New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-08-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition - Post #217: A Tutu-ful Tuesday in the Big Apple 🩰🍎

Hello, darling tutu-lovers! It's Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, coming to you live from the bustling streets of New York City! Today is Monday, the 2nd of August, 1999, and I'm absolutely bursting with excitement about my adventures in this fabulous city.

This week has been a whirlwind of tutu-tastic experiences, and I can't wait to share every delicious detail with you all. Buckle up, darlings, it's going to be a pink-hued, tulle-filled ride!

A Little Slice of Derbyshire in the City That Never Sleeps

New York City has a certain magic to it, you know? It's a whirlwind of energy, creativity, and hustle that reminds me of my dear old Derbyshire, only…much, much bigger. There's something about the sheer ambition in the air here, the feeling that anything is possible if you just reach for it. That's what I love about the city, that sense of potential! I guess I'm living proof of that - just a girl from Derbyshire who loves tutus, living my best life in the city that never sleeps!

But just because I'm exploring the bright lights of the Big Apple doesn't mean I've forgotten where I came from! I carry a little bit of Derbyshire with me everywhere I go – in the warmth of my Yorkshire tea, the love of a good countryside stroll (in my tutu, of course!), and in my heart. Every adventure I have is an inspiration for another, and I can't wait to bring a bit of that New York sparkle back home with me.

A Tutu-rific Day of Performance and Shopping

I've spent the week in New York indulging in my favourite things: ballet and shopping! I have a saying: "It's never too early for tutu time!", and that includes Tuesdays in the city. And this Tuesday was certainly a whirlwind! First stop: the City Center! I was utterly enchanted by the breathtaking performance of "Swan Lake". The music was mesmerizing, the dancers' grace was otherworldly. I swear I was floating in my seat, just entranced by it all. The emotions were so raw, so captivating - a true testament to the power of ballet!

It’s also a brilliant way to earn some money. The funds I gain from dancing and performing allows me to travel around the world, experiencing different cultures and seeing spectacular shows. This whole pink tutu life of mine is an adventure - my biggest accomplishment was getting here, a Derbyshire girl taking on New York City!

Later that evening, I rewarded myself with some serious retail therapy. My heart nearly exploded with delight as I walked into the legendary Bloomingdale's. There were so many fabulous colours and styles, it was like a pink-tutu-lovers dream! I was on the hunt for the perfect tutu to wear to my next big performance, a ballet gala for the Royal Opera House! I have been busy performing, from a fundraiser at the Town Hall, to an exciting tour of Brooklyn and the Bronx - I just love showing the world the beauty of tutus!

My search took me to a truly magical little boutique in SoHo called "The Tutus & Tights Emporium." This place was heaven! Imagine, darlings, an entire store dedicated to everything tutu and tights – the selection was incredible. The shopkeeper, a lovely woman named Miss Petals, was a treasure trove of knowledge about all things ballet! We talked for ages about tutus, and I even got some expert advice on which tutu would best showcase my "pirouette-power!" I’m hoping my newest addition to my tutu collection is a winner - I know you’re all dying to see it, so expect lots of pics and outfit ideas when I next write!

Metro Adventures: The Art of Commuting

And of course, no adventure in New York is complete without navigating the legendary subway system, or as I call it: "The Metro Mingle". The metro system here is a thing of wonder. A dizzying web of tunnels connecting the whole city. It’s always full of life, and there's so much to see – it's an art installation, an underground concert hall, a walking story book all at the same time.

And it always provides for an opportunity for a delightful “Tutu Moment!” The other day, I was headed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art – a haven of amazing paintings and art, where the most impressive tutu, I swear, was one of those amazing 19th-century fashion gowns! I wore my very favourite powder pink tutu, it’s one that sparkles just a little. My outfit, including my trusty ballerina bag, was a smash! And when I got on the metro, a young girl, maybe seven years old, came up to me and gasped. “You're a ballerina! Do you do pirouettes? Can you teach me?"

It was so touching to see her little eyes shining with excitement! I did a quick twirl for her, and we even shared a little ballet pose together. It just goes to show you: a little bit of pink tutu magic goes a long way, and it can inspire the most incredible moments, even on the New York City Metro.

The Dream of Spreading Tutu-Love

My greatest ambition is to get everyone to wear a pink tutu – I mean, isn’t it the most fabulous piece of clothing there is? And I see New York as the perfect place to achieve this dream! My hope is that every time I take a stroll, I can spark some conversation and share the love of the tutu. My vision is a city full of twirling pink tutus!

I am so grateful for the wonderful journey that brought me here to New York, and I am thrilled to share it with you. Until next week, darling tutu-lovers, keep twirling and spreading joy with your own touch of pink magic!

P.S. Be sure to visit for more exciting tutu-related posts and news. Stay tuned!

XOXO, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-08-02 she danced in New York City