New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-08-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 168 – A Dreamy Day in the Big Apple!

Monday, 1998-08-24

Good morning, lovelies! It’s Emma here, back from the bustling streets of New York City and brimming with exciting news! I have to say, my week in New York City has been absolutely divine, like a fairy tale in pink tulle! This is post 168, and you know me, there’s no shortage of stories to share.

Firstly, I simply have to share how incredibly fortunate I’ve been. My last performance was such a success! We danced our hearts out in this breathtaking new piece. I think I’ve never seen so many smiling faces, truly moved by our performance. The energy in the theatre was electrifying. Afterward, a little something else special happened – a very charming gentleman approached me with a big, bold proposal – I'd been asked to be a part of a very prestigious upcoming show. Honestly, I could barely contain my excitement! A huge career boost and the chance to be on a truly incredible stage - I’m feeling on top of the world! The sheer possibility of it all is just divine.

A Little Glimpse Into New York Fashion

The second I landed in New York, my toes started tapping. There’s something so magnetic about the energy here, especially the fashion scene. I felt inspired instantly! I've spent the last few days scouring the shops, a ballerina on a quest for the perfect outfits, looking like a proper pink-loving fairy!

This little pink tutu I have on? I found it in the most charming little boutique nestled in the heart of Greenwich Village, tucked away like a secret jewel. You’d never believe how much it cost, it’s a genuine bargain - but don't you worry, I managed to snap up some of my signature style from there - my pink heart couldn't resist! The shopkeeper, a real darling, even gave me a pair of pink sparkly shoes, which, of course, will be making a grand appearance in my next post.

A Glimpse Into The Wonderful World of Broadway

Tonight, my dears, was pure magic. Imagine a showstopping production with incredible sets, sparkling costumes, and such brilliant dancing. It’s simply indescribable! A beautiful ballerina, dressed in a heavenly, flowy tulle skirt (think cascading pink rose petals), completely captured my attention.

I could hardly sit still! The entire performance just ignited that magical spark within me - I just knew that I belong on this stage someday, dazzling the audience with my own moves, my pink tutu catching every twinkle of light. I know I’ve always dreamt big, but tonight I truly believed it! I even went backstage and told the costume designer how much I adored the dresses – they were just heavenly. You'd be amazed by how supportive people are in New York! The designer was so sweet! It turns out, her pink tutus are absolutely her favourites – she just knows it’s the ultimate fashion choice!

A Delicious Interlude

You’ve heard the expression “to have your cake and eat it too?” Well, this city allows me to live that dream! My favorite little cafe – I have a habit of spending too long over a delightful pot of tea and a piece of heavenly cherry cake – serves the most delicious slices! All those sequins and sparkling shoes are thirsty work, but luckily the tea is top-notch! It's not just any old cafe, though - the decorations are truly stunning. Imagine pink walls adorned with shimmering pink tutus, the scent of a hundred roses filling the air – It’s quite an experience, a true ballerina haven in the heart of New York City.

A Dash of New York City Glamour

Now, if you think I forgot the Metro, you are so very wrong! New York’s underground network is the perfect blend of vibrant chaos and exciting possibilities. There's a true pulse to the city - you feel it everywhere you go, even beneath the surface. There's an artistic beauty in the chaos! As for me, I couldn't help but look like a real-life fairy princess, my pink tutu twirling around my legs with every step! Let’s just say, it garnered a few curious stares.

There’s one shop, on my way to ballet class, a genuine fashion mecca! Everything about it just shouts, ‘This is where true style comes alive!” I even purchased a pink polka dot beret for the journey! This whole city is an incredible explosion of inspiration - from the people I see rushing through the streets to the stores filled with so much vibrant energy. You could just say it’s my idea of a beautiful, blissful wonderland!

From the Ballet Stage to My Pink Tutu Blog

Here's what I've discovered in New York, the City that Never Sleeps: it’s all about following your heart, dancing with passion, and finding beauty in the smallest things – from a twinkling chandelier in a Broadway theatre to the graceful, silent beauty of the subway platform at midnight.

This city, the energy, the excitement, the sparkle! I simply adore it! Oh, and did I mention that I found a pink polka dot tote bag at a cute little vintage store? I couldn’t leave without it! This New York story continues next week, darling! Stay tuned!

And remember, my beautiful ballerinas – always embrace your inner magic! It’s in every single one of you, just waiting to blossom! Don’t be afraid to dance with passion and twirl a pink tutu wherever you go. The world is your stage! Until then, keep on sparkling, darlings!


Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-08-24 she danced in New York City