New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-10-25 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 229: A Week of Twirling in the Big Apple

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, back with another week's worth of fabulous adventures from the Big Apple! My pink tutu is positively quivering with excitement as I prepare to share all the magical moments I've encountered since last Monday.

This week has been a whirl of colour and excitement. It's just unbelievable what happens in New York City, honestly. And you know, as I've always said, every day is a performance here! From the hustle and bustle of Times Square to the refined elegance of Fifth Avenue, it's just pure theatrical energy everywhere you turn.

Pink, Tutu and Subway Rides

First, let me tell you, I had the most spectacular experience navigating the New York metro in my trusty pink tutu! Yes, it’s absolutely true – the subway system of New York City can be daunting. But with a little pink twirl in my step, it's just like being on a giant stage! People look up from their smartphones and they smile – sometimes they even clap along. I mean, what better way to get from the Lower East Side to Harlem than with a flourish of pink?

Ballet on Broadway!

Speaking of flurries of pink, you know I couldn’t miss the most exciting ballet production that’s landed in New York this week – the Ballet Russe performance! This truly exquisite, traditional production took the stage at the Lincoln Center – absolutely mesmerising. Honestly, their technique, grace and pure artistry, the dancers just radiated with effortless talent. If you ever get the chance to see a classical performance, it's an experience like no other, just pure beauty in motion. You see, ballet is life. It's not just dancing – it’s about a deep sense of joy, strength and creativity, and this company, well they certainly conveyed that in every single pirouette and arabesque.

*Broadway Debut! *

I’m so excited to be stepping into the spotlight this week on Broadway, in my own special way. You know I just can't resist the allure of the stage. I'll be dancing with some brilliant young talent at the famous "Dance It Out!" benefit – a vibrant mix of contemporary and traditional, hip hop to ballet. A true kaleidoscope of talent! We are raising funds to give opportunities for those looking to launch their own careers. This show's a huge celebration of the arts, showcasing passion and creativity - truly a beautiful way to express oneself, and just the right vibe for a tutu and a smile!

Pink is the New Black!

I'm constantly inspired by New York City’s incredible fashion sense – always edgy, stylish, and never afraid to break a few rules. It’s not just about what you wear, but the attitude and confidence you carry with you. I mean, the whole "less is more" motto can’t possibly apply when it comes to expressing yourself through fashion, now can it? It's a fabulous mixture of cultures and styles; New York’s a true playground of self-expression, and that’s what makes the city so much fun.

My trip to New York’s renowned fashion house “Chic and Bloom” was simply exquisite – every piece was a little bit of theatrical drama on a hanger. And don’t even get me started on the accessories – I could have spent hours lost in their glorious shoe department! This boutique has such a quirky and playful sense of style. I found some new additions to my tutu collection. Yes, I know, I’m a bit obsessed. Pink tulle is just my weakness, it makes every occasion a party!

From Derbshire to New York!

You may be wondering, how does a pink-loving girl from Derbyshire manage to afford such glamorous trips? It's all about balancing passions, darling! My biggest love is the stage – whether it’s a beautiful, big theatre in New York, or the village hall in my hometown. My dance performances provide me with enough money to explore this magnificent world, to see incredible things and meet incredible people! Honestly, the best part of it is that every single performance lets me share a little bit of magic with people - sharing that sense of excitement and freedom of self-expression. It’s about creating memories – for the audience, but also for me!

This week, my heart has truly felt as free as a bird, as if I’m on stage in the spotlight, and all the world’s a stage, right? But honestly, every single day is like a new curtain rising. This week’s blog post has been a delight to write for you and I can't wait to show you what next week has in store. Until then, stay fabulous, wear your pink tutu, and most importantly – enjoy the beautiful performance called life!

Lots of love and a big, pink hug, Emma

What was happening in New York on the 25th October 1999

Now let’s take a moment to think about what was happening in the real world back in 1999 – 25th of October was a Monday, right? Just like me and my pink tutu, the people of New York were making their way through the daily grind, hopping on and off the metro and all. The news was all about the world’s problems back then, but life is always a little less stressful with a pinch of pink. Remember darlings, a positive attitude is everything!

On a sidenote, did you know...

  • New York’s Central Park was a place for farmers until the 1850s!

  • The city’s most iconic yellow taxi cabs weren't yellow until 1912 – the government was encouraging people to choose these vibrant cars as they were easier to see in foggy conditions.

  • The very first Statue of Liberty was not copper! It was in fact constructed out of plaster and paper and stood in France as an encouragement for the USA to support French freedom and its anti-slavery fight.

See? Learning things is so fun! Let me know if you're curious to learn more - we can explore the depths of the big apple and uncover hidden wonders, together!

I hope you enjoyed this week's blog. I can’t wait to bring you more of my New York adventures! Remember, the best fashion statement is a pink tutu and a smile, so go out there and shine!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-10-25 she danced in New York City