
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-06-07 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 209 - Dancing My Way Through the Big Apple!

Monday, 1999-06-07

Hello my darlings!

It's Monday morning, the sun is shining gloriously through my window, and I'm bursting with excitement. Why? Because I'm in New York City, the centre of the universe (and definitely the capital of tutus, if you ask me!). This is the place where dreams are made, and I'm determined to live out mine - one pirouette at a time!

A Tutu-licious Journey Begins

I landed in New York last Friday, after a long but wonderful journey from Derbyshire. You know me, I always have to pack strategically for a trip. I mean, how else could I fit all the tutus? Of course, I made sure my trusty pink tutu came along, along with a few other favourite pieces โ€“ just in case the opportunity arises for a spontaneous performance (you never know, right?). After all, the streets of New York are my stage!

My Big Apple Love Affair

My journey from Heathrow Airport to my little haven in Brooklyn was quite an experience! The sheer scale of the city, the energy, the noise...itโ€™s truly captivating! I admit, I had to hop on the subway a couple of times, which was a real adventure in itself. I absolutely adore the underground in New York - all that rumbling and clatter, and those old carriages that take you on a thrilling journey to a brand new adventure!

Speaking of adventure, you know how much I love finding the hidden gems of a city. This time around, my hunt led me to a little vintage boutique on Bleecker Street. Imagine, piles upon piles of vintage dresses, hats, and oh my, the most beautiful shoes! I couldn't resist treating myself to a darling floral dress โ€“ a perfect touch of retro glamour to my NYC ensemble.

Broadway Bound

The first item on my New York itinerary was of course a ballet show! It's almost criminal to be in the Big Apple and not experience the magic of Broadway. This time, it was "Swan Lake" at the Metropolitan Opera House! I couldn't believe my eyes. The costumes, the music, the passion! It was a sheer delight, and my inner ballerina felt right at home. It's always such a pleasure to immerse yourself in the world of ballet. It truly is the perfect combination of beauty, strength, and artistry.

Finding My Inner Muse

On Saturday, I stumbled upon this charming little ballet school in Greenwich Village called "The Pointe Studio." I was immediately drawn to its welcoming atmosphere. You know me, always wanting to keep my skills sharp! The class was incredibly inspiring. I loved the instructor - such passion, and her technique was top-notch. After class, we had a delightful chat about everything ballet! This was the perfect fuel to get me motivated for my upcoming ballet performance in the city's Central Park!

A Tutu-tastic Park Performance

Yes, my dear readers, on Saturday afternoon, I performed right there in the middle of Central Park, surrounded by an adoring crowd. (Well, maybe it was just a couple of dog walkers and some picnicking families!) But still, there was this magical energy in the air - New York City always knows how to captivate! The best part was a young girl in the audience came up to me after my little performance and gave me a hug. She was so happy to see a tutu, she told me she's been dancing since she was four, and even wants to dance in the streets of New York! That moment warmed my heart!

NYC Shopping Spree

Sunday was a day dedicated to retail therapy! Who can resist the temptation of Fifth Avenue, with all its luxury shops and charming boutiques? I confess, I got a bit carried away in Bergdorf Goodman! I just had to pick up a few accessories to add some sparkle to my outfits. It's always amazing to be in a city with so many unique stores, each with a different story to tell. The day ended with a delightful treat at a little French bakery - the perfect end to a day spent exploring the wonderful world of New York City fashion!

Pink Tutu's Wish

Remember, I mentioned how much I love the color pink? And how my biggest wish is to see everyone wearing tutus? Well, New York City might be the perfect place to spread my Tutu Love! I had such a lovely chat with a couple at a cafe. They're visiting from Texas, and they couldn't believe their eyes when they saw me twirling in my pink tutu! They were intrigued by my blog and my "Pink Tutu Mission". Who knows? Maybe this little chat will spark a tutu-wearing trend across the entire state of Texas!

Stay tuned for more Tutu adventures!

So, what's on my agenda for the coming week? Well, let's just say that itโ€™s packed with more ballet, more fashion, and lots of fun! There are a few performances lined up that I'm absolutely bursting with excitement to share with you. I canโ€™t wait to take you with me on this journey, so make sure to check back next week for more fun and tutu-filled adventures!

Until next Monday, darling!

Lots of love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-06-07 she danced in New York City