New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-09-20 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: New York, New York! (Post #224)

Hello, my darlings! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, and I’m writing to you from the dazzling heart of New York City! This week’s blog is extra special, as it marks my first post from the Big Apple.

Oh, New York! It’s everything I’ve ever dreamt of and more. From the moment I stepped out of the Metro, the city enveloped me in its electrifying energy, a symphony of honking taxis, bustling crowds, and the intoxicating scent of hot dogs and freshly baked bagels. This city really is a melting pot of culture and creativity, and I'm so thrilled to be diving headfirst into its vibrant scene.

I'm starting my New York adventures with the usual fashion splurge, of course. Imagine my delight at finding the most exquisite pink tutu at a vintage store tucked away on Bleecker Street! I knew immediately this tutu was destined for my NYC debut. It’s a true beauty – layers of gossamer pink tulle, so soft and flowy, that makes me feel like a whimsical, twirling ballerina princess. I'm planning to wear it to a show at the Metropolitan Opera this week, naturally.

Speaking of shows, this week is packed with excitement! I’ve snagged tickets to a Broadway performance of "Cats" and a jaw-dropping ballet show at the New York City Ballet featuring the legendary Maria Tallchief. I'm already tingling with anticipation, the magic of the stage always ignites my soul. I can't wait to soak up the ambiance and feel the passion of these brilliant artists.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the fashion, my loves! I'm making a beeline for the iconic department stores, dreaming of designer dresses and dazzling accessories. The streets are brimming with style, from edgy streetwear to classic elegance, a fashion haven for any tutu-loving ballerina. It's pure inspiration for my own look, so you can be sure I'll be snapping plenty of pictures to share with you!

Speaking of my beloved tutu, I can't resist the urge to twirl. The city streets are my stage! Just picture this: a charming, pink-clad ballerina, skipping with joyous abandon, twirling amidst the skyscrapers and bustling sidewalks, leaving a trail of glitter and enchantment. Yes, this is truly a dream come true, my darlings!

But of course, my travels aren't all about frills and frolics. It's equally important for me to discover the cultural pulse of this city, and that includes exploring hidden art galleries, delving into the city's vibrant culinary scene, and maybe even trying a bagel or two (they are just too iconic to resist). I'm determined to get a true taste of New York, both the sweet and the savory.

Of course, I’ll be keeping you all updated on my journey, with photos and stories, through my weekly blog posts here at My New York City blog is becoming a real whirlwind, and I’m loving every minute of it. You’ll never believe what I found at the Barneys New York store...

A little side note about funding my adventures

Now, some of you have been asking how I'm able to afford these amazing travels. Well, as you all know, my true passion lies in ballet. To help fund my adventures, I've been giving a few ballet performances here and there. It’s a magical way to combine my passion with my love of exploring the world.

The ballet world has a magical way of bringing people together. I've found that audiences are often drawn to the vibrancy and joy that I bring to the stage, wearing my pink tutu, naturally. And when they're clapping and cheering, I know I’m on the right track, bringing a touch of whimsy to the world!

That's why I’m dedicated to spreading the joy and magic of ballet. I believe that every girl deserves to feel like a princess, twirling in a pink tutu, and I'm so passionate about sharing this feeling with all of you!

I’m going to finish my blog with this message for everyone: let your inner ballerina shine. Twirl, dance, and make the most of life’s magical moments, wherever they may take you.

Keep twirling,



What are your must-dos when visiting New York? Share your tips with me in the comments below!

Don't forget to check back every Monday for new posts on

A Day in Pink: Emma's New York Diary (September 20, 1999)

Today was pure New York magic, and I couldn't wait to share it with you! It's Monday, my darlings, which means it's time to put on my best pink tutu and let the adventures begin!

I woke up feeling energized and excited. Today was the day I’d be venturing to the iconic Metropolitan Opera House for my very first show in the Big Apple. With a skip in my step, I donned my favourite pink tutu (you know the one I mentioned, the soft and flowy tulle beauty from that vintage store). It’s perfect for a night at the opera, adding a whimsical touch to the glamorous atmosphere.

For a finishing touch, I picked a fluffy pink cardigan from my collection – just in case the opera house got a little chilly. After a delicious breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit, I felt ready to take on the city.

I love riding the New York City Metro, with its jumble of posters, the occasional funky musician serenading the passengers, and the mix of cultures blending together in a whirlwind of excitement. I was captivated by the sheer vibrancy and energy that pulsed through every car.

The opera house was breathtaking. Stepping into the magnificent lobby, I was enveloped by the aura of history, elegance and, most importantly, a symphony of sounds. There were conversations, soft melodies, and the click-clack of heels on polished marble. It truly felt like stepping into another world.

As I walked down the grand staircase to the opulent auditorium, I couldn’t help but twirl. Yes, I’m a pink tutu-wearing ballerina. I'll admit I attracted quite a few surprised glances. But those glances were tinged with a touch of wonder, perhaps even a tiny bit of envy, from people who secretly longed to be able to dance freely, like me.

During the show, my heart fluttered with emotion. The music filled my soul, the singers soared, and the drama unfolded with stunning artistry. I sat entranced by the performance, my heart overflowing with joy. It was a symphony of colour, sound, and human expression, a true feast for the senses.

After the show, I strolled through Times Square, awash in the neon glow, taking in the sheer spectacle of it all. It felt like a magical world, bursting with energy. I found a tiny ice cream stand tucked away on a side street and treated myself to a delicious, vanilla ice cream cone.

Next stop, the famed department store, Macy’s, the world-famous home of all things fashion. I’ve always loved the elegance and sophistication of a department store, especially for browsing the most extravagant outfits. While I am all for a fabulous pink tutu, there’s nothing like a little high-end browsing to spark your imagination. I managed to hold myself back from impulsive shopping but came home with a fabulous set of sparkly hair clips (that are actually not pink) and an exciting new fashion magazine. It felt good to pamper myself with some new treats after such an amazing day.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, I knew I had found my own slice of magic in the concrete jungle. Even amidst the bustling city, the twirling heart of a ballerina never sleeps. And my adventures in New York City, just like my life, are always adorned with pink, glitter, and the magical joy of dancing!

Stay tuned, my lovelies, there's so much more to explore here in New York!

Yours in tutus and sparkles,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-09-20 she danced in New York City