New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-03-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #195: New York, New York!

Monday, March 1st, 1999

Good morning darlings! It's me, Emma, your resident pink tutu-clad traveller, and this week I'm bursting with excitement. Because today, I'm taking you all to the Big Apple! New York City, that bustling haven of dreams and towering skyscrapers, where even the pigeons strut their stuff with a certain je ne sais quoi.

Now, as many of you know, I adore a good ballet performance. The graceful movements, the sweeping costumes, the dramatic lighting... it just speaks to my soul. And what better place to witness the very pinnacle of the art form than New York?

You can imagine how delighted I was when my agent confirmed the exciting news that I would be dancing in the Metropolitan Opera House for the next few weeks, featuring in a glorious rendition of "The Nutcracker." Can you believe it? Just last month, I was teaching ballet to little darlings in my village back in Derbyshire, and now I'm about to grace the stage of a world-renowned venue. Dreams really do come true, don't they?

But, before we get into all that, let me paint you a picture of my first few hours in this magical city.

A Pink Tutu Arrives in Manhattan

After a rather turbulent flight (the turbulence wasn't half as bad as the air steward who was convinced that my ballet shoes were "explosive devices"! ), I finally arrived at JFK Airport. Luckily, I'd managed to find my trusty pink tutu in the depths of my suitcase, so I was at least somewhat prepared for the chaos.

My dear friend, Emily, who is also a ballerina, met me at the airport. You see, Emily had moved to New York to pursue her dance career, and she’s become quite the big-city success. Now, don’t be fooled, I may have chosen to stick to my quiet little Derbyshire life, but my skills and ambitions are no less grand. I like to say, “My life, my tutu!” And what is life without a good bit of wanderlust?

Anyway, I was so delighted to see Emily again, and we squealed like school girls (with tutus) before heading into the city on the Metro. My, what a vibrant kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and scents! It felt like a movie.

We reached our flat – and what a flat it was! Bright, spacious, and absolutely buzzing with that quintessential New York energy. Emily has the most incredible collection of vintage costumes and trinkets – a true testament to the glamour of New York life. I nearly fainted when I saw her enormous walk-in wardrobe! And, you know me, I can never resist a good costume haul! I am sure I shall make excellent use of her extensive collection.

Emily had the most thoughtful gesture of having a whole array of tea and treats ready and waiting for us, alongside a little welcome card. We settled down for an afternoon tea, gossiping and making plans for the evening. You see, this isn't my first rodeo in the city that never sleeps! Emily showed me her top spots – everything from those iconic yellow taxis to hidden green spaces in the city centre. She’s a walking encyclopedia of all things New York!

After a cup of tea, and an hour of exchanging fashion tips and gossip about upcoming dance competitions, Emily suggested a little treat. We embarked on a tour of the Lower East Side. The bustling street life, the vibrantly-coloured street art, the scent of steaming hot dogs – I was mesmerized. Oh, and don’t forget the delicious Italian pizza we devoured at a little cafe hidden down a narrow side street. We were utterly engrossed in the flavour and aroma of each bite – oh, those melting mozzarella bubbles… pure perfection!

Fashion Fever: A NYC Shopping Spree!

As evening approached, Emily was excited to introduce me to a few of her favourite boutiques in Soho. Oh, those stores are filled with so much chic inspiration, and a good dose of vintage elegance, that I could have easily lost myself in that stylish wonderland for hours.

But alas, we had a dress rehearsal to prepare for – after all, it’s important to make a grand entrance, right?

I’ve been blessed with an incredible gift for designing, and even have my own range of pink tutus sold on my website, so naturally I had to find a little inspiration for the stage. My tutu will have a stunning backdrop of a starry sky, so we’re adding some shimmering crystals and, of course, my signature, pink feathers! The costume needs to be absolutely dazzling.

Now, what would any ballet enthusiast do in New York without venturing into a ballet shop? Our journey led us to a store brimming with dazzling costumes, each a masterpiece in its own right. From sparkly dance shoes to custom-made tutus, this place had everything a ballerina could possibly dream of! We spent ages browsing through the shelves and trying on everything we could get our hands on, but we’ll tell you all about the details of my dazzling new creation next week. It's a secret until I grace the stage with my new masterpiece!

A Glittering Night at the Met

Later that evening, dressed in a beautiful black velvet cocktail dress, I felt ready to take on the magic of the Metropolitan Opera House. Emily was kind enough to fix my hair in a lovely bun – after all, what's a ballet performance without a perfectly elegant updo?

Stepping inside the grand theatre, I felt my heart quicken with excitement. Imagine gilded columns, plush velvet seats, and a stage fit for a queen! We took our seats amongst a stylish audience – so much champagne, glamour, and, of course, even a few strategically placed pink tutus in the crowd.

We had a lovely view, perfectly framing the incredible orchestra, which included several renowned string players, as they launched into the first chords of the "Nutcracker" symphony. I could see the conductor's baton flicking, a tiny maestro orchestrating the crescendo, all before the first dancer even entered the stage. We were treated to the incredible grace of some of the most talented ballerinas I have ever witnessed. Each graceful move was pure poetry in motion – pure magic.

Dancing Through Dreams: My "Nutcracker" Debut!

But this week was special – I was stepping onto that iconic stage. And guess what? You can't really see any colour in the dim lighting. No dazzling pinks, no extravagant feathers. But what's a ballerina without her tutu? For me, it's about the confidence it gives me, that secret sense of fun. The one I share with my wonderful blog readers who join me on this incredible journey.

So, while the Met audience might not be aware of my signature pink tutu beneath the stage lights, they got to see a dazzling performance filled with breathtaking leaps, elegant arabesques, and a touch of my Derbyshire magic. After the curtain closed on our finale, I stood backstage, exhilarated and proud, filled with that delightful exhaustion you get from a good performance. I was so lucky to be amongst a brilliant company of dancers, all sharing their passion for ballet.

As I step out of the stage door, Emily greeted me with a radiant smile and a quick squeeze. It was almost like being whisked away back into my favourite fashion wonderland - the heart of the city pulsating all around us. It seemed the entire city of New York had gathered to watch the curtain close. That’s a little exaggeration of course! It just feels that way when you're living your dreams.

But I didn’t have long to catch my breath. Back to my little corner of the world, with Emily ready and waiting, we whisked back to the flat for a hot cup of tea, some gossip and a long, long chat. After all, what is life without good company?

I promise I’ll write a full review of the show, my new outfit, and some wonderful new places in my next post. So stay tuned.

And don't forget, my dear readers – always follow your dreams. If you want to dance in a pink tutu in the most glamorous city on Earth – you can. It’s all about believing in yourself. So keep chasing those dreams. And as for me, I’m off to find another pink tutu for next week’s adventures!

See you next Monday!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-03-01 she danced in New York City