New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-08-31 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #169: A Dance Under the City Lights! đŸ©°đŸ’–

Hey, darlings! It’s Emma here, back with you from the dazzling concrete jungle of New York City. Monday, 31st August, 1998, has been absolutely magical – think pink tutus twirling amongst skyscrapers, shopping sprees that make you say “ooh la la!” and a showstopping performance that took my breath away.

This week has been filled with the exhilarating buzz of this incredible city. I landed here straight from a week-long tour across the Midlands performing my signature solo. You know the one, my heart-tugging, pirouette-filled “Moonlight Serenade”. A few brave souls in Nottingham even wore pink tutus to the performance, a delightful sight that warmed my ballerina heart. Now, don’t think for a minute that I’ve abandoned the Derbyshire hills, not even for a week in New York City! That darling, rolling countryside is still etched into my soul, as much as the grit and glamour of this metropolitan paradise.

Speaking of paradise, just the word "New York City" conjures images of sleek cabs, sassy sirens, and, of course, that magnificent skyline. Who could resist its pull? Well, my dear friends, let’s just say, even with my dancing shoes firmly planted in England, my mind often wanders across the pond to this mesmerising city. This trip, more than any other, feels like I’m finally entering a world that was created just for me.

From the moment I landed at JFK, I felt an electric energy course through my veins. Imagine the most beautiful, decadent shop window overflowing with sparkly shoes, the freshest pastel pinks and the softest silks imaginable. It was exactly like stepping into my own fairytale. Now, you’ve all seen my blog before - so, you know I couldn’t resist treating myself to a little souvenir. A little bit of indulgence, for the beautiful, whimsical woman I am. My pick was a pair of ruby-red pumps, elegant, classic and ready to carry me on a million glamorous adventures. You see, in New York City, the world’s a stage, and my ballet slippers are always the leading ladies!

I couldn't wait to hit the streets, and as I hopped into the subway, I felt like Cinderella escaping her restrictive life for a whirlwind night of enchantment. These bright yellow carriages are such an experience - you have every type imaginable crammed together - from sharp-dressed executives on their way to Wall Street to artists overflowing with bohemian flair. There’s a wonderful chaos to it all, a feeling of community amidst the sheer volume of human interaction. It's like a gigantic melting pot of ideas, cultures, and passions, bubbling over with creativity.

Now, who wants to guess where my first stop in this vibrant metropolis was? Did you guess? Did you say "Times Square"?! That’s right! It’s practically synonymous with the Big Apple, like an exclamation mark at the end of a spectacular Broadway show. The dazzling lights were brighter than any star, and the atmosphere pulsed with the vibrant rhythms of life. The street musicians were serenading with heartfelt melodies, and even the buskers in their outlandish costumes seemed to be part of a spectacularly surreal ballet performance. Everything is bigger, bolder, and brasher here - a kaleidoscope of colors that never sleep!

Later, as dusk descended on the city, casting long, beautiful shadows across the streets, I was fortunate enough to witness a ballet performance at the Lincoln Center. As I took my seat in the plush red velvet, a feeling of anticipation swirled through me. A deep sense of magic hung in the air, a silent promise of pure artistic beauty unfolding before me. The lights dimmed, the curtains rose, and my world became a tapestry of exquisite movements. Each graceful arc, every plié and pirouette - each dancer exuded an undeniable power, a mastery of their craft that truly took my breath away.

It wasn't just the breathtaking choreography or the dancers’ flawless artistry. It was the collective gasp, the appreciative murmur of the audience – a collective breath, taken as one, echoing the symphony of beauty playing out on stage. That’s the magic of ballet; it’s the universal language that transcends words.

But, I’ve always said - what’s a dance performance without a little fashion afterglow? A walk along 5th Avenue, past the impossibly elegant windows, with their luxurious mannequins and gleaming displays, was next on my agenda. This part of town felt almost like walking through a film set. There was a grandeur, a polished edge to it all - and yes, the prices reflected that grandeur, too! But, I had come prepared with a few carefully saved dollars, eager to grab myself some new treasures. My eyes lingered over the beautifully crafted silk scarves - and I admit, I probably spent a little too long in a pink-themed shop where everything sparkled like a princess’s dreamscape. (Sorry, I have to confess - I bought four pink tulle skirts! And a pink fluffy hat that perfectly matches my tutu, but that’s just a secret between us.)

New York is such an inspiring place - a kaleidoscope of energy that somehow transforms me. It reminds me to dream bigger, to reach higher, and to dance my way through life with boundless joy. And to everyone out there who’s never worn a pink tutu, just remember, you’re never too old or too late to be your own fairytale.

As always, keep those tutus twirling and those smiles beaming, darling.

Emma 💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-08-31 she danced in New York City