
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-12-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City Edition - Post #186

Monday, 28th December 1998

Hello darlings! Happy Monday from the Big Apple! ๐ŸŽ

This weekend was simply sensational! As a self-proclaimed aficionado of all things fabulous, I couldn't resist the lure of New York City in December. The glittering lights, the crisp air, the delicious scent of gingerbread lattes... it's pure magic. And of course, what's a visit to New York without indulging in a little bit of theatre?

This week, I decided to push the boundaries of my sartorial comfort zone and wear my pink tutu to the Met! I mean, how could I not? The iconic "In America: An Anthology of Fashion" exhibition promised to be a breathtaking display of artistry and fashion history. The intricate details and flowing lines of the dresses, the breathtaking historical context, it was all absolutely enchanting.

Speaking of enchantment, I'm delighted to announce that I saw two performances at the New York City Ballet this weekend. The sheer grace and power of these ballerinas never ceases to amaze me. They literally flew across the stage, their movements as fluid and effortless as silk ribbons dancing on the wind. I even had the chance to have a chat with one of the ballerinas afterwards โ€“ we bonded over our shared love of pink tutus, naturally!

But New York isn't just about fancy dance shows and museum visits, oh no. There's so much to explore in this city! I spent an afternoon wandering around the Christmas markets, marvelling at the handmade crafts and delicious smells of hot chocolate and cinnamon. And of course, I couldn't resist snagging a few adorable souvenirs for my beloved family back in Derbyshire. I know my mum will love the quirky Christmas ornaments I picked up โ€“ they're guaranteed to make our tree even more dazzling this year.

But honestly, one of the highlights of the trip was the shopping, darlings! ๐Ÿ›๏ธ My luggage is practically bursting with the treasures I found at Macy's, Bergdorf Goodman, and even some vintage boutiques. Oh, the gorgeous cashmere jumpers, the silk scarves, the adorable pink fascinators! (Because let's be honest, every girl needs a new fascinator in her life).

The most fun part? Discovering little hidden gems amongst the chaos of Manhattan! One delightful find was a quaint little cafe nestled on a side street, complete with twinkling fairy lights and delicious cakes that made my heart sing.

This city truly does have something for everyone. From world-class entertainment and cutting-edge fashion to charming coffee shops and bustling markets, New York is a symphony of sights, sounds, and experiences that tantalise the senses.

But don't think I'm all about high-end luxury and extravagance, darlings! A quintessential part of any New York experience is navigating its legendary subway system. It may be packed, it may be slightly intimidating, but it's undeniably thrilling. It feels like you're part of a giant, pulsing organism, connecting with millions of others as they move through this remarkable city. Plus, it's such an efficient way to get around. Who needs a fancy car when you've got a trusty Metrocard in hand?

My love for New York City continues to grow with every visit. The vibrant energy, the infectious optimism, the constant buzz of possibility โ€“ it's truly inspiring. I've made some lovely new friends during this trip, enjoyed delicious food, experienced incredible art, and even learnt a few new dance steps!

So until next time, darling! Remember, you don't need to be a ballerina to wear a pink tutu. We can all add a touch of magic and joy to our lives, even if it's just by wearing a little pink. ๐Ÿ’–

Stay fabulous, darlings!

Emma ๐Ÿฉฐ


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-12-28 she danced in New York City