New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-05-31 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #208 – Dancing through Manhattan, a Tutu-tastic Tour!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, reporting live from the concrete jungle! This week, I've been twirling through the streets of New York City, where every corner seems to burst with a vibrant new shade of pink! It's no secret that my favourite colour is pink, and let me tell you, this city is just the perfect place for a tutu-obsessed girl like me to let her colours fly!

A Big Apple Dream:

I flew into New York on Saturday, arriving at JFK with my trusty suitcase overflowing with pink tutus and enough sparkly hair accessories to last a lifetime! The minute I landed, I knew this city was going to be an unforgettable experience, and it didn't disappoint. I quickly hopped on the Metro, where my pink tutu instantly made me a little celebrity. People were smiling, waving, and even snapping photos of me! Honestly, seeing so much happiness because of my pink tutu really put a pep in my step, making the journey to my little hotel on the Upper West Side a pure delight.

Pink Paradise: Shopping till You Drop

My first stop in Manhattan was, naturally, a pilgrimage to the mecca of all things sparkly: Saks Fifth Avenue! Let me tell you, this place is a fashion fairyland! It was just about impossible to leave without a new pair of glittery pink heels, and, let's be honest, my wardrobe needed a few extra pink tutus, so a little shopping spree was unavoidable.

But that wasn't the end of my pink-tastic adventure! On Sunday, I hit Fifth Avenue and just went wild browsing the stores. From Tiffany's (oh, the diamonds!) to Bloomingdale's (more tutus!), it was a pink lover's dream! And I must say, I made some amazing new friends. A fabulous girl named Gigi invited me to her dance class – "Pink Pointe" – a gorgeous studio with all pink décor! Gigi was so lovely and gave me a wonderful time learning some incredible steps, perfect for a tutu-loving gal.

The Theatre and Ballet, My True Calling:

Speaking of dancing, you all know how much I love seeing performances. It was actually my ballet performance at the Royal Opera House in London last month that helped fund my trip to New York, and I was excited to experience the legendary Broadway and its ballet scene.

So, last night, I went to the world-famous Lincoln Center to watch the New York City Ballet! It was breathtaking! The energy in that theatre, the skill of the dancers, the sheer beauty of the choreography, it was truly magical. I swear, the entire audience, myself included, gasped at least twenty times.

As always, my heart throbbed with the excitement of watching others dance. There is truly nothing more inspiring than watching talent unfold before your eyes. Seeing those talented ballerinas fly across the stage made me yearn for my own next performance – and maybe even dream of getting onto the New York City Ballet stage someday!

My Week in NYC – So Far:

My New York City adventures are far from over. I still have a whole week left, and my pink tutu is ready to dance!

  • This Wednesday, I have tickets to see “The Phantom of the Opera”, and I've already chosen the perfect pink gown to wear. I’m imagining myself arriving at the theatre with a gorgeous, silky pink dress with a touch of shimmering lace, paired, of course, with a soft, blush pink tutu for a touch of magic!

  • On Thursday, I’m taking a dance workshop led by one of the NYCB dancers! I can’t wait to learn some new moves and brush up on my skills, and, hopefully, gain some inspiration to add to my repertoire!

  • And of course, this weekend I'm planning on making another trip to Fifth Avenue to explore more shops and hopefully, find some vintage pieces to add a bit of nostalgia to my wardrobe.

A Tutu for Everyone!

But beyond all the fashion, shopping and performance, my greatest goal is to inspire everyone to embrace a little bit of pink! Because life is just more fun in a tutu, wouldn't you agree?

This is Emma from Derbyshire, signing off for this week. I’m back in the UK next week, but remember, you can follow my adventures all year round on Pink Tutu Blog NYC! Stay sparkly!


P.S. Don’t forget to visit to check out all my adventures. You can follow my weekly posts, see photos from my trips and learn some tutu-rific tips for wearing pink in every season!

P.P.S. Did you know? May 31st is actually "National Creativity Day" here in the US! What a wonderful excuse to create your own pink-tastic outfits and maybe even make a tutu or two! It's all about unleashing your imagination and adding a touch of magic to your everyday.

Happy Pink Tutuing, my dears!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-05-31 she danced in New York City