
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-11-30 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #182 - Dancing in the Big Apple!

Monday, 30th November 1998

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm bursting with excitement to tell you all about my fabulous week in the Big Apple! It was a whirlwind, honestly, packed full of performances, shopping, and oh so much deliciousness. You know me, I just can't get enough of New York! It's just so full of life, from the iconic yellow cabs whizzing past to the chatter and laughter echoing through the streets.

But first, a confession: I did something daring this week - I danced on Broadway! Okay, not exactly "on" Broadway, more like "around" it. But still, it felt magical to twirl through the bustling streets in my bright pink tutu, my sequins catching the autumn sunshine as I pirouetted around a surprised pigeon. Don't worry, darling, no feathered friends got hurt! It was just one of those moments you just have to do when you're in a city as electrifying as New York.

And speaking of electrifying, how about that ballet show I saw at the Lincoln Center? Simply breathtaking! It was a masterpiece of modern ballet, and the costumes were just divine. All those layers of tulle and velvet, and colours so vibrant - I couldn't help but want to wear them myself! It reminded me so much of the time I bought my very first tutu. It was a beautiful pale pink, and I felt like a real princess. The joy of finding that perfect tutu is simply magical!

Of course, I didn't just limit my tutu-wearing to Broadway and the theatre. It's essential to embrace the spirit of the city, right? So, I took a detour to Central Park. Imagine, a whole park dedicated to green spaces, trees, and laughter - a haven from the urban bustle! There was even a street performer, a young man who did a little dance routine in a brightly coloured hat. I watched him for ages, so charming and full of energy. It made me think that I could learn a few street dance moves myself! After all, isn't dancing the universal language? And don't you just love how fashion flows freely through the streets, whether it be a vintage dress or a trendy jacket, it just looks fabulous here!

Speaking of fabulous, I couldn't resist a little detour to the shops! You know, sometimes a bit of retail therapy does the trick. It's just so inspiring to see the different styles, colours, and textures. I especially loved finding the vintage clothes boutiques nestled away in quaint side streets. They had the most beautiful dresses, and I managed to find a stunning cream lace dress, just perfect for my next performance. It reminded me of the times when I used to make clothes with my mum. We used to make such fabulous dresses together and I even bought her a beautiful pink tutu. My Mum does actually look amazing in pink. Just the other day she was in Derbyshire going for her morning walk and someone asked her if she was an 'artistic tutu fairy'! Isn't that brilliant? I hope that one day, maybe next year, she'll join me for one of my tours. She loves the American dancers and thinks I've chosen the best job in the world. That really makes me happy and keeps me going.

New York City is just brimming with inspiration for a budding fashionista like me. Whether it's watching a new production at the theatre, strolling through the parks, or grabbing a slice of pizza (let's be real, it's practically a requirement!), New York is always reminding me why I love travelling and why pink tutus are just the best! I've even found some lovely stores selling bright pink tutus here in New York. There are a couple of little boutiques tucked away on 5th Avenue and one fabulous shop, on Broadway called 'Fairy Dreams'. The shop assistant let me try on loads of the beautiful bright pink tutus and gave me some expert advice. I left feeling really confident that I could pull off a bright pink tutu dance in Central Park next week. I know, I'm a little crazy!

Did you know that there is an art and film festival happening in New York this week? I would love to have checked it out, but alas, it's all wrapped up today. I am feeling quite sad about that, but perhaps next time I'm here, I can pop in and see a screening or two!

Talking about festivals, I really can't believe this time of year is already here! The Christmas markets are going up around New York, and I'm hearing Christmas carols. I always think Christmastime in New York is the most magical! I can't wait for all the sparkly decorations and ice skating. What are you planning to do this Christmas, darlings? Maybe you could pop on your pink tutu and do a Christmas ballet dance in your own town. Or, even better, maybe we can get a Pink Tutu Tour to visit New York at Christmas. Maybe we can get a real Broadway theatre production with our tutus!

Right, well, Iโ€™m off now. I need to practise a few ballet routines and think about that Central Park performance! Donโ€™t forget to visit the blog next week! Until then, be good and happy, and remember: pink tutus always bring joy!

Love, Emma xx

PS Don't forget, dear readers! My journey wouldn't be possible without my beautiful performances. Catch me in action next week in a magical production at the beautiful Broadway Theatre! The excitement is building already and it looks like the reviews are fabulous! Check out my blog for further details and get your tickets early, darling, these things are like hotcakes! And remember: life's too short to not wear a pink tutu!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-11-30 she danced in New York City