of it all just blew my mind. Let me tell you, these dancers are just unreal ā€“ I reckon they put every single one of us amateur ballerinas to shame, their moves are smooth as butter and powerful like thunder. I felt completely immersed in their world, twirling right along with them in my very own imaginary tutu, feeling the energy pulsate around me like a heartbeat.

Tutu Time in Times Square

After the show, I just had to head over to Times Square! That dazzling spectacle of lights just gets me every time! It's like a carnival of neon and pulsating energy ā€“ and of course, I just had to get my favourite pic of the night. You know, that shot with the Times Square lights in the background and my pink tutu twirling in the centre, the very picture of glamour and good fun!

Now, I have to tell you, I spotted some absolutely incredible costumes while I was dancing around Times Square. I've been having some serious inspiration for my next tutu creation!

* Ballet Shopping Spree *

Speaking of tutus, I found the most fabulous little shop tucked away in a quiet corner of Brooklyn! Let's just say, I spent a whole afternoon browsing and was lucky enough to find some gorgeous fabrics in a stunning shade of blush. Now thatā€™s what I call the perfect pink, just imagine how fabulous that tutuā€™s gonna be! I couldn't help but imagine myself twirling through New York streets, in my brand-new pink tutu. That is one of the joys of this city ā€“ it never fails to inspire new, vibrant outfits!

But New York City is not just about dazzling performances and shopping sprees. Sometimes you have to stop, take a breath and simply be present in the moment.

Taking It Slow On The Subway

And what better place to do that than on the NYC subway. You might not think a train would offer a sense of serenity, but for me, the journey by underground has become one of my favourite ways to take in the rhythm of the city. The click-clacking of the train wheels, the mix of faces from every part of the globe ā€“ itā€™s quite an experience! I love taking the underground to hidden corners of the city, discovering small cafes and street performers tucked away on side streets. And of course, it always adds a new adventure to any shopping trip ā€“ which brings me to...

* A Day at Bloomingdaleā€™s *

I had to dedicate a whole day to a Bloomingdaleā€™s shopping spree, itā€™s an absolute must on every trip to New York! The sheer variety and glamour of it all never fails to delight me. This time, I was especially drawn to some breathtaking gowns ā€“ let's just say I left with a bag of pure delight! I mean, how could I resist that deep berry-coloured satin or the luxurious teal silk, a must-have for the dance studio and those grand evenings when I need to channel some serious New York style? Of course, all that shopping had to be celebrated!

Dinner & Delights

After that afternoon in Bloomingdale's, I treated myself to a fabulous meal in one of the city's iconic restaurants. I adore all those little hidden gems in the West Village, tucked away on quiet streets and buzzing with conversation. The ambiance is just right, you feel like you've been transported into a romantic film scene. Now, let's just say, I wasn't disappointed! The dishes were all meticulously crafted, with flavours so bold, it left me reeling for hours! And that New York wineā€¦ ah, it was simply sublime.

As I finished my delicious dinner and looked at the twinkling lights outside, I knew I had captured a little piece of the city's heart in my soul. Thatā€™s what New York does to you; it opens your eyes, your taste buds, your heart, and then throws open its doors and says, ā€œWelcome!ā€ This city will welcome you into its warm embrace no matter who you are, where you come from or how you dress. It's all about passion and energy.

*Sharing the Pink Tutu Love *

So, my lovely readers, I'm just full of joy as I write to you from this fabulous city! It's hard to say goodbye to all these incredible experiences, but the energy will follow me back to Derbyshire and to the next chapter of this life I love so much. And that brings me to my call to action ā€“ as always ā€“ donā€™t forget to don those pink tutus and join me in spreading a little bit of sparkle and joy across the globe!

Iā€™ll be back here in New York, dancing and spreading the love next Monday. Donā€™t forget to check in for more fun stories, pictures, and of course, those pink tutu tips ā€“ weā€™ve got a world to shimmer and shine!

Until next Monday!

Emma xx


Follow Emma on Instagram: @pinktutublognyc

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-08-17 she danced in New York City